12 - The Battle Looms
Posted on Sat Nov 2nd, 2024 @ 10:22pm by Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Remal Kajun & Patin & Captain Rhenora Kaylen
The Beginning of the End
Location: Bajor
Bajor - Drakkar Province - Local Village
In the village the war cry echoed through the streets, a mass of movement with fists in the air and determination on the faces of ordinary people willing to fight for what they believed in
"Go, gather your arms and return, we will flank them but it will take time to do this. We must be silent once we enter the forest." Kira instructed, her experience with this kind of warfare showing evidently already. Covert was the name of the game when one was outnumbered.
Half an hour later the villagers split into three groups, one to flank from the north, one from the south, and one from the rear. She hopes that Patin in her years in the Resistance would expect everything other than a direct attack and would be planning her moves accordingly. She checked her chronometer knowing it would take a good bit of time for the villagers to get into position, and then the opportune moment had to be presented. Ideally when the Brotherhood started their own march towards the cottage, it would be the ideal time to attack from the rear and overwhelm them.
Cottage by the Ocean
Rhenora shifted uncomfortably, getting up and pacing the length of the lounge room in front of the fire. The heat soothed her muscles and her body was already protesting what was to come. The visit from Brin and Faro had rattled her more than she cared to admit, the vision from the Prophecy replaying in her mind until she physically shook her head to be rid of it. They had tried repeatedly to get communications with anyone outside the cottage, and with the scattering field in place they couldn't transport out.
"I feel like a ticking time bomb" she grumbled, padding to the kitchen in bare feet and looking for a snack. Or coffee. Or both.
Remal just stood back and shook his head. He knew her contractions had eased up and the last one had been almost ten minutes but he was hoping for her sake she would heed his advice and remain stationary in the least. But she was stubborn as always and for her sake she had a lot on her worried mind. He sipped his tea and then commented, "I take it for granted you're not going to sit down and relax?"
Ikar, to his benefit, had taken her mood as a sign to remain silent and still. He stood, in the far corner of the room, watching out of the large windows at the water behind. She had already snapped at him once and at one point had taken to squeezing his finger as though it were a stress object. For now she was still.
Relaxing was the furthest thing from her mind, the enormity of the situation not being lost of her. "They're going to attack us when we can least defend ourselves " she trumped. "Who the hell does that?" She turned and paced again before another tightening stopped her in her tracks. She breathed through it as well as she could, willing it to be over quickly but knowing that wasn't going to be the case. "I'm sorry, to both of you. I shouldn't be this grumpy"
"We understand your mood swings. Silver lining, you haven't sneezed in a good long while." Remal said with a sympathetic grin.
"I, do not." Ikar said aloud, but only just audibly voicing his disagreement.
"As for them attacking us, I figured they would have done it when they had the chance. Why wait? Why play out this mind game unless they are waiting for something. In all of our visions given to us by the Prophets, did they ever indicate what this day meant or why later this day had significant meaning versus earlier?" He asked half rhetorically, half out of frustration.
"They are skilled combatants. If it were me I would attack a strong opponent no matter their state of weakness. They appear to be waiting for something important to change." Ikar added, while outside the snow began to collect now up to half an inch.
"They're waiting for when the moon reaches it's zenith" Rhenora replied without trying to be grumpy. She recalled that particular detail from one of the visions. "And if my timing is correct, that's about the time our child will choose to enter the world, that is our moment of vulnerability and weakness."
"Attacking under the cover of only moonlight is a beneficial strategy, however surely they have the numbers and the strength of power. Perhaps there is something specific we are missing." Ikar pondered out loud.
Remal, who had been considering the options at hand and what he knew from his days serving on the whim of the Prophets finally spoke, "If there is a Pah'Wraith that has escaped their prison confinement in the fire-caves, it is possible it needs a host. Now I'm not an interpreter of visions, but I recall several references to a becon of light being replaced by a beacon of darkness. What if they plan to somehow embody our child?"
It was feasible the plan was as clear as embody the child, kill the Ma and Fa and replace them with Brin and Faro as protectors until the child was of age to then lead the people towards a dark path. There was likely more details to the plan, but this would ensure the Emissary became the pivot point from light to dark. Remal's heart sank into his stomach as he looked to Rhenora. "I won't allow that to happen." He said standing tall now as dedicated determination filled his being.
Rhenora's blood ran cold, this was not as she had anticipated, she knew of her own demise but not that of the child's, nor Remal's. " we can't let that happen" she whispered, and turned to Ikar. "You can't let them turn our child into a Pah'Wraith."
Ikar's eyes traveled from Rhenora to Remal and back again before he responded, "I do not intend to allow the child of Remal and Rhenora to become something it is not meant to be. I do not yet know what a Pah'Wraith is, but it doesn't sound friendly. My body is your weapon, utilize me as you desire." He placed one fist across his chest and bowed slightly in order to show respect.
"It's not a desire by any means, it's a worst case scenario that those crazies are hell bent on making happen" Rhenora grumbled as she moved around again. She wasn't going very well at the whole relaxation concept.
Remal was watching the chronometer, counting down the minutes. Her next set of contractions would come any moment now, he was certain. He was also certain now, this day would bring with it the most difficult set of circumstances surrounding a birthing delivery that he had ever had to deal with.
Captain Rhenora Kaylen
Commanding Officer, USS Sunfire

Commander Jenna Ramthorne
Chief Flight Control Officer & Mission Advisor, USS Sunfire

Remal Kajun
Counselor Aide, USS Sunfire
Husband of the Captain

Played By Commander Jenna Ramthorne
Friend of the Captain, USS Sunfire

Played By Commander Jenna Ramthorne