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Day 2 - Alpha When Shift Hits the Fan pt1

Posted on Thu Sep 5th, 2024 @ 11:37pm by Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell & Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla'ren & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & 1st Lieutenant Freya Score & Ensign Aubrie Fox & Ensign Kitiuas Thenis & 2nd Lieutenant Connor McQueen & Commander Jennifer Baldric & Lieutenant Sarah Wilson

Mission: Lost in Space
Location: Deep Borg Space
Timeline: Current


"Pattern Delta 4, aye." Jenna activated the pre-planned set of controls launching the Sunfire forward, then down pulling the spheres closer before swinging around in a 180 spin before heading straight back up and at the 2 spheres. This move would both disorient and then split the enemy allowing for a firing pattern both along the dorsal and ventricle.

Savar continued to monitor the Borg spheres as they came closer to the Sunfire's position. "All weapons are online and at your disposal Commander Baldric." He solemnly informed her.

"Open fire all weapons, keep the shield modulation changing, same with weapons. All personnel, arm yourselves and prepare to repel intruders" Commander Baldric ordered as the Borg opened fire.

Savar held tightly to the phaser in his hand, he would defend the ship, the crew, Aurora his beloved wife who was pregnant with their child along with Sidak their adopted son to his last breath. He would stay strong and never surrender. he vowed to himself even as the Sunfire lurched and bucked under the impact of the Borg's weapons. "Shield modulation is working. I cannot say for how much longer." He informed Baldric.

"Once the automatic modulation stops, switch to manual modulation of the shields, same goes for weapons. Once they figure out the computer's algorithm we're screwed if we don't." Baldric quickly made her way to the nearby weapons locker and tossed phasers and rifles to the bridge crew, not an easy task with the way the ship was ducking and weaving. "Jenna, change pattern Gamma 2"

Aurora was hanging on for dear life as the ship ducked and dived in the battle against the Borg, she would defend herself, her children and Savar until the bitter end.

"Aye, Gamma two." Jenna repeated to show she heard and acknowledged the order given. Gamma two was all about speed and keeping the enemy off guard. The ship jumped forward once more along a straight trajectory until they were just beyond the reach of weapons, turned and quickly short-warp jumped back into the fray. For a split second she appeared in two places at once.

A line of quantum torpedoes lanced out and across the first sphere. Smaller explosive charges soon followed within. Jenna started to turn the Sunfire away when a green tractor beam shot out, entrapping the mighty ship in her clutches. "They have us locked in a tractor beam." She announced.

"Not for long," Dean switched over to the CRPW when the attack first started so it would be charged. He'd altered it a little in the programming. Giving an exaggerated push to fire, one torpedo fired out to hit the first sphere while it was still 'intact' and bouncing back and forth between the two spheres. Doing damage each time, the last part of the string hitting the tractor emitter, which disabled it.

"Tractor beam is gone. We are free." Savar announced as he continued to monitor systems and weapons. "I suggest transporting two photon torpedoes to both spheres once their shields drop. The damage infliction by such explosions in a confined space will be most substantial."

As the Marine team came onto the bridge Connor nodded towards them as they took up their respective places, he headed to the lift and made his request for Deck 7. He was starting to worry a bit as he hadn’t heard from Lieutenant Score since the Borg had made their presence known. As the doors opened he stepped out into a bustling corridor.

Deck 7 - Marine Deployment Offices, Armory and Bunkrooms

There were Marines running to their battle stations as he made a few commands here and there to send them on their way Connor turned a corner, at the end of the hallway two green lights lit up the half dark and two Borg drones materialized, Connor lifted his rifle in a smooth motion to aim down the sights, and jogged quickly approaching the drones.

He closed the distance, quickly slinging his rifle behind him and pulling out two mek’leth from his back taking down the first drone with a quick slab to his neck and the second cleaving first one arm from the drone that had been reaching out to Connor and then slicing the drone straight up from its waist to chest, they both dropped to the deck within seconds as Connor snarled and looked around.

He touched his throat mic =/\= McQueen to the bridge, we have hostiles deck 7. =/\= He then swung around to continue his search.



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