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Briefing Pt 2

Posted on Fri Jun 10th, 2022 @ 2:13am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant Commander Sandra "Phantom" Risa & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla'ren & Lieutenant Ashlesha 4827/A & Lieutenant Anna S. Thesia M.D. & Lieutenant JG Avarak & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Ensign Kitiuas Thenis & Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell

Mission: New Harrington
Location: Conference Room

The breifing continued, with each officers adding their two cents worth to the discussion about how they would address the issue once the Sunfire arrived.

" We have received further intel regarding the weather system, there have been three teams sent to the orbiting control platform to repair the system, however, none have returned or been heard from once they arrived." The Captain continued.

Bonnie's heart sank. Computer code gone bad was one thing. Three missing teams meant something else, something potentially deadly. She sunk back into her chair and gave side glances to those in the room for moral support. Most of them seem to be fixated on the Captain while a few, she noted, kept looking at Ensign Thenis. Bonnie hoped she was friendly.

"Any idea of what kind of mess I'm gonna be flying into?" Sandra asked. Normally it would not be a question she would ask but out here weather was fickle and unexpected at times.

"The Sunfire will remain in a high orbit, when we send the squadron down for some recon expect some of the worst weather you could imagine" the Captain said sagely, adding a layer to the orbiting holoprojection to simulate the current cloud and weather systems.

Missing teams Ashlesha thought? Well, that was...disturbing. It implied there might be something else going on here.

"This isn't my normal line of work," Gray said, "But if there are missing teams could this mean this isn't a simple accident? What if it's sabotage and there's someone on that station trying to insure no one can stop the storms from wrecking the planet?"

She glanced around, "Maybe those teams walked in assuming a technical problem and stumbled into something more sinister?"

Aurora looked towards Rhenora. “Have there been any reports of any trouble in that area previously Captain? Any disputes over land, or the planet itself?”

Kitiuas was rapidly making notes on the PADD that had been sitting in front of her, the scent of cinnamon, roses and vanilla no longer surrounding her. She was acutely aware that one of the strange triplets kept glancing her way as well as a shy young human female. She studiously concentrated on her notes and what was being said in the briefing, positive that her department head, Lieutenant Avarak, would want her plans on how she could assist with the crisis on New Harrington. She stopped making notes when she heard that three teams sent to repair the control platform in orbit had not been heard from. One of the strange triplets spoke up and asked some very intuitive questions in regards to the missing teams, which was the followed up by some very astute questions from the ship’s counselor, Aurora. She recalled what her mother and step-father said about the Orion Syndicate and the cruelty they used to do, something very similar to this.

"From the information we have, there's no evidence of any trouble brewing before the weather systems went out of whack. However, all attempts have failed to repair it, and now people are missing."the Captain continued.

Ashlesha had a few choice comments in her head regarding governments and misinformation, but this was her first staff meeting on board and the house was pretty crowded and she did not think it prudent to start making snide comments or useless observations. Instead Gray glanced over at House and said aloud, "Perhaps an armed escort should accompany the repair team," she hesitated, then added, "And I volunteer to be on it. My...ah...." she smiled as she turned her attention to Savar, "...singular nature affords me certain advantages in regards to communication."

The Captain raised an eyebrow at the volunteer, having not had the time to meet all the new crew, let alone understand their unique abilities. It seemed that Savar had though, and so she differed to his judgement in regards to forming a team. "Once we get closer to New Harrington we should be able to run some long range scans and get a better idea as to what's going on. Commander Savar will assemble an away team to attempt to repair the weather system, I will ascertain the regions of greatest need for evacuation and relocation plus any aid that is required." The Captain made eye contact with key members of the staff present.

"Dr Thesia you and Dr Wilson will co-ordinate the medical effort, use whatever resources you need to."

Anna nodded. "Soon as this meeting ends, I'll find out just what these are." If the colony's medical facilities were still serviceable, they would probably not need to render major assistance. Which was fine in her book. An Akira class didn't have the facilities needed for major relief operations.

"Good idea Doctor, let me know what assistance you require and I'll get it to you wherever that may be" the Captain smiled, humbled that the crew were working together so well.

"Risa, once we arrive I want your squadrons to fly recon and get a visual at to how bad things are on the ground, we can then deploy resources accordingly."

Barely hearing the captain, Risa was looking at the weather. "That is some nasty looking weather and doing recon and CAP is going to.prove tricky but my gang will get it done. What are we looking for exactly?" Risa said frowning at the image.

" Settlements, residents that will need evacuating, anything that may cause problems if these weather systems don't let up." Rhenora advised. "We'll know more when we get closer."

"Right. there in case I need to shoot things, got it." Dean smirked a little bit. "Besides, I can double mostly as a linguistic if we need one."

The Captain smiled at Dean and nodded "I need someone still here on the ship with me in case things go pearshaped"

Dean tilted his head a little, "Well then...which spot am I going to, Captain."

"Thriss, Bonnie I think both of your talents will be needed on the weather platform, focus your efforts there first"

"Understood Captain" the Andorian replied simply.

Savar spoke as Rhenora finished handing out assignments. "Aurora, you will be with my team as we look into repairing the weather system." He looked to Rhenora and Aurora as he finished.

Aurora was surprised Savar had chosen to take her along on what could be a risky away team given that she was pregnant with their child, not that she was going to refuse to go along. She nodded and offered a smile.

Savar gave a nod in return to Aurora, noticing her surprise at being selected to join the away team before he spoke again this time to Rhenora. "I will make further additions to my away team shortly Captain.'

"Thank you Commander, first up Lt Avarak and Ensign Thenis, you're on geology. I need to know what the heck is going on with the planet. Is it more than just a failing weather system? Is the planet rejecting the terraforming?" She looked at the two science officers.

Ensign Thenis looked up when the captain mentioned her and Lieutenant Avarak's name. Study the geology of the planet and determine why the planet was rejecting the terraforming, well she did have a Bachelor of Science in Geochronology/Thermochronology. "Aye, Aye Captain, I'll begin studying the geochronology and thermochronology data."

"Splendid, the more information we have about what's going on here the better choices we can make to help these people. I will liaise directly with the Governor personally and see what we can co-ordinate. Are there any questions?" Rhenora was keenly aware of the time trickling past as the warped towards New Harrington. There was much to do.


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