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Posted on Sun Apr 16th, 2023 @ 3:38am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant JG Blake Leone & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Ensign Vailah & Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell

Mission: Planet of the Dinosaurs
Location: Planet

True to her word Captain Morselles and her team beamed into the camp, followed in quick succession by medical personnel, security teams, and Engineers to the Sunfire. It seemed that finally the crisis was over.

Aurora was more than a little relieved to see a rescue party, but at the same time she wondered what was going to happen with Savar’s trial. Had they all been found guilty in the absence? Would they be facing prison? Would Savar be taken from her? She was more than a little afraid.

Savar heard the excited, raised voices of the Sunfire crew as Federation transporters were heard in camp as well as Federation officers and crew appearing instantly afterwards. The newcomers needed to be briefed, so he looked for Rhenora so they could present the situation in one voice. Yet even as he looked for Rhenora, his thoughts went to the future. What was in store for him? Rhenora and Aurora? Would there still be a trial? What of crew and ship? Would the Sunfire be repaired or decommissioned, and the crew moved to a new ship? Only time would tell?

The Captain heard the transporter and the sound of excited shouts soon followed. Whilst she had been expecting a Botany Bay contingent to arrive in their camp, she hadn't expected the ship's Captain, nor the sheer volume of crewmembers that beamed in shortly after. Making her way over to the newly arrived Captain she brushed as much dirt and debris off her uniform as she could, wishing for her turtleneck at least for formalities sake.

For the past few days, Patin had largely kept to herself, spending most of her time maintaining a healthy distance. She was enjoying the peaceful solace of the prehistoric buffalo herd and was enjoying being a shepherd. She was sitting on top of the lead bull with a rifle in her hands when the Botany Bay crew beamed in. She spotted the shimmer and mused to herself, "It's about bloody time."

The Captain briefed the incoming Botany Bay crew with a condensed version of the last 8 days, complete with a status update on where the repair crews were at.

"I've spoken with a Lt...Durnell is it?" Morselles raised an eyebrow in question "She said they were close to achieving air worthiness, at least temporarily" Rhenora explained as she looked wistfully in the direction of the Sunfire. " As for the rest of the crew, we have enough food now and the serum has countered the effects of the genetic virus. We just need to get out of here"

Vailah had been overjoyed when received her new posting orders from Starfleet. Finally, some action at last! Patrol vessel crews lived mind-numbing lives and honestly, she'd gotten quite sick of it. What she hadn't been quite as enthused about was finding out that the Sunfire was a wreck on the surface of a planet rife with viruses and her new crewmates had had to live on the planet's surface in a camp, but hey, at least she'd gotten where she was supposed to go.

For now, though, her main concern was to keep her new crewmates safe, and so she'd taken to patrolling the camp and introducing herself, offering reassurance where she could. Sometimes that was all that was needed to bring light to someone else's life; a little bit of hope and sometimes a smile. Even if that smile was sort of craggy and plastered on the face of an emaciated, bald thing with big blue eyes.

That was certainly nice to hear. Very nice, Dean let out a breath. Stopping his own patrol to head over to the beam site and see what was going on.

Within hours the camp was busy with personnel from the Botany Bay mixing with the exhausted crew of the Sunfire. New foodstuffs were beamed in, along with a generous supply of replicated coffee beans. Rhenora took a moment away from the excitement to call the team still working on the Sunfire.

"Kaylen to repair team"

Bonnie replied, "This is Lt. Durnell, go ahead Captain."

"Good morning Bonnie, I take it you also have received a contingent or two of help over there?" The Captain asked as she looked around the much fuller campsite. "So you have an ETA on the repairs of getting the ship space tight so we can catch a tow out of here?" She had no idea of the current plan to actually get airborne under their own power.

Unwilling to spoil the surprise, partially due to the contingencies the had to finish first, Bonnie stumbled with her response. "Um, yes ma'am we have. Um, no, not yet. There are still a number of things yet to be done and right now we are working to free the right engine pylon from the hole it's dug into. Captain, uh, Morselles says there are other ships coming to pick us up. We are confident the Sunfire will at least have shields and breathable air, though I wouldn't count on the plumbing being operational." She mused at her own ingenuity for not lying but also not spilling the whole truth.

There was a laugh that the Captain couldn't hide at the plumbing joke and even though it seemed the Sunfire wasn't going to leave under her own power, the fact she would be towed would have to be good enough. 8 days they had been on this rock, and it would hopefully only be a few more before they got off it.

Blake was beyond relieved that help had arrived. It had been tough on the crew that they had been stuck on this planet that had seemingly wanted them dead, if the kind of nature around had been any indication.

Aurora was grateful for the arrival of more food, she took the time to get what she needed right now to feed her family. She rolled her eyes as she tucked into her share, savouring the fresh food.

After a few hours the Captain headed off to one of the cliffs overlooking the camp to reflect on the experience they had gone through together. It had been a harrowing week and they had lost many good people. People that would been honoured and memorialised when the crisis was over. She sat atop the rocks, feet dangling over the edge and eyes on the people moving below, now with a renewed sense of purpose.


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