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Hang on, help is on the way

Posted on Fri Apr 7th, 2023 @ 2:51am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Ensign Syrik

Mission: Planet of the Dinosaurs
Location: Botany Bay

The USS Botany Bay slid effortlessly into orbit, apart from the honky nacelle that was still being decidedly hinky. A series of standard sensor sweeps showed the Sunfire on the planet's surface, along with several hundred life signs. Whilst the Botany Bay couldn't ship all of them back to a nearby starbase, they could provide aid and relay comms back to Starfleet.

"Geostationary orbit achieved Captain."

After establishing communications with the team on the ship, the Captain felt it was safe to start sending teams down.

"Ensigns Syrik and Drako, join me in transporter room 1 for away team duty."

"Yes Captain." Syrik responded. He left the bridge and jogged to his temporary quarters to grab his survival bag he always kept by the door. Once he had retrieved his bag he jogged to the transporter room, arriving barely a few seconds after the Captain.

"Ready for your first away mission? Of we could call it a transfer...heck call it what you want. Let's do what we can for these people and get them home" the Captain quipped as she stepped onto the transporter platform to wait for the rest of the team.

"I am, Captain; and like they say... you'll always remember your first." Syrik said with a sly grin. "Before we go; I would like to say, it was a pleasure serving with you, even if it was just a short time."

"The pleasure is mine Ensign, let's go and find your people and get them off this rock before some native creature eats them for dinner" the Captain quipped, stepping onto the transporter pad with a phaser and a tricorder. They would be beaming in to the centre of the encampment.

In a shimmer of blue, they dematerialised and reappeared on the planet. Instantly the change in temperature was apparent.

They had appeared in the centre of the encampment, plied with the insect repellant and having received the serum that the Captain had transferred the data for. It should ward off all the pathological nasties this planet seemed to enjoy.

She looked around, searching for the Captain of the Sunfire.



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