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Not of Bajor

Posted on Fri Apr 5th, 2024 @ 1:52pm by Commander Jenna Ramthorne

Mission: The Beginning of the End
Location: Bajor
Timeline: Current-ish

That night, sloshed with Pooncheen and crashed out on the couch, Jenna found herself unable to fight off certain mental wanderings as they invaded her brain. Like many dreams she had been having in the last five years, the imagery started with Vic's face and quickly progressed through a large compound on the planet Cardassia. She swiftly and silently moved in the shadows, disabling guard after guard until she found the bedroom of her target.

As in past dreams she would take out the guards outside the doors before throwing the doors open and her mind would wake her up as it struggled to block out the subsequent events by scaring her into waking up screaming. Unlike prior sequences, however, this time she threw open the doors only to find herself in a different space.

She found herself on the bridge of the Sunfire D, the Defiant class Sunfire. But it was clean, practically white washed. Everything was shiny, bright, but also blurry as if her own vision was masking the sight. Probably the Pooncheen. At first empty, she noticed motion in her peripheral. Several familiar figures, also too bright to see clearly, entered her visual spectrum and crossed in front of her as if they were inspecting the person in front of themselves.

Then they began to speak in voices that were not Jenna's which was abnormal for any of her dreams. Definitely the Pooncheen. She thought.

"A rogue element has joined the field of play." Came a voice that was familiar yet distant. The visage was of a green skinned doctor Jenna once called friend, Laria. That figure passed by and another walked into view, giving a disapproving look.

"This one is not of Bajor." It was Rhenora, but a younger version of her. The Rhenora Jenna had come to know when she first stepped foot upon the Sunfire as a lowly Ensign.

Jenna looked from one to another and attempted to plead her case, before getting interrupted. "I am a friend of Bajor, a friend of..."

A man's voice then spoke, his voice like a dagger in Jenna's heart. "Her future is uncertain, unseen, a rogue element." The voice of Vic Weller, Jenna's former lover and the father of what was going to be their child. This Vic was younger, more happy than the current broken shell of a man she remembered from years ago.

"I will fight for Bajor. I will fight for my friends Rhenora Kaylen and Remal Kajun and I pity anyone who attempts to stand in my way." Jena shouted into the mist.

"Her temperament is of Bajor, stubborn and strong. Her conviction intrigues us." This coming from Rhenora once more. Then the being stopped and looked deeper in Jenna's soul through her eyes. The feeling was invasive but Jenna held her position. "We will allow the rogue element to fight for Bajor, though not of Bajor."

She then stepped closer, "Do not interfere in the plan else evil will reign." It was vague, considering Jenna was not privy to 'the plan'.

"I live for my friends." Jenna eeked out before the white washed environment faded and she was left waking in a sweat, still on the couch in front of a dwindling fire, covered with a blanket. Outside the storm had subsided and the early birds were waking in their nests.

She glanced around the room to find the house still asleep. Her eyes falling upon the glass of Pooncheen unfinished on the table. "No more Poon for me thanks." She said to herself before rolling over and trying to grab a few more winks.


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