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Security and Tactical Officers Meet

Posted on Mon Oct 21st, 2024 @ 1:47pm by Ensign Aubrie Fox & Commander Dean House

Mission: Character Development
Location: Chief Secuirty Officer Office
Timeline: Current

As Aubrie walked with purposeful strides into the security offices, she was filled with a mix of nerves and excitement at the prospect of finally meeting her chief, whom she had only heard about. With a steady hand, she pressed the button to initiate the call that would announce her arrival, hoping to make a good first impression.

Dean didn't usually stick around in his office. His time was certainly spent else where. Some how Aubrie was able to catch im in there. Glancing up at the chime, "Come in."

Aubrie walked in. "Commander, Aubrie Fox, Wanting to get known, Since we had yet to meet since my arrival"

"Hello, Ensign." Standing up, "We've been a little busy so I'm not to worried about having not met yet."

"Me neither, But I would rather somewhat know who I'm working for, Not always bad to know your boss" Fox replyied.

"It does tend to help," Dean stepped around to offer his hand to her.

Aubrie shook his hand. "You...Seem...Uncomfortable about, Why?"

Dean moved back to sit down, offering her to sit as well. Raising a curious eyebrow at her, "I'm feeling uncomfortable at all. What makes you think that."

Aubrie sat. "Your hardly ever in your office, And I hardly ever hear or see you talk to anyone out side of the Command Circle here on the Sunfire, And As I came in, You wanted to go and find something to do and as I mentioned uncomfortable, You Decided to stay....Am I right?"

There was a shake of his head, "Not just the Command Staff. Besides, my main job is Tactical. We have security officers after all. Always busy busy busy."

'Well, If only I was like that, Got any reports I could help with" Aubrie asked.

"Well, why aren't you like that then?" He thought it was a reasonable question. Motioning to a couple of PaDDs. "There's some general security patrol reports."

Aubrie grabbed the PaDDs. "Will get them done, Anyhting else?"
She intentionally ignored the first question.

"I suppose not for now," Dean noticed she ignored the first question, he could bring it up later. "Thank you for taking a few of those off my hands."

"No Problem, Is there anything else? If not I will get started" Aubrie asked as she shifted the PAdds to get a better grip.

There was a shake of his head, "Not that I can think of, Ensign. Don't be afraid to ask for help, with anything. I'm not as scary as the rumors make me out to be."

"Ah I haven't heard a single rumor, not like I'm gonna believe them" Fox replied as she walked out.

Ensign Aubrie Fox
Security/Tactical , USS Sunfire

Commander Dean House
Chief Security/Tactical & Second Officer, USS Sunfire


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