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Posted on Tue Jan 10th, 2023 @ 7:10am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Lieutenant Sarah Wilson & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Commander Sandra "Phantom" Risa & Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla'ren & Lieutenant JG Blake Leone & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Patin

Mission: Planet of the Dinosaurs
Location: Camp
Timeline: Day 2 - Nightfall (Dusk)

The camp had a subdued atmosphere in the hours after the storm. Most were concentrating on rebuilding what had been damaged and salvaging what they could. The injured were being tended to in the medical shelter, and the CMO was grateful for the assistance of Lt Leone and Lt Vali. The Captain lay recouperating on one of the stretchers, and those injured in the cave-in were in various states of healing. The CMO looked bone weary but kept going, determined to heal until she dropped.

Meanwhile outside - Commander Savar was co-ordinating the repairs, whilst back on the Sunfire, Chief Kla'ren had managed to cold start the warp core - providing much needed power to the crippled vessel.

Aurora was only too happy to help Sarah after a quick check over of where she’d been injured in the cave. Glad to have the all clear she’d set about helping Sarah and Blake with the wounded. She smiled as she walked over to Rhenora. “How are you feeling? You were lucky back there.”

Rhenora opened her eyes, letting the blurriness clear after a few moments to reveal the outline of the Sunfire's counsellor. "I feel like I've been sat on by a large smelly lizard. Which I hear isn't so far from the truth" The Captain admitted, before redirecting the Counsellor's attention " Thank you for helping Sarah, it looks busy in here. How many did we lose in the cave in?"

Aurora’s smile faded a little. “A few, numbers currently stand at six but there are two more crew in serious condition.” She shook her head. “This place is just ... it’s bad!”

Rhenora couldn't help but agree but knew they had to keep their spirits up " I'm sure we'll get rescued soon. Surely Starfleet have been notified that we didn't show at Cardassia"

Aurora nodded. “I’ve no doubt they have, the Cardassians will be complaining about us not being there! Question is what will it mean for all of us?”

"I'm sure the Cardassians are sitting smugly having already determined the outcome of the trial - what the Starfleet negotiators are probably trying to do right now is convince them of the opposite." Rhenora said ruefully " I doubt this is the last we'll hear of the issue"

Aurora nodded again. In truth she was worried about the outcome and what would greet them when they eventually got off this planet.

Savar was busy coordinating, directing other crew members on which tasks were priority and which could be slated to be done later. The first task was rebuilding their shelters. Two suffered extensive damage. One was ruined but could be salvaged for material. Next was going through the food supplies and storing the undamaged food stuffs where no further damage could be fall them. He had a team working on shoring up the channel and repairing the flood gate to prevent the camp from being flooded. They were overseen by a security team to ensure their safety. In fact, security teams were positioned all around the camp to prevent any dinosaur from coming in and looking for an easy meal.

His eyes fell on Rhenora lying on a stretcher after being rescued from being trapped under a large dinosaur. He walked over to her and knelt beside the stretcher. " Captain." He stopped and started again "Rhenora, how are you feeling after your encounter with the rather large predator?"

" Rumours of my death were exaggerated, but not by much" Rhenora chuckled at her own lame joke, winced at the pain said movement caused to her tender skull, then settled for looking as 'authoritative' as she could manage. " How's the camp doing? Any word from the Sunfire?"

Aurora looked at her husband, she could see he was tired but Vulcans rarely complained about anything. Though Savar couldn’t hide how he was feeling from her.

Savar nodded. "I am pleased that they have been exaggerated. For that will be a very sad day." He looked around the camp before returning his attention to Rhenora. "Work is progressing the channel has been made deeper and the flood gate repaired. The shelters are being repaired. One could be the damage was too extensive, but we can use material from it. Food supplies were damages. We will need to conserve even more in the immediate future, but it is more an annoyance than anything. We suffered a few minor injuries, broken arms, a nose a dinosaur falling on one crew member. Who didn't realize they were standing under one." He said the last in a teasing manner. As he spoke, he knew Aurora was concerned he could feel her. *I am alright Aurora my wife. My concern is you, our child and Sidak.*

"Sounds a bit grim" the Captain started before changing her tone " we'll need to double our foraging parties so we don't starve, and the shelters will get crowded, but we'll survive. I'm not gonna let a dinosaur infested rock beat us" the last words were said with conviction. " Have you heard from the repair crews?"

