14 - Seeing the Forest in the Trees
Posted on Mon Nov 4th, 2024 @ 5:56pm by Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Remal Kajun & Patin & Captain Rhenora Kaylen
The Beginning of the End
Location: Bajor
Cottage by the Ocean
Time passed slowly within the cabin, feeling trapped by the encircling army and yet also that with each passing moment the end of the Prophecy drew closer. For a few hours Rhenora reclined on the couch in front of the roaring fire, attempting to sooth her mind by listening to the traditional rhythms trusted by thousands of Bajoran women through a set of headphones. It helped for a while, the almost meditative state allowed her body the time and space it needed to accomplish the inevitable birth of their child. The pain eased and was replaced by calm.
Remal had taken to pacing. It wasn't a choice, just something that sort of happened. He had started in the kitchen, organizing and cleaning in an effort to be doing something while waiting. Then he filtered into the living room where he stoked the fire, turning a log or two in an effort to maintain atmospheric warmth. Then he moved on to the back room with the windowed view of the water, now partially covered with snow as it continued to fall. Then back to the kitchen where he found something else and so began the pacing.
Ikar had taken up a crisscross pose in the corner, out of the way and was currently meditating. Every time Remal would pass or Rhenora would have a contraction, Ikar would open one eye, inspect the activity and then return to meditating. They were all waiting for the torture of psychological warfare to become real warfare, something they knew how to win. Mind games were a poor demented man's game.
The gentle sounds of someone moving around were soothing, reminding Rhenora she wasn't alone despite being deep in meditation. It was comforting, but also an expression for how restless Remal was.
Bajor - Forest in the hills
With Brin regaining his strength after displaying the power of the Wraith, Faro took charge of their army, gathering them together into groups. One would remain in the forest and cut off any aid or escape, a second would approach from the north, and the final from the direction of the village. It was unlikely the Ma and Fa would flee into the ocean so the beach was left relatively unguarded.
Faro began moving her people into position, the attack would take place later in the afternoon so their end game was ensuring no aid reached the cottage and that their quarry were still sequestered inside, fearful of their impending demise.
Brin and Faro would take a handful of their best people and attack the cottage directly. Basic fire grenades, primitive energy explosives, old school phasers and blades were all they had to make sure things went the way they had planned. The garden had been planted with explosives and stun grenades, triggered remotely on a small control device.
The pieces were in motion, the battle was just a matter of time.
Patin was growing impatient. The waiting game was making her stomach churn, that or she was growing hungry. Under her disguise as one of the Brotherhood troops and her small stature, she had managed to move inconspicuously in and out of the various groups and had gleaned as much information as she could. Each time she would then circle back and deliver anything new to the penned up prisoners, Zio and Jenna.
But now Patin crouched near the pen, and waited, knowing her friends were close and soon to be in danger. She longed to be with them for the coming fight but also knew that path was guarded and there were traps in place. Hope, not really her thing, was feeling as though it were lacking.
Zio noticed. "Patin." She whispered. "I'm worried for them too. This, this mass of degenerates have assembled to hurt those we care about. You know what that tells me?" Patin shook her head no. "It tells me they believe the two people in that cabin worthy of an entire army. Now, imagine their shock when they have to face six of us."
This caused Patin to smile at the thought of six of them fighting against a thousand. It would be epic, and tragic, but fun. "It will be a glorious ending." She whispered back.
"I hope not, but if it comes to that, I suppose it will. We just have to have patience and not give in to their mind games." Zio replied. She had fears of her own about leaving her two teenage children to fend for themselves. But in her heart she knew she had raised them to take care of themselves, and one another.
"Oi you lot, stop chatting!" One of the thugs glared at the trio before giving Patin the stink eye. "What you doin' with them? You one of them or somethin'?" He challenged.
Patin stood abruptly, coming to within a centimeter to the brash man's face. "What's it to you? Boss told me to check and see if they were hungry or needed to potty. Are you questioning the benevolence of our new master?" She pressed forward to assert her attitude.
The man recoiled as he stepped back, slipping on the snow slightly. He angered easily, frustrating as they were with waiting for so long in the cold, and pushed back. "They don't need food or a potty break. They can piss where they stand."
Patin wasn't having it though, her hand reach forward and grabbed hold of his package. "Easy for you to say mate, we ain't got the proper equipment for the task, ya dig?" There was clear fear in his eyes. "Now, why don't you fuck right off before I make it to where you have to piss sitting down?"
Once again he recoiled, his heart now in his throat, however he didn't want to appear weak in front of the onlookers now invested in what was happening. He changed his footing and reattempted a bolder footing but before the altercation could progress, the sound of a single horn being blown signaled their march towards the cottage.
Captain Rhenora Kaylen
Commanding Officer, USS Sunfire

Commander Jenna Ramthorne
Chief Flight Control Officer & Mission Advisor, USS Sunfire

Remal Kajun
Counselor Aide, USS Sunfire
Husband of the Captain

Played By Commander Jenna Ramthorne
Friend of the Captain, USS Sunfire

Played By Commander Jenna Ramthorne