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Moving on

Posted on Mon Apr 8th, 2024 @ 10:07am by Commander Jennifer Baldric & Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla'ren & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Ensign Kitiuas Thenis

Mission: Character Development
Location: DS9

With Bustani in custody and being now handled by the station security team, Commander Baldric called the Sunfire team together in the DS9 briefing room to debrief.

Aurora walked into the briefing room alongside Savar, it seemed like an age since they’d had a chance to spend time together especially with recent events. She nodded politely to Baldric as she took a seat. “Commander.”

"Counsellor Vali" Jennifer nodded as Aurora entered with the ships CO "Commander Savar, it is good to see you" she commented as they took their seats. Dr Wilson and Ronson followed soon after and took their seats. Baldric was rapidly coming to terms why Captain Kaylen always had he Yoeman present. The man was the taker of notes, he provider of refreshments and all things in between.

"Commander Baldric. It is agreeable to see you as well." Savar replied evenly and pleasantly As he and Aurora sat down together.

Dean still had the kitten perch evidently, coming in about the time Savar and Aurora sat down. Just finding a spot and taking it.

Baldric waited until the rest of the crew came in and settled themselves down before starting the debrief.

"Thank you all for coming. I've called you here to debrief after the explosion in Quarks a few days ago. I know many of you were involved in a variety of ways. Firstly and most importantly, we have caught and charged the woman responsible."

“Thank heaven for that!” Aurora gave a relieved smile. “Especially after the harm and damage she caused.”

Ensign Thenis groaned when she heard there was to a briefing in the DS9 briefing room. She reluctantly got up from her bed and turned the UV light off. She quickly dressed and made her way to the briefing room. She entered the room slightly late, and quickly found a seat. Damn medication, who the hell would have thought getting such bad burns and a mini explosion to the chest would hurt so much.

Jennifer nodded as Kit entered and took her seat. "Bustani will be charged with the attempted murder of Quark, and numerous counts of grevious bodily harm." She cast her eyes around the table. "On a brighter note, repairs are just about concluded on the Sunfire and she will be ready to fly in a day or so. Crew will begin boarding for systems checks from tomorrow."

“We’re going to be leaving so soon?” Aurora’s thoughts were on Rhenora, she’d promised she wouldn’t leave Rhenora incase anything happened during the birth of her baby. “That means we’d have to leave Captain Kaylen.”

"Easy Aurora. Let Commander Baldric continue." Savar said quietly.

"Captain Kaylen will be rejoining is before we launch, she is aware of our current situation and has had a few days of quiet time" Baldric smiled reassuring. "So, we have 10 hours left of leave, I suggest you make use of it. Boarding is from 0600 tomorrow morning. Diagnostics and systems checks from 0800. Any questions?"

Kit raised her hand "Begging your pardon, but what is our next mission sir? I have specimens of living arachnids to be placed and secured."

"I'm expecting a communique from Starfleet Command tomorrow morning as we start our diagnostic period. I'm sure they have something interesting and hopefully not to dangerous for us as we get back into space." Commander Baldric spoke honestly. "You'll have to secure your critters before tomorrow morning."

Jennifer looked around the room to see if anyone had any questions, seeing there was none, she drew the meeting to a close and allowed everyone to leave.


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