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Breakfast at Tiffany's

Posted on Tue Aug 6th, 2024 @ 12:37pm by Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Remal Kajun & Patin & Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: Character Development
Location: Captain's Quarters
Timeline: Current-ish

Captain Kaylen Rhenora looked out at the unfamiliar stars, itching to be able to do something about whatever situation the ship had found itself in. Problem was she was off duty for the next few days per Dr Wilson's revised roster. Commander Baldric was keeping her in the loop as far as everything went, stopping short of asking for advise or for further opinions. It was a bitter pill to swallow, watching her ship slowly become someone else's.

Pressing his thumb to the door panel, the computer chirped and the doors opened without issue. Remal lead, followed by a now drunken Patin and a Jenna whose eyes were bloodshot but otherwise still had her wits about her.

"Let's lay her here." Remal said nodding to the couch in the living space. "1, 2 and..." Together they lifted Patin onto the couch before turning their attention to making her comfortable.

Patin, still trying to be alive, reached up and touched Jenna's face, "I won ya know. You can take that to the... the farm. Cow, now that's a funny word, like meow with spots." She said as she slurred her words.

Remal spotted Rhenora, "Sorry to crash your peace and quiet but, " He gestured at Patin, "well there you go."

Jenna sat into the side chair, her face clearly flush, bemused with the situation. "Right, I'm sorry too. The uh, situation got out of control quickly. I honestly thought she could handle more liquor than she did."

Remal responded, "Well, in Patin's defense, she's usually on the border of sober and drunk these days so I didn't expect it would take much. A bit surprised she hit all 5 doubles though." To which Jenna nodded her agreement.

Rhenora took in the scene before her. Patina passed out and drunk on her lounge, Jenna well inebriated and Remal could be said as being questionable.

"We'll this is quite the sight this morning' she quipped with an evil laugh, wondering what Patin would think when she woke up on Rhenora's couch. Probably not much and would just complain that there wasn't enough rocket fuel in her coffee.

"Take a word from the wise Jenna, no-one is capable of out drinking Patin. Many many have tried"

Pondering Rhenora's words, Jenna replied, "I gave her a good run but I'm not certain the drink is what did her in. Something tells me she is holding onto something darker." She looked down at her boots. "I would know." She added as someone who had a dark history of her own.

Rhenora mused over this. "She has her own demons, we all do. Hers may be a little darker than most though" she didn't want to say more. "She could use a friend, someone who has been through hard times and not just give lip service." The Captain reached for her now cold coffee, Scowling at the offending liquid as though it were responsible for her distraction.

"I can't imagine either of you giving lip service. Usually when it comes to advice, I've always felt you two gave it to me straight." Jenna glared at Remal, one eyelid half closed, "Or am I wrong?"

He smirked as he handed his wife a fresh cup of 'healthy' coffee and offered Jenna a drink. "I've no idea what you're on about. My advise addresses the person and their situation from my perspective, always. Lip service is a con man's game, dangerous and you know, somewhat alluring." He smirked and his eyebrows raised to show he was being mischievous.

Jenna took the offered drink with a shocked yet bemused look upon her face. "May I remind you that you married this one?" She joked as she address Rhenora.

Said Bajoran couldn't come up with the appropriate witty retort and so settled for poking her tongue out.

She sipped on the fresh coffee contently and regarded the eclectic mix of people surrounding her. They were indeed her nearest and nearest. Those she trusted the most in this crazy ever changing universe.

She looked over at Patin, still passed out on the couch. "She's gonna be super grumpy when she wakes up. She doesn't lose often"

Jenna shrugged, "Technically she won the drinking game, if you can call it a win. She was the first to crash I suppose. You know her best, should I let her think she won or maybe tease her in to thinking she lost? Which do you think would help build a stronger friendship?"

Remal, who had worked his way into the kitchenette and began preparing a lite meal, paused before stating, "I'm not touching that one." As he casually deferred to Rhenora.

"You are wise" Rhenora snorted and drained the rest of her coffee, making sure that Patin was indeed still crashed out before heading over to the table. "Use your gut, and never dare her to drink you under the table" she looked at Jenna. "Now, will you join us for breakfast?"

"I'd be delighted to." Jenna said with a grin. "I take it you're at a loss for company and conversation since you've been relegated to 'down time' " She added as she stood, placing the last two words in air quotes.