Savar nodded as Rhenora made her comments. "We will do what is needed for the crew to survive and I agree with your sentiment that a planet of dinosaurs will not beat us." He lifted his head to look around the camp and the repairs being made. "To which repair crews are you referring? If you mean the ones left at the Sunfire, no I have not. Those here at camp, I am in constant communication with."

" Hrmmm, they should have checked in by now" Rhenora replied, battling with the feeling of needing to know how they were doing mixed with not wanting to interrupt them if they were in the middle of something critical.

"Kaylen to Repair Team..." She tapped her com badge and waited for those on the Sunfire to reply

Thriss was in Main Engineering aboard the Sunfire. He tapped his communicator. "Kla'ren to Kaylen. We've got the core back online. We are still working on repairing everything else however."

The news that the warp core was back online was very good indeed, she had assumed there would be too much damage to even attempt it. "That's great news Chief, please pass on congratulations to the rest of the repair crews. We could use some more supplies down here, are the replicators operational or is that system damaged beyond repair?" She asked.

"Most of the replicators that I have seen are damaged severely. For the most part, we have been living off of emergency rations or other means of nutrients. However, I may be able to repair a few of the replicators. Now that power is coming online faster thanks to the jump start, we will have a better chance at getting things up and running once more" the Chief reported.

"I appreciate your efforts Chief, we'll make do with what we have until the replicators are back online. How are you and the team holding up over there?" She was concerned about the stress and conditions the team had been living in for the last day or so.

"Despite the circumstances, I think that we are holding together fairly well, all things considered" he reported.

"I'll let you get back to it, let me know if you need a rotation of fresh people to give you a hand" Rhenora couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at how well the repair crews had done in such a short time. To get the warp core back online in only two days was remarkable.

Given all of the commotion, which apparently seemed like it never died down unless the majority of the crew were asleep, had started to get the attention of some 'friends' again. Though unseen, and completely unnoticed. There were the makings of a very large interest in the camp. How many was currently unknown, how far away or how close they were was also unknown. Even what types were unknown. It could be ones they'd seen before, it could be new ones. They may just be curious and not even get that close and move along. For now, everything still seemed to be fine for the moment as far as inside the camp and the parameter went.

The Runabout Apollo was on its way back finally from it's last run at this point since everything back on the Sunfire seemed to be at a state now the two person team wasn't needed. The Runabout going back to the camp seemed like the best idea, just in case it was needed or there was some kind of medical emergency. Probably about ten or so minutes out.

"I wonder what all they've been doing this whole time. Speaking of, have you noticed that, or at least I have. I've felt better since we've been either on the Runabout, or on the ship as opposed to being on the ground." Dean gave a glance to Patin.

Patin looked at Dean, her headache had subsided but she hadn't given it two thoughts. "Yeah, I guess. It's not like anything was off. I mean the headache, but those are normal." She mused, "You lot do a lot of chit chat about nothing don't you? Frankley I prefer the silence of my cabin thank you very much."

Blake looked around. The sheer amount of injured was certainly one of the worst situations she had seen so far. She picked up a medical kit and looked at Dr. Wilson. "I'll get to assess the injured. Seems like there is plenty to do", she said. Not waiting for an answer, she went to the two people closest to her to begin treatment. Normally, she would have waited for Dr. Wilson to tell her what to do. However, some of the injured could not wait. Any delay could be a matter of life or death.

" Thanks, it looks like they got hammered in the cave in. You'll have to go easy on the meds - we're running low until we can replicate some more on the Sunfire" Sarah cautioned, tossing over a med kit that had bandages, a hypo and some ointments.

Rhenora sank back against the cot, thankful that her position allowed her a view out the door and into the camp. She could see Risa working with the runabouts, Aurora and Blake were helping in the med tent alongside Sarah who seemed no closer to stemming the tide of illness and injury. Remal and S'thenosis we're still quiet and recuperating after whatever ailed them. Then hadn't had the guts to interrupt Sarah and ask what was exactly wrong with them. Savar was rebuilding the shelters with a number of other crew. In the distance she could see the runabout Dean and Patin had taken back to the Sunfire. Hopefully they were returning jam packed with suppliers...hopefully.

The Apollo circled around and landed with a soft thud just as the last light of the setting sun dipped below the horizon. Another day was done and in the books.


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