
01 - The Beginning

Posted on Tue Oct 22nd, 2024 @ 12:30am by Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Remal Kajun & Patin & Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: The Beginning of the End
Location: Bajor

Delivery Date -- Less than 2 weeks

The Sunfire had arrived back at DS9 nearly two weeks after they had originally left, having been lost in deep space and hitching a ride back with a pod of space whales. The notion of having to write up the mission report was not one Rhenora missed, inwardly sharing a little grin at the diabolical nightmare the Sunfire's new captain was going to have with that particular task.

For the Bajoran Captain though, she was now on leave, and was heading down to the cottage Remal and her had built, now completed and ready for them to move into for the foreseeable future.

They beamed down, a small collection of bags and items with them. Thankfully the Sunfire's transporter tech had deposited them in the front yard, within easy distance of the front door. Flowers bloomed along the pathways, despite the chill of the winter.

"Well, this is home now, at least for a while" Rhenora quipped, breaking the silence and pulling her jacket tighter to ward off the chill. "I don't remember it being this cold though through winter. Space has made me soft!"

Remal hefted the heavier bags upon his broad shoulders, "Perhaps it's another symptom of motherhood you've yet to experience. Either way, I'll see about getting a fire lit once we're in." He too was looking about, wary of their surroundings, when he noted the cabin. "Looks like the build crew finished the cabin, at least on the outside." There was likely to be some unfinished pieces on the inside, he thought as he opened the door with the metallic handle salvaged from the previous cabin.

The interior was mostly completed, with a few minor details that needed to br finished. Someone had been thoughtful and left a large supply of firewood stacked neatly beside the fireplace. Rhenora walked through the door with a sense of wonder. Remal had done such a fantastic job rebuilding their cottage after the previous attempt on their lives.

"It's perfect" she whispered.

Pah' Wraith Movement

Meanwhile hidden deep within the nearby mountain, a movement of other kind was in the throws of executing their well thought out plan. They had been working towards this for what seemed like forever and now all the pieces of the complex puzzle were moving in unison.

Faro was pointing to a map, a topographical map with several key locations marked.
"Here is our target, we went to keep them holed up in there and isolated" she pointed to the cottage. "To the south is the ocean, win for us, to the east is the village, and their primary source of aid. We cut off access by destroying the roadways and paths. The north and west is forest and where we will be waiting. The transport inhibitors will be planted here, here and here. The comms jamming devices here and here." She tapped the board again on quick succession. She paused to drive her point home.

"Once the cottage is secure with our targets inside. We storm the building and prevent the Prophecy from coming forth. The child, and preferably the Ma and Fa, will die."

Brin, who had been hidden in the shadows of the darkened cave, now moved into the light. "Tonight we will move into position. Let them have their last supper. Allow them this one last night alone together. Tomorrow as the first flakes fall, so shall the first drops of blood be spilt." His speech distorted and dark as if coming from someone, or something else.

"What of their old companions? The ones that..." A voice wavered and fell silent again. Failure was not something easily discussed.

"Let them come, what are a few old resistance fighters, missing limbs, against us? We will catch them in the forest and they can die with those they seek to protect." Faro replied strongly. " Watch for any communication that leaves the cottage. The Ma and the Fa will likely send a signal to let them know they have arrived. We will use that to our advantage."

"Time is on our side." Brin added before addressing Faro directly, "I wish to discuss one final directive with you in private if you please." His eyes appeared darkened, distant.

She nodded in deference to him and they made their to the small room that served as their office. Once there she closed the door and raised an eyebrow toward him.

"A final directive?"


Captain Rhenora Kaylen
Commanding Officer, USS Sunfire

Commander Jenna Ramthorne
Chief Flight Control Officer & Mission Advisor, USS Sunfire

Remal Kajun
Counselor Aide, USS Sunfire
Husband of the Captain

Played By Commander Jenna Ramthorne

Friend of the Captain, USS Sunfire

Played By Commander Jenna Ramthorne