"She's only had me to talk to." Remal chortled from the kitchenette, adding his two cents.

"Ah, I see." Jenna touched Rhenora on the arm to show sympathy. "I understand now."

"Hey!" There was mock indignation in the Captain's voice. "OK maybe a partial truth I'll give you that" she shrugged and sat at the table, resting her legs and sighing in contentment. There was a reason women had their children young.

"Now, how are you settling in?" She asked Jenna with a curious look.

"Not bad. I haven't had much interaction with the crew yet. I should probably schedule an appointment with Commander Savar and his wife. I hear she is my reporting counselor and there is something," She cleared her throat, "personal I need to discuss with her."

"Other than my little fight with our mutual friend here," she gestured to Patin, "It feels almost like I had never left." Jenna grinned a Mona Lisa grin. "You, what about you? How have you been holding up?" she asked earnestly.

"The honest answer is that I'm struggling not being on the bridge all the time, teeth deep in whatever problem we find ourselves in at any given moment." Rhenora admitted. "I fear I'm driving poor Remal nuts. He may need Aurora's services as well" she chuckled, lightening the mood. "Baldric is capable enough, but she needs to earn the respect of the crew. She's green"

Remal grumbled under his breath, "Not touching on that one either." As he continued to process some vegetables for their 'lite' breakfast.

"Was I so different when I was rising through the ranks? There was a time it felt as though the reigns controlled me and not the other way around." She took a drink of what Remal had offered earlier without even thinking about what it was. Orange juice, one of her favorite tangy tastes filled her mouth and she was instantly grateful he had remembered. "She'll get there or, well there's always that chance they will chew her up and spit her out..." She added leaving it open-ended.

"As for you, it's only going to be a matter of time before you pop and then I'm sure Motherhood will soften your perspective towards the big chair." She smirked quickly and then just as quickly returned to her somber tone. Talking pregnancy and children was an uneasy thing.

"I'm not so sure about that. Somewhere in this sleep deprived brain of mine is a portion that still says I can do it all. The tired aching body that inhabits it is currently arguing strongly against the cause." Rhenora retorted with a chuckle. She attempted to lighten the mood a little

Remal catching the mood, interrupted with a plate of food for each of them. "Tamagoyaki, a Japanese egg omelet served with chopped mushrooms and a blend of spices." He said, answering the question they had not yet asked.

"You are too kind" the Captain replied as the omelet was placed in front of her. It smelt amazing and her stomach chose that quiet moment to let out a loud rumble.

"I try my best." He responded in kind as he took a seat next to them with his own plate. "Sounds as though I was right on time."

"How have your cravings been? Sneezing and such?" Jenna asked, while remembering she had barely begun to get cravings for pickles and peanut butter before shit went South. She took a bite of her omelet and savored the taste. The aroma was filling the living area and she noticed Patin stirring even in her slumber, and wondered if the woman was truly asleep.

"The only thing I'm caving is sleep and coffee, and even then I wake up tired." Rhenora mused "and did I mention hungry?" She chuckled and looked at the long suffering Remal. "Soon, all this will be over in one way or another". She glanced at Patin who was mumbling something incoherent on the couch, then to Jenna and Remal, those that had sworn to come to Bajor with her to fulfill the Prophecy that had been written thousands of years ago.

'One way or another' Jenna lingered on that thought. She herself had once thought along those same lines in her pursuit of vengeance against Gul Fubar and ultimately her mother for making her who she was. Now, she knew better. Now, she understood who she was and what her purpose in life was to be. She wasn't wise like Remal nor some old wise sage, but what she held onto was a certain devotion to her friends. She reached out and picked up her glass of OJ, "To happy endings and new beginnings." She toasted.

"Indeed" Rhenora echoed, raising her mug and clinking it against Jenna's and Remal's. From the couch Patin stirred. All heads swiveled and held their breath.


Captain Rhenora Kaylen
Commanding Officer, USS Sunfire

Commander Jenna Ramthorne
Chief Flight Control Officer & Mission Advisor, USS Sunfire

Remal Kajun
Counselor Aide, USS Sunfire
Husband of the Captain

Played By Commander Jenna Ramthorne

Friend of the Captain

Played By Commander Jenna Ramthorne


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