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Posted on Tue Sep 27th, 2022 @ 1:29am by Commodore S'thenosis Gorgox & Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell & Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla'ren & Lieutenant Chester "Duo" Maxwell & Lieutenant JG Blake Leone & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Ensign Kitiuas Thenis

Mission: *CD*
Location: Conference Room
Timeline: 4 Days Until Cardassia Trial

With a hefty dose of trepidation Captain Kaylen Rhenora called a staff meeting in preparation for what she thought would happen when they arrived at Cardassia. It was her belief that they would be arrested and convicted in the first instance, and then it would be up to Commodore S'thenosis to prove innocence. They had a few days to work out contingencies and how the ship would operate without half of its senior staff, and for how long.

Heeding the captain's call for a staff meeting, Savar headed to the conference room. Entering, he saw the captain already seated at the table. "Captain." He greeted solemnly as he took his seat to the right of her. "I know we are en route to Cardassia, so it is logical to assume that this meeting is in regard to our arrival and what to expect when we arrive. Is that not so?"

" You are correct, whilst we may know what we are likely to encounter, this meeting is so that everyone else knows how the situation should be handled if things don't go well" Rhenora explained solemnly.

Bonnie was early, for a change. She was immediately uncomfortable as the doors parted and all she could see were the two senior Senior Officers. Now she would have to choose a seat at the end of the table and make awkward eye contact or worse, conversation. She debated turning around when she heard someone clear their throat and felt hot breath upon her neck. 'Oh no! The Commodore!' she thought as she stiffened up but moved inward and took her usual seat without a word.

S'thenosis merely moved into the conference room as if riding a warm cloud. She moved to her normal viewing place, a standing position, by the windows and stopped. A curt nod to the Captain was all she gave. Her assumption they were there for details about the trial would be revealed in due time. After all, it had taken them long enough to get on the same track she had been barreling down for weeks.

There was a glance and a nod that passed between the Captain and the Commodore, a mutual understanding of how this may indeed turn out. Taking a steadying breath the Captain waited until the rest of the senior staff files in.

Dean was roughly on time. He wasn't really late or early. Stepping in and looking to who was already in there. Looking about ninety-seven percent better than when they first got back on the ship. He supposed he'd go to the front of the table and sit down to Rhenora's left.

Duo filed in after Dean. He had a PADD in his hand as he was a devoted note-taker. He noticed the Commodore, whom he had never met. He made his acknowledgment as he sat down and typed up a few notes as the others entered.

Ensign Kitiuas Thenis entered the conference room with a PaDD to take notes as necessary. She had been unusually subdued as of late after receiving a letter from her half-sister. She had buried herself into her research of the Cestoda she had in her lab, as well as the unusual living component of the ‘virus’ they had encountered at New Harrington. Upon entering she looked around and quickly found a seat.

Aurora arrived just about on time, she was rarely late to a meeting unless her duties as Counsellor were desperately required. She had a horrible feeling she knew what the meeting was about.

Thriss had been busy making sure everything was up to par in Engineering before their visit to Cardassia. In fact, he had been in a full sprint from his home away from the meeting room. As he entered the room, he leaned his hand against the doorway to catch his breath. After that, he found himself a vacant seat at the table.

Blake arrived 5 minutes early. She detested being late. "Captain", she said in greeting to the woman. Blake had a feeling that no one was going to like what was going to be told at this briefing. However, she would not share that feeling with anyone. Instead, she kept standing until she was told otherwise.

Seeing that everyone had arrived Rhenora cleared her throat and gathered the attention of the room before speaking. " Thank you all for coming at such short notice." She started, making eye contact with the team " You are probably aware that we are en route to Cardassia, what you may not be aware of is why, and what will most likely happen when we get there" She paused for a moment to let her words sink in.

"A year ago there was an altercation on a small planet named Orias III between a Gul Macet and the USS Liberty. Several senior staff of that vessel were involved, and are present here in this room" She paused again, gauging the reaction.

