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Now What?

Posted on Fri Sep 22nd, 2023 @ 1:14am by Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell & Patin & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla'ren & Lieutenant Chester "Duo" Maxwell & Lieutenant T'Ka O’Drisscol & Lieutenant JG S’Ers-a Kelek t’LyrZor, Maa t'Lyr'Zor & Lieutenant JG Montgomery Vala & Lieutenant JG Ghemora & 1st Lieutenant Kate Score & Lieutenant JG Blake Leone & Ensign Syrik & Lieutenant Thomas Haldeman & Lieutenant Alison Haldeman & Senior Chief Petty Officer Ronson Mitchell

Mission: Repairs and Retribution
Location: USS Sunfire
Timeline: Current-ish

Even as the commotion began to settle down, Patin entered the bridge, still in full tactical gear. On the screen a series of satellite turrets she was familiar with. They weren't being shot at which was a plus. She spotted Dean at the center of the bridge and Patin being Patin she asked the most obvious question, "Now what?"

"Now," Dean turned to give a look over Patin a moment. Well then, "We have to get close enough to get a read on locations. We know, or we should know at the least, where they are being held is not just going to be in a facility on the surface for all to see."

Ronson looked at Bonnie as the ideas were bounced around the bridge regarding their next move. "Didn't I hear something about Remal and a transponder?" He whispered so that only she could hear.

At that moment, Montgomery Vala limped onto the bridge, eyes glancing around with some agitation. He had only been on board the USS Sunfire for a few days, and this was his first time 'on deck' as it were. He didn't know anyone here, and he had no idea what was going on.

"Montgomery Vala, reporting for duty" he announced, barely glancing at the centre of the bridge, too busy scanning the unfamiliar layout for his station. He spotted what he assumed would be it in the corner, took a deep breath and walked over, ready to assume his duties.

Dean glanced to the turbolift doors, and then the one with the pointy ears, "I was going to say welcome aboard, and apologize for the lack of pleasantries. We're obviously a little occupied. And since you've taken your station already, start scanning for Starfleet signatures. Make it look like you're just trying to find a good place to park."

"This is not, I believe the turn of phrase is, 'my first rodeo', sir." Vala responded as he began tapping on the screen in front of him. While he didn't have the intimate details of the situation, context cues were causing mental connections to flare. Having access to the sophisticated sensors of the Sunfire didn't hurt either. Cardassian weapon platforms typically existed in Cardassian space, Vala mused, so we're probably not meant to be here. A small smile passed his lips.

Sera studied the newcomer through the veil of her lashes, as her head was tilted down and focused upon her console. Ears tapered into a point spoke of Vulcanoid heritage of some sort; however his overall mien was anything but the stiffly controlled 'Vulcan' demeanor she was more than familiar with. She would have to obtain more information about him at a more appropriate time.

Alison offered the newcomer a warm smile. “Nothing like being thrown in at the deep end is there?” She looked at the viewscreen then back at Vala. “I’m Alison Haldeman, Assistant Chief Ops.”

"A pleasure" Vala responded, glancing over briefly. "It's probably the best way to get... uh... ingratiated somewhere new." Another small smile. His fingers danced over his station once more. "Aggressive 'parking' scans are ongoing, sir. I will let you know if any spaces are available."

In response to Ronson, Bonnie entered the signal frequency into her console and pulled up a map. Then without hesitation sent the map to the main viewer and the stations which were searching. "Looks like the signal from the tracker is just passing the terminator into night, on the other side of the planet. There is something scattering the imaging meaning a shield of some kind. It is approximately 1.25 kilometers round and, um, I would, uh, guess it would prevent beaming of any kind." After all, what good would a prison be if you could just transport away?

Tom heard Alie talking to someone, turning his head briefly from his console he a new officer. Raising his hand in greeting and giving it a little wave before turning back to monitoring his console.

"So we have a 1.5km area to search, I'll take those odds over the needle in the proverbial haystack." Ronson commented as he examined the map. "Will they detect us?"

"Not if we drop systems down. Give them some fluctuations that would be akin to the rust bucket we currently look like." Dean gave a little shrug, "Or at least... keep us looking normal to them to not question it so fast. Giving us time to set up a ground team."

"No one appears to be taking much interest in us thus far. Sensors have detected only the most superficial of scans. Their security is obviously sub-par. Let us hope their laxity continues." Sera offered as an update. She knew that the 'hard work' was coming.

Score was still located at Tactical standing by for Orders.

"Are they lax, or are they waiting?" Ronson mused to himself as he turned back to his station, trying to figure a way to chink the armour of the shielded location. "Are you sending down an away team Sir?" He asked the Captain.

Since the incident that had started the Sunfire's crew on a collision course with the woman's past, Ghemora had been sealed away in the SCIF served as her office, hard at work trying to discover what information she could and come up with plots and plans to aid in the rescue. As the turbolift doors opened to the Bridge, the Cardassian stepped out and only took a few steps forward to come alongside the Aft wall stations, waiting for Commander House, her immediate superior, to take notice and address the unanticipated Intel Officer's presence.

When finally addressed, the Cardassian's chin tipped up slightly as she stiffened her back and answered, "Commander, I have uncovered some information that may be of aid to our search, and some options to allow us to gain covert access to the Cardassian Security zone."

Ronson as well as the rest of the bridge crew turned to look at the Sunfire's new Intel chief. When had she come aboard? He hadn't even noticed the sea of new faces as they had left the Starbase in such a hurry. Hopefully there would be time for proper introductions later.

Alison offered the new arrival a polite nod as she looked towards her. No doubt they’d meet again when they had time for proper introductions.

Score actually looked intrigued. And she hardly ever was unless it had something to do with her Marines...Might have to read some Personal files later....Get to know the crew I am working with...

Sera looked at the newcomer, and her expression went completely...blank. Calm. There was a...Cardassian on the bridge. She looked back down to the scrolling data on her console because what she felt an overwhelming urge to do would not have looked upon warmly from the rest of the crew, no doubt.

It was NOT logical to blame an entire species on the actions of a few during a time of war. Her feelings did not matter. The mission mattered. Focus on the mission...focus.

"I'm hoping their lax Chief." Tom spoke up. "The sooner we're past all this the better I'll feel." His eyes briefly going to the newest arrival, a Cardassian. Maybe she could help them in their efforts to free the captain, XO and Chief Counselor.

Alison nodded in agreement. “The sooner we get to our people the better, they won’t care if they’ve got two pregnant women down there, they’ll exploit it for all it’s worth!”

Her eyes had locked on to the newcomers, or rather the one specifically. A Cardassian on the bridge of a Federation Starship was interesting to say the least. For Patin, in the situation they were in, immediately her hackles were raised. After the small talk and banter passed, which she was non to fond of to begin with, she stated her position very clearly. "I don't care how we get there as long as I get to rattle some Spooners." It was a slur, not directed but intended. "Those are my friends in that hole."

Sera braved turning her attention to whom last spoke. Rattle some spooners, indeed. Before the war she would have considered a person speaking in such a manner grossly insensitive...illogical. But now? She could not disagree. The crew members trapped below were not her friends...but they were shipmates. Sunfire was an island--a nation--floating amongst the stars, and down to it, although oaths were given to the Federation and to Starfleet, the most important oath--an unspoken one--was freely given to all who served aboard a vessel.

Attack one of us...face all of us.



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