02 - The Eve
Posted on Wed Oct 23rd, 2024 @ 12:34am by Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Remal Kajun & Patin & Captain Rhenora Kaylen
The Beginning of the End
Location: Bajor / DS9
Cabin by the water
The fire was lit and crackling steady. Rhenora was in the comfy chair, her feet up due to the swelling. Her hands resting neatly on her belly. Remal took in her appearance with a sense of pride in his heart, clouded by the dread that was to come. He pulled the curtains back and peered out at the last light of day as the sun began setting behind the forest. "Looks like it may snow soon." He commented absently before turning back to Rhen, "You know Patin won't be happy we came without her."
" We could tell her, all the others. Patin, Zio and her kids, and the Jem Hadar... what was his name again?" She shook her head as though the movement would rattle her brain into co-operating. "They would want to know we're here, and they would know the timing would be about it to guess what for. Something cryptic maybe - via our old networks? Surely the Brotherhood aren't still chasing them. " Rhenora stared out the window wistfully, the crashing of the waves nearby not soothing her mind or spirit as they normally did. An unrest was building.
Turning away from the window, he knelt down near her ankles and began rubbing them to ease the pressure and increase blood flow. "Actually I contacted Zio already, before we left the station. She indicated she would find a way to swing by tomorrow. Her focus is her children and I commend her for that."
He switched ankles, "As for Ikar, I sent a communication to his 'domicile', as he would put it. he didn't respond, though I am not really surprised by that fact. I mentioned the baby and well, you know what he said last time we talked." Remal smiled as he recalled the conversation between Rhenora and Ikar about how Remal placed it there for safe keeping.
"That was an awkward conversation if ever there was one" Rhenora replied with a sigh. The Jem Hadar had a child like innocence when it came to some things.
"Thank you for letting them know, they deserve it after everything we went through last time." Her thoughts drifted back to the encounter with the Brotherhood trying to pick off their old friends one at a time.
"Certainly. They are our friends after all. When it comes to wanting the best for us, they will be here through the good and the bad, right?" He held onto the notion there were still good times to be had despite the overwhelming fear they were nearing an end or at best entering a transition.
"You're concerned, you feel the same sense of foreboding as I do" The words were not a question but a statement of fact. "There are pieces in motion that cannot be stopped. Whatever takes place is by the Prophet's blessing" she tried to relay her own faith should his falter. "You must protect our child".
He stopped rubbing her ankles and looked up into her eyes, tired as they seemed, there was starlight there. "I have lived my whole life to make certain you are protected. You, and our children will always have me and all that I am and no Prophets shall ever take that from us. You understand?" He asked to ease her worries and perhaps his own as well.
Unable to find the words she nodded mutely, almost moved to tears by his devotion to her and their impending family. "We will survive, we always do."
"Indeed. Now, light of my life," He stood and then leaned in and swept her up into his arms. "Off to bed with ya." He carried her through the cabin to their bedroom, carful to step around the new bassinet, before placing her gently into the bed.
"You are indeed too good for me" she mumbled as she curled up in bed on her side, the warm blankets cocooning her like a chrysalis. "Enjoy the sleep while it lasts"
He lay down beside her, the big spoon, draping one arm over her in a way that said, I'm here for you and our child, no matter what happens. His warm hands helping to remove the chill from her arms. His own discomfort fell to the wayside where she was concerned. Tomorrow would bring with it a new day and new challenges, but tonight, this was all theirs.
USS Sunfire
There was a knock upon doors to her quarters, a rather heavy loud knock. Then a muttered cuss, followed by a heavier beating upon the door. Jenna, having turned in for the dayshift, was trying to catch up on her sleep, now roused from slumber. "Computer, lights." She moaned as she sat up and covered herself with her robe and moved to the door as the lights came on.
She pressed the unlock button, the doors swished open, and in marched a ruffled Patin looking pissed. "I need a pilot." She said without context before adding, "They left without us."
Even while tired, Jenna pieced together her meaning. "They are on leave and as one on leave does, they left." She stated plainly. "Wait, why do you need a pilot, why not transport down?"
She had her arms crossed in frustration as she started to pace. Jenna recognized her as someone who wouldn't normally be asking someone else for help. "I tried. The person behind the counter refused my order, spouting something about wormhole interference or some other nonsense. Said I'd have to charter a transport from the station."
"And did you?" Jenna checked, knowing full well the answer.
"Tried. They said the last transport left hours ago and I'd have to wait until tomorrow." She seethed, "I hate waiting, not now."
Jenna looked Patin up and down and realized this was clearly important to her. In the back of her mind, she was worried too though she would not let it show, not visibly anyway. "Alright, get your gear. I'll get dressed and meet you on DS9 in the main hanger. I should have no issues chartering a shuttle."
Patin, thinking this would have been more difficult than it was, nodded her thanks, turned, then spoke, "I'm glad you understand. I'm glad you are their friend." Then she was gone, walking out of the still open cabin doors.
Captain Rhenora Kaylen
Commanding Officer, USS Sunfire

Commander Jenna Ramthorne
Chief Flight Control Officer & Mission Advisor, USS Sunfire

Remal Kajun
Counselor Aide, USS Sunfire
Husband of the Captain

Played By Commander Jenna Ramthorne
Friend of the Captain, USS Sunfire

Played By Commander Jenna Ramthorne