Duo's eyebrows raised at the mention of "Cardassia." He felt an iciness form in his gut. He had spent the majority of the war undercover on Cardassia, including the violent and bloody end of it. He hadn't planned on returning to Cardassia so soon...if ever. He made a note on his PADD to schedule a meeting soon with in Counseling before they made it to their destination. He would need to be on top of his game on this mission.

Dean was just listening for the moment, given he already knew. There wasn't much for him to add. Just checking a PADD here or there as needed.

" The Liberty was lured to Orias on the pretense of peace, however, Macet took it upon himself to attempt revenge for the loss of his brother during the occupation of Bajor. He was killed, and now it seems the Cardassian Union want some blood to repay that which was spilled."

Savar sat still in his chair as Rhenora glossed over the facts of what had happened on Orias III. His face and unreadable mask.

Aurora looked at her husband for a moment, she could feel and see his concern. To her he was anything but a stoic Vulcan. They’d already talked about this, but she still feared for what might happen.

"Given what we know of Cardassian law, we can assume that the outcome has been predetermined and it will be up to Commodore S'thenosis to prove otherwise. The reason I am calling this meeting though is because I fear when we arrive there will be a number of us arrested and possibly charged." The Captain drew a deep breath. "Lt Vali, Commander Savar, and myself. We were all on the planet when this event occurred. To that end, the Sunfire will be left without most of its command team" she looked carefully around the room to gauge the response to her recent words.

"Which I figure that you're going to go quietly and without any resistance in lieu of not making matters worse." Dean's tone was about as deadpan as it could get.

Aurora’s eyes widened as she came to the reality that she would be arrested as well. Up until now, she hadn’t thought about herself, only Savar. She exchanged an alarmed look with Savar, not for herself but for her unborn child.

"Cardassians are not renown for treating their prisoners well, but we can hope that with the Federation and the Sunfire's presence, they will keep things to a....sanitary...level" Rhenora continued carefully. "That being said, the Sunfire will need a new command team. Commander House will be acting Captain in our absence"

Duo let go of a long exhale. He didn't envy the accused. Not one bit. "Commodore," He looked at the Flag Officer first, then to the Captain, "Captain. I still have a few contacts left on Cardassia, both military and civilian. I think they would be of the utmost help to you. I could begin making contact with them once we arrive. I doubt any would risk speaking to me over subspace."

Savar sat quietly as Rhenora told the senior staff what she expected to happen upon their arrival at Cardassia. For himself, he had no doubt that he, Aurora, and Rhenora would be arrested and cuffed before heading off to a high-security jail cell.

Ready to speak for the first time since she had arrived, S'thenosis turned and faced the room. Her height alone was commanding, but it was her words that carried the weight. "Each of us should know what we are up against. Our odds are not favorable. Even after pouring through their own law records, there is no reason to believe they will abide by their own words. Not only are we going into a situation where the outcome may be predetermined, but we are doing so with the balance of the Federation upon our shoulders."

Ensign Thenis spoke up "Please forgive my ignorance as I do not follow politics much; but why would the Cardassian Assembly, the democratically-elected government of the Cardassion Union risk offending the United Federation of Planets. We are the only intergalactic power that stands between any other intergalactic power, mainly the Klingons and the Breen, from going to war and taking over Cardassion Union and its territories. Also isn't the Cardassion Union performing a report into Cardassian crimes during the Occupation of Bajor?"

"Unfortunately, Thenis. Just because there is the outlook of everything that has happened. The, putting a smile on a face. Doesn't mean that there is all of the old ways still there. They do still govern their own territories, planets and all. That does include they have their own laws and ways of doing things. Which the Federation does abide a point." Dean pointed out.

"It would be similar to going into a Klingon house and dishonoring all of them. Klingons would see that as a direct challenge. I'm afraid that Cardassian still have some of their old ways in some territories and on planets", Blake pointed out. "And if we, the Starfleet and the Federation, have wronged them, in their eyes, it is more than likely that they want retaliation."

Dean added on a little, "Right, right, what she said. It runs up the chain of all of the governments. Which is why we have to do this. Is it right? No real trial. Seen already guilty, no. Is it what we should do to keep some peace. Yes. Will we find a way to work out of it, most definitely."

