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Temples and Tempest

Posted on Thu Jun 30th, 2022 @ 10:27pm by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Remal Kajun

Mission: *CD*
Location: DS9
Timeline: Backpost

“ Holy what the Prophets? Where the heck are we?” Patin looked at the distinctly Cardassian architecture, juxtapositioned by a Starfleet ensign and a Bajoran security officer at the transporter controls.

Zio looked around as well and muttered, "A place of unholy oppression." She rolled her eyes and shook her head. Her 20ish aged children on the other hand had already stepped off the pad and started exploring.

Remal, coated in soot and ash, and looking worse for wear, stepped off the pad silently glad their week-long ordeal was finally over. He was bothered, however, by the increased level of attacks and just how close they were hitting to home. The divisions were beginning to splinter all across Bajor. His only hope was that the enemy had no more of their friends to come after and just maybe had learned their lesson.

"We are on Deep Space Nine, just near the celestial temple" Rhenora clarified. "No longer under Cardassians rule for those who have missed the last few years" there was a look at Patin who completely ignored it. The ex resistance fighter had gone to ground for good reason in her mind.

"Ensign, please send a message to Captain Kira that I would like to speak with her at her convenience" Rhenora continued, now addressing the young ensign at the transporter controls.

"And you are?"

Kaylen took in her appearance. Shabby, disheveled, smelly, and looking nothing like the Starfleet Captain profile picture in her dossier. For all this young ensign knew she had stolen a Starfleet combadge and called for an emergency beam out.

"My apologies, Captain Kaylen Rhenora, commanding officer of the USS Sunfire. We were….spending some time with friends on Bajor when we were attacked". It wasn't the whole truth, but it was enough to get the point across.

There was a moments pause as the young ensign clearly was cross referencing the Starfleet command profile listing, her eyes scrutinising the Captain's grotty appearance against the glossy profile image.

"My apologies Captain, welcome aboard, I'll pass your message on to Captain Kira now, Crewman Chalmers here will assign you temporary guest quarters in the habitat ring"

Chalmers took the instruction in his stride, his brown Bajoran uniform indicating he wasn't starfleet but was content working alongside them. He quickly made a few enquiries at the computer terminal before motioning towards the doors. "This way please, Ma… Ma'am" Chalmers quickly covered, waiting for his charges near the door. “ Your guest quarters are this way”

While Chalmers lead Rhenora and gang out of the transporter and down the connector to the promenade, Remal realized most of their party had not ever been to see the wormhole up close. He could feel the excitement and anticipation of the younger generation prompting him to offer, "Hey, uh, Chalmers. Mind if we swing by the upper promenade, port side? Something I would love to show our guests."

Head forward, marching on, Chalmers rolled his eyes and gave a gruff reply like someone who had better things to do than watch over a bunch of needy people, "fine, but make it quick."

Rhenora had a good idea of why Remal wanted to head to the upper promenade; it was the best vantage point to watch the wormhole in all its celestial glory, a spectacle that the others would never had witnessed first hand from this close.

She kept an eye on Chalmers, who for the most part seemed to be accommodating and professional. Something gave her the heebies about him though and she couldn't put her finger on it. She did take the opportunity to hang back and check in with the Sunfire, which was presently docked on one of the upper pylons, complete with its new nacelle in the final phases of testing. It would be good to get back on board, but first there were spiritual matters to attend to.

A couple of minutes later, found everybody walking along the upper deck of the promenade. There were shops to their left and the vastness of space to their right. Other than Chalmers, Remal was leading the way. Zio and her kids walked with eyes wide open, while Patin sulked behind. She had pulled a flask out of her bag and was sneaking sips, unsure if drinking openly was allowed.

Chalmers stopped. Remal stopped. Then immediately from that only blackness of space came the bluest opalescence mixed with a brilliant sheen of dazzling whites many of them had ever seen. Awestruck, Zio dropped to one knee and prayed. Her children remained standing but did not blink. Patin on the other hand screamed, and threw her open flask at the portal. It wasn't a scream of surprise or terror, but one of years of pent up hate and loss.

It was only when she reared back as it to throw something else that Rhenora stepped in to comfort her friend. She knew the Prophets would be decisive, she knew people either loved them or hated them and often swung between the two extremes. She also knew that Security would be on alert after the war for any unusual activity on the station.

The Bajoran Captain followed quietly as Patin screamed her obscenities, a calming and infuriating presence to the raw emotion being outpoured.

"Why do you hate them so?" She asked as Patin drew breath, her voice calm and considered in stark contrast. Patin had always felt the Prophets had forsaken her, but it was time to find out why.

Patin pulled back as if Rhenora had hurt her, her face a frantic mess of wet snot and tears. She clutched her fists to her chest as she stared down her friend. She was shaking her head, “No! Don’t you dare Nozzie! You of all people don’t get to question my reasons for hating, them!” She pointed out into the abyss.

“For years; for so many years they allowed our people to be desecrated; for what?!” Her screaming had garnered the attention of local bystanders, of all faiths but her focus remained on her friend. “For us, we were born into it. We weren’t even given a choice to endure the torture, for us it was life.”

She pounded her chest, “And you want me to like them? After what they did? What they allowed? You were there. You remember; I was their favorite play thing. While you,” She scoffed. “You got off easy. While I burned my own insides out, you got to live, to travel the stars. You got to find love,” she pointed, “and have a child.” The tears were flowing fast now.

“You were chosen. Why Nozzie? Why did they favor you over me? Over so many others? What is so blessed special about you?” She asked rhetorically. “So many women in our cell and they chose little ole’ Nozzie. Well I say Fuck ‘em!” She turned to the portal as it opened again. “You hear that you bastard aliens? Fuck You!” The crowd which had gathered began murmuring to fill in the silence.

Remal stayed back knowing this was a moment Patin needed for her emotional release. A moment with which the hurt could finally begin healing. Zio had stood back up and chose this moment to walk over and stand beside Rhenora. She was non-verbalizing her choice to stand beside her in her fight against those who were targeting her. Zio’s children followed suit.

Chalmers stood by, uncomfortable by the throng of people. Patin’s speech had stirred something within him as well. Reminded that she was a target, insignificant and mortal, he was spurned to complete the task handed to him.

Rhenora was calm, letting the anger roll over her like a wave. She could empathise with Patin's anguish, she could understand the hurt, the betrayal of what it must be like to watch your old best friend be blessed with all the things you'd been denied through no fault of your own. She let Patin rant, waiting until the hatred and anger was replaced with anguish and emptiness.

Picking her moment Kaylen moved forward, arms by her sides, palms up in a gesture of openness and non threatening.

"I can't answer for Them, nor can I speak to Their defence or the reasoning of Their choices. I can only be your friend, your ears and your heart when you need it to be heard" she said quietly, wrapping the other woman in a hug.

One of two things could happen in the next moment, either was a possibility when it came to Patin. There would be an outpouring of grief and tears followed by a solid drinking session and a bit of healing, or she'd swing right back to the obscenities. Either way, Rhenora would stand by her friend as she either sobbed or screamed. Or quite possibly both.



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