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Day 2 - Alpha When Shift Hits the Fan pt2

Posted on Thu Sep 5th, 2024 @ 11:40pm by Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell & Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla'ren & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & 1st Lieutenant Freya Score & Ensign Aubrie Fox & Ensign Kitiuas Thenis & 2nd Lieutenant Connor McQueen & Commander Jennifer Baldric & Lieutenant Sarah Wilson

Mission: Lost in Space
Location: Deep Borg Space
Timeline: Current


On the bridge, Aurora had sensed the Arrivals. “We have intruders, the Borg are onboard.”

"Intruder alert!" Baldric shouted as her voice was piped through the entire ship. The bridge was locked down to slow any progress of foot soldiers taking over the ships nerve centre. "Lower bulkheads and secure all essential areas" it was a rudimentary method of hampering those who sought to assimilate them. Just as she finished speaking, several Borg materialized on the bridge.

Jennifer moved over to the tactical station to protect her most valuable officer at this time, the one that controlled she ships' only chance of destroying the spheres. "Keep firing, all weapons, random frequencies!"

Jenna, still busy trying to maneuver the ship, realized she was close to one of the materialized Borg. She activated the thrusters, rocking the ship and briefly unbalancing the soldiers. As it lunged towards her, she turned and jammed her hand like a knife into the chest cavity just to the right of it's sternum. It staggered then fell to the side, not dead but unable to function. "Don't let them touch you!" She yelled and she turned back to her console.

At the back of the bridge, trying to assist security with computer controls, coordinates of intruders and coordinating bridge commands, Bonnie simply kept her head low just in case any stray fire should come at her. The last thing she wanted at this moment was to end up like her Mother. Not after everything else that had happened recently.

"Dammit to fracking hell!" Dean was continuing to fire, listening to the orders but also throwing his own twists when it came to the weapons and their patterns, and frequencies. Even changing up into near-phase ranges. He was getting frustrated, however.

He glanced to Jennifer when she tried to take over Tactical. Actually, that left him free to do what he can do. "Just keep on them, follow the patterns I've been using. I've got these assholes. Notify security I'll be there momentarily, and if they haven't go complete melee."

Dean turned to grab one of the Borg that was coming up behind Bonnie by the collar. "Get away from her you Bitch!" Kicking it's knee out from under it and literally picking it up then slamming it down hard enough, if it wasn't durasteel, it'd made a small crater. Snapping it's neck. "No one touches my Bonnie-kin." He meant 'our' but still, regardless of their relationship or well, lack there of in one aspect, it was there it was solid.

The noise alone had startled Bonnie and caused her hand to jump over her head in an act of self protection. She looked back and saw the twitchy, now dead Borg and Dean look at her before turning back to his console. "Thank you." She offered before returning to isolating Borg signatures and activating localized shield containers. She knew they would eventually adapt but it was a small way to slow them down and the only way she knew she could help.

Jennifer noted the choice of words and filed that particular piece of information in the back of her brain. She hadn't been trying to take over tactical, more to offer additional protection from the invading Borg. Still, the situation presently was almost even, the Sunfire crew holding back to Borg so far and preventing them from taking hold. But a sphere was much larger than an Akira class bird and they were outnumbered.

Another wave beamed aboard, dozens more Borg appearing in key locations. It was at that moment when the Whales moved into action, heading straight towards the Spheres and planning to use their considerable bulk and size as a weapon.

Aurora was on her feet trying to dodge the remaining Borg, she wasn’t going to let them get their hands or equipment on her baby, or her husband. She hovered beside Savar, both for cover and protection for them both, her phaser ready in her hand. Truth was she’d never had to use it before.

Savar's phaser was up, and he was firing with precision at the Borg who had appeared on the bridge. He moved closer to Aurora to protect her and their baby. "Stay behind me Aurora." He spoke as he fired again at a Borg who had just materialized on the bridge.

The whales looked to be lining up to ram the spheres, or at the very least broadside them with a savage swipe of the tail. It was crude and rudimentary but had the strange outcome of being very effective. As their huge bulk collided with the spheres, the Borg vessels shook violently and went dark. The Borg that were on the Sunfire already though were not affected.

"Borg Spheres are dark, the whales are protecting us!" Ops announced before ducking under the green energy bolt of a Borg weapon.

Jennifer took a hit to the shoulder and spun as she went down, using the momentum to get another few shots off before she hit the deck. It was a glancing blow but still hurt. "Baldric to all hands, we have the advantage, repel all boarders!" She changed the frequency on her hand weapon and fired again.

Savar saw Baldric fall, He moved to her side with Aurora beside him. "Are you alright Commander?" he asked as he fired again taking down a Borg intruder. "We seem to be gaining control." He informed her.

As the last Borg intruder fell on the bridge, decks started reporting in. "Anthropology here, Borg free bridge." Came the call. And the call after call sounded off. Until at last they were waiting on the final report in from Deck 7, and Engineering, two of the widest, hardiest invaded decks. Bonne tried calling them, "Engineering come in? Deck 7? Marines report, are you Borg free?"

The news that the Borg were being defeated was news to Baldric's ears. With the bridge being clear and the spheres dark she made her way to the command chair and surveyed the carnage in space where the spheres had been. Debris littered the impact zone and it was a wonder the spheres were still intact, albeit somewhat shabby.

"Engineering, Marines, report" she echoed Bonnie's hails.

Deck 7 - Marine Deployment Offices, Armory and Bunkrooms

As he walked through the corridors he shook his head, the wounded being tended to were numerous, however not as many wounded as dead. He collected the few dog tags from his brothers and sisters as he moved.

He reached for his throat =/\= McQueen to the bridge.. hostiles are clear, requesting medical teams to transport and treat as soon as possible. =/\=

He hadn’t been able to find Lieutenant Score as he was held back by the Borg onslaught. Knowing that she was more than capable of handling herself, he saw to the wounded, pulling out trauma kits and helping where he could.



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