"What I believe is at the heart of the matter is one of their highest ranking Guls went out on a personal vandetta and got himself killed and they won't accept that, hence they are labelling us with murder" Rhenora explained. "They are saving face and we're the scapegoat"

"Many at Starfleet believe this an attempt at testing Starfleet resolve in handling matters between the two nations after what was a very bloody conflict. Others, myself included after seeing the altered footage, believe this will be a trap used to bring a known enemy of the Cardassia people up close and personal. Make no mistake, they want Captain Kaylens head served up for all to see. We must not allow this to happen. Therefore diplomacy must be forefront in our actions once we arrive." S'thenosis added as an afterthought.

Savar listened as the others talked. He knew the crew why the was being put through this. He, Rhenora and Aurora were being made scapegoats for their participation in the death of Macet. "Excuse me captain, I believe the Cardassians believe it, they just choose not to accept that one of their own went rogue."

“So what does that mean for us?” Aurora looked at Savar, then at Rhenora. “I doubt they’d show much in the way of mercy to prisoners, even pregnant ones. I don’t plan on having my baby in a Cardassian prison cell.”

"It means we go to Cardassia and hope for the best and be prepared for the worst." Savar said as he looked to Aurora, "Our baby will not be born in a prison cell Aurora."

Kit looked up and sighed inwardly, she hated what she was about to propose but thought maybe it would help "Perhaps I have a solution, though it would be on the questionable side, my cousin Tayshi D'hetr is a diplomat representative for the Eau de Nil, which is part of the Botchok Planetary Congress and the Zchol Planetary Congress. They Eau de Nil are also good members in standing with the Orion Free Traders, but most importantly, my cousin is a member of the Orion Colonies Intelligence. Given her position I am positive she has intelligence on the Cardassian government both during the time in question and up to now. I could contact her and make discreet inquires and get the information."There I said my peace and have exposed my cousin as an Orion Intelligence agent on top of it, as well as one of my family secrets. she thought.

"Work with the Commodore if you could please Kit" Rhenora commented before casting her eyes around the table again. "As I mentioned earlier, if we get arrested, Commander House will be acting Captain, Lt Klaaren will be his XO and Lt Maxwell 2XO. I suggest you gentlemen get up to speed with command protocol promptly."

Thriss took in this information as it was given to him. That said, while he was a Senior Officer and had watch shifts before, it caught him off guard a little bit. But this would have happened sooner or later, and he was prepared. At least he felt he was ready to be the acting First Officer.

"There must be some kind of peace offering we can give them. One that won't end in lost lives", Blake said and fell silent. She hadn't had much knowledge about Cardassian people's history. Her diplomacy had mostly been about mediation. "If we can find a suitable way of offering peace, we might avoid a disaster. If, and that's a big if, they end up killing someone on the ship, the Starfleet, and the Federation for that matter, might want to retaliate, and we'll end up in a war. It wouldn't do anyone any good", she said after giving it some thought.

" A noble gesture, however I fear it will go unnoticed when the Cardassians are trying to protect their own. What we can be assured of is that they won't risk an 'incident' with their empire still in tatters after the war. They may be a prideful people, but they aren't stupid" the Captain concluded before pausing to take a sip of coffee.

"Now if there's nothing else, I believe we're all going to be very busy for the next few days preparing for the trial." She looked around sthe table again, hopefully instilling confidence in those around her despite not feeling it herself. They would get through this, somehow.

Dean let out a long breath, "Other than a contingency plan I have, which I'd rather not mention right now. I've nothing else to add at the moment."

Aurora shook her head but said nothing. All three of them had a lot to lose if the worst came to the worst.

Savar arched an eyebrow at House's comment but said nothing. The crew was going to have their work cut out for them with this trial.

S'thenosis mearly nodded to the Captain. Their understanding was enough for now. She added anyhow, "By my calculations we have four days, seven hours and thirty two minutes until the trial begins." From experience with humans she knew to leave out the seconds. With Savar being a Vulcan though, she figured he was counting every single one.


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