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Bridge Crew Pt 2

Posted on Fri Jul 1st, 2022 @ 5:49am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Lieutenant Ashlesha 4827/A & Ensign Kitiuas Thenis & Remal Kajun

Mission: *CD*
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current

Captain Kaylen Rhenora sat calmly in the centre chair on the Sunfire's bridge, carefully listening to all the information as it was announced. The master orbital weather platform had raised it's shields, preventing them from beaming back the away team, and at the same time sent a series of code through the Sunfire's computer system. Whether the two were deliberate and calculated she didn't know, but the coincidence was uncanny to say the least.

"Stay sharp people, find a way to get those shields down" she commented, eyes still glued to the screen.

Ashlesha Green slid out from the transporter pad and handed the repair off to the technician before dashing out of the room. Meanwhile Gray slid off her chair and strode over to Thenis' station.

"Show me this thing," Ashlesha murmured to the science officer. She glanced over her shoulder and said, "Captain, if we need an expert on computers then maybe I can relay this information to Durnell over on the station and she can help through me? My other me is rushing to the bridge right now to continue coordinating evacuation efforts."

Ensign Thenis stepped aside and brought up the view of the captured code. One could clearly see the synthetic chloroplast membrane that was incasing the tri-helix chlorophyllin nanonites. These pseudo cells were riding in electronic stream like little Protozoa. “Well Lieutenant, what do you think?” she asked.

"That maybe I slept through this particular class at the academy," Ashlesha replied with a wry smile. The smile faltered a bit as she realized she had been unconsciously leaning in close to the science officer. Clearing her throat, she asked, "If you could, repeat everything you said earlier and I'll parrot it to Durnell. In fact, if someone has a science tricorder over there they may have something similar to this in their portable data base so she has some idea what to look for."

Thenis turned and repeated her formulation of the results she found to the strange but beautiful looking triplet. “In essence it appears to be a synthetic living code. It is a chloroplast tri-helix cell chain containing nanonite chlorophyllin. It is transmitted in an electronic stream were it appears like little protozoa. Similar to how the Borg nanonites infect both living beings or mechanical machinery."

"Got it," Ashlesha murmured, "I'll relay that to Durnell," she paused and added, "As best I can."

Ashlesha Green exited the turbolift and Ashlesha Gray glanced reflexively over. Green froze in her tracks and began frantically rubbing her face to attempt to get rid of a smudge, almost tripping over her feet as she made for the Ops station.

"I hate it when that happens," Gray noted with a sigh as she returned her attention to Thenis.

“Hate what when it happens?” inquired Thenis, intrigued by Lieutenant Ashlesha.

"I, ah, like looking my best," Ashlesha Gray explained as she gave Green another glance, "And...when I look...different amongst myself I find it annoying. Friends at the Academy tried to get me to have different hair styles. I tried it; it drove me mad to the point of distraction."

She nodded back to Thenis' screen, "I've relayed what you told me to Durnell. If you could think of anything else she might find useful I can pass it along."

The Captain wasn't sure if communications would still be possible with the platform now shielded. She hadn't heard from them but other than now being isolated she had no idea if they were in danger or not.

"Any word from the away team?" She asked.

"I am speaking to Durnell now," Ashlesha Green said from the Ops station, "I think we are making progress with our 'weed' problem."

"Durnell found it," Green said to Thenis excitedly, then frowned, "Oh, it's everywhere over there...And...the doctor just made what sounded like a silly analogy regarding weeds and eco systems...

Thenis became alarmed, “Does he mean it is physically alive over there?” She thought to herself that surely it was impossible for this computer virus to be a living entity; but if it was the away team could be in serious trouble. The scent of cinnamon, roses, vanilla, and a hint of lilac starting to waft from her again. She turned to her console and verified the virus was still isolated. She was shocked the virus appeared to be molding against the security shields and equipment. "Ahh, Lieutenant Ashlesha, I think we may have a problem!"

"Whoa, hey!" Grey scrambled back, "It's not doing that over on the station!"

" What kind of problem Ensign?" The Captain's voice echoed from behind the young officer as she moved to look over her shoulder and see the screen for herself.

"Captain I am not sure, but the code seems to have jumped from being an electronic stream with what appears to be little protozoa in it to a mass that is molding itself against the security shields and equipment I isolated in. I am unsure how long the isolation storage will last." replied Ensign Thenis. The scent of cinnamon, roses, vanilla, and a hint of lilac increasing from her.

Green turned to the captain and said, "I suggest we beam that entire section of the bridge out into space, sir! Or at least to a section of the ship walled off with a containment field!"

" I have a better idea" The Captain replied, moving to the panel next to the station and pulling off the wall cover. With a few deft commands she had rerouted power away from the affected station, effectively robbing any inherent virus of its food source. " Now erect a level 10 force field around that work station. "

But even as Ashlesha said that she frowned thoughtfully...

While the cargo transporter remained working steadily, Remal watched the populous move from one area of the planets surface to another. He questioned the impact of sudden displacement on a large population and worried there was not enough guidance being offered ground side. As the last few individuals entered the stream, his worry bubbled over and he tapped his badge. "Captain, I'd like permission to go down to the surface with a team of doctors. There's going to be a lot of scared and disoriented people down there "

Back on the bridge Rhenora's gut dropped for a moment before logic caught up. Whilst she hated Remal going head first into danger she often did the same thing herself. He was a strong and capable man and wanted to help these people - so far the situation in Anesh was somewhat stable. They would be able to beam the away team back if necessary.

"Permission granted, take Dr Wilson and a team from sickbay and counselling as well as a security detail. I'll meet you in the transporter room in 10 minutes for a briefing" She signed off, assigning the necessary personnel.

Several minutes later Dr Wilson and a handpicked medical and counselling team as well as four security members strode into the transporter room to meet Remal.

"Are you ready?" She asked the Bajoran counsellor.

"Almost." He replied simply. "I've selected a site just outside of town but close to the influx of people. They claim to have the resources so mostly we are going down for support. The Captain said she would come down for an update so we are just waiting for her." He was calm for he knew the people he was going down with were good at what they did.

Several moments later the Captain strode into the transporter room, addressing the team and issuing instructions. They were to beam into Anesh, reassure the displaced citizens and assist with any medical issues. She expressed a desire to join them but quickly quashed the idea. Someone still needed to manage things on the Sunfire.

" Above all things, stay safe" She finished as they mounted the transporter platform.

Remal nodded then proclaimed to the transporter Chief, "Energize." In a blue haze they disappeared only to reappear outside of Anesh, where the ground showed signs of a quick burn with large dry cracks and raised segments which resembled flakes of skin under duress. The temperature was instantly fifty degrees hotter than on board the Sunfire and the air was thin. Unphased, the group headed off to help at the local recovery stations, Remal in the lead.

The Captain watched as her husband and the medical/counselling contingent vanished, leaving the transporter room mostly empty. She whispered a silent prayer for his safety and that of the entire team before heading back to the bridge to co-ordinate the rescue effort.


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