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Final maneuvers

Posted on Tue Jul 30th, 2024 @ 10:49am by Commander Jennifer Baldric & Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant JG Rain Lexington & 1st Lieutenant Freya Score & 2nd Lieutenant Connor McQueen & Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell

Mission: Lost in Space
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current

Commander Jennifer Baldric strode onto the bridge with Bonnie on her heels, eager to re-stablish communications with the whales and hopefully get the hell back to known space.

"Commanders Savar and House, are you able to use the communication algorithm and open a channel with the....lead...whale?"

"Gulpzilla." Bonnie offered before she backpedaled, "I mean, that's what some are calling her, or Whaley Wonka... or, or my personal favorite, Whale-iam Shakespeare. Um... ma'am." She then turned red faced to her station and moved to sit down.

Savar exited the center seat as Commander Baldric came onto the bridge. He turned to address her, taking Commander House in as well with his glance. "I believe we can open and establish communications with the matriarch of the whales. Commander Baldric." He answered.

"Of course you did, why can't we just ask her, her name. It'd be easier. To answer, yes, we can talk with her now." Dean nodded.

"Hail her....or however you talk to them" Baldric slid into the centre seat and crossed her legs comfortably. The viewscreen shifted to show the pod of whales. Did they have to launch a probe to establish communication or could they just use the ships com.system?

Fox walked in and took her place at secondary tactical and begun to analyze the pod of whales.

"It's more of a filter that takes these s..nevermind. I can explain later." Dean tapped on the console a moment, "Give it a try."

Freya was in the Marine rec room waiting orders, So far none.

Connor walked through the doors that lead to the bridge, he was dressed in full battle gear, he had heard rumours of Species 8472 having some involvement of the probe that was brought back onboard the Sunfire earlier in the day. He took a look around and took a stance in the back along the wall as he watched everyone going about their business.

Baldric paused for a moment as she composed her thoughts about what to say and decided that simple was the best. "To the leader of the Whale Pod, I understand we are now able to communicate using our ship computer. We would like to know if you have considered our request."

There was a long pause, the viewscreen focusing on the Matriach and her place in the pod. The slow-moving herd drew to a stop and turned to face the Sunfire.

"We have. We are willing to assist you, we require details"

Bonnie took this opportunity to que up any pertinent details about who they were, and the spatial coordinates they needed to get back to. She included the details of the slip-bridge trials just in case although second guessing herself about whether or not she was overloading them with too much information as she tended to do.

The Matriarch was silent for a moment as she seemed to be processing the volume of information.
"We can take you to this place you seek. It will take several days at our fastest speed. We will encircle your ship with our pod, much as we transport food with us. We will require much nourishment following the journey"

" least that's a start," Dean mused a moment, "What kind of nourishment? Warp plasma, anti-matter?"

Baldric thought to phrase the question a little more delicately. "Could you please let us know what kind of nourishment would best suit your need?" She asked carefully, hoping it would be something they could actually offer or assist in acquiring.

Bonnie turned to Kit and asked under her breath, "What would a ten-ton space whale eat out here?"

"Don't tell me space whales eat space krill or I swear my eye roll will be lethal" Baldric muttered under her breath. She waited for the whales to be more specific or for her crew to come up with something they could offer.

Savar was silent as questions were asked what the space whales would need in the form of nourishment. He had a few ideas but waited to hear what the whales would say.

"We prefer unfiltered nebula gasses to fuel our energy needs. Plasma and oxygen are essential to the journey and there is such a nebula approximately halfway between here and there." The Matriarch said in response. "And for your knowledge you may call me... Ughrulgulma." She said in what was clearly the closest approximation of whale to English the computer could come up with. "It means 'Brightest one of many stars'."

"Well then...Ughrulgulma..." Baldric paused to make sure the pronunciation was as correct as it could be. "We would be honored to stop at this nebula on the way home so you may feed, and if we can collect enough of these gasses we may offer it to you for nourishment at the conclusion of our journey together" she hoped the pitstop on the way accompanied by the food at the end would help get the deal over the line. "Is there anything you need us to do to facilitate the journey?"

"Hmm." Dean tilted his head a little bit, "We could use the ramscoops to collect it."

"Only to remain in close proximity to us as the beings which inhabit the fluid region do not care for inorganics. They only like that which they understand. We will guard you unless they attack. Only then will you be on your own. This agreement pleases us. We are happy to assist lower life forms such as yourselves." The Matriarch concluded. "Now prepare yourselves to enter the stream."

Outside the Sunfire, the pod of whales began to encircle the ship, growing tighter and tighter in their massive cluster until their long tendrils touched. The formed a long tubular shape around the ship, blocking the view of the surrounding stars. Only a whole, roughly the size of the starship remained in the front and rear until at last the Matriarch Ughrulgulma filled the hole in the front and another filled the hole in the rear, completely engulfing the ship save a few holes, chinks, in their outward armor.

Jenna looked back at Baldric, "Looks like we are along for the ride the next few days."

"Alright everyone, let's do this. Security and Marines, I want round the clock sweeps to ensure we don't get any unplanned visits by Species 8472. We know they've targeted telepathic species before, and they have the ability to negate out ships defences." Baldric looked around at the teams already stationed on the bridge.

"Matriach Ughrulgulma we are ready, if you see a suitable place to feed we have the ability to collect and store it for you for the completion of the journey"
She addressed the leader of the Whale Pod.

Savar was silent yet alert as the whale pod positioned themselves around the Sunfire before entering slipstream. His concern was not the whales but species 8472 a dangerous foe who can toe to toe with the Borg and with the Sunfire being in the stream for several days. species 8472 would have ample chances to attack the ship if they chose to.

And so the three day journey that would cover tens on thousands of lightyears began.


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