Lieutenant Alison Haldeman
Name Alison Haldeman
Position Assistant Chief Operations Officer
Second Position Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist
Rank Lieutenant
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 40 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5’ 7” | |
Weight | 120 lbs | |
Hair Color | Mousey Blonde | |
Eye Color | Blue | |
Physical Description | Alison is an attractive woman with long hair and sky blue eyes. She’s managed to keep remarkably fit during the ten years stranded on the ‘game’ planet. |
Spouse | Thomas Haldeman | |
Children | Amanda Haldeman (12) Alex Haldeman (deceased - age 4) Alex Thomas (son - aged 6 weeks) |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Alison is a kind hearted, gentle soul but ten years stranded on a planet in fear for her life and that of her daughter has added a new element of strength, and character, as well as fear. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | + Kind and caring + A dedicated mother + Strong willed - Afraid of losing what she has - Firey temper |
Ambitions | Having lost her son Alison has sworn never to let anything or anyone harm her daughter or unborn child. She wants to try and give her marriage a second chance. |
Personal History | Up until ten years age Alison was happily married to Thomas Haldeman. After the death of her son, at the tender age of 4, as a lesson to her husband she found it hard to even look at Thomas let alone be married to him. All her love and dedication instead turned to her daughter Amanda. One night two months prior to the arrival of the USS Liberty a blazing argument lead to the only night she’d spent with her husband in those ten years, the result of which is Alison being pregnant with their third child. With her husband required to stay aboard the Liberty, she has decided to remain and give their marriage another chance. She has since been assigned as part of the Operations and Science departments. |
Service Record | Until 2378 - USS Manchester 2378 - Assigned to USS Sunfire |