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Patch up job

Posted on Mon Oct 16th, 2023 @ 4:35am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Lieutenant Sarah Wilson & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Remal Kajun & Patin

Mission: Repairs and Retribution
Location: Sickbay

As the teams were returned to the Sunfire, their charges were conveyed to sickbay via anti-grav stretchers to alleviate any further stress on their bodies. All non-urgent transports had been halted to conserve energy for the Sunfire's inevitable flee to safety. Dr Wilson accompanied the Captain and Rema, using her tricorders to covertly scan them as they made their way through the corridor.

For a week on a hot dry climate working in a mine and being mentally and physically abused, they both weren't doing too badly. The physical wounds would heal, the nutrient dense supplements provided by the medical staff would replenish their bodies, the mental side would take a little longer though.

The grey doors of sickbay slid open and Sarah ordered her staff to transfer the patients onto the waiting biobeds, engaging the diagnostic arches and support systems to begin the healing process and provide a deeper understanding of their injuries.

Aurora was glad to be off her feet, everything ached where the Mrs had stretched every tendon and muscle she had on the rack. She wanted a nice long shower, but right now she wasn’t sure she had the energy to stand up and take one.

One at a time Dr Wilson made her way around her four patients, carefully recording the data from the scans and tapping treatment notes onto a PADD. She approached Aurora and frowned a little. "My readings suggest your soft and supportive muscle tissue has endured significant trauma. Nothing that won't mend in a week or so however. Would you like some pain relief?" She asked, taking notes of the fetal scan as well.

Aurora offered a nod of her head and a smile. “Yes please Sarah, I ache all over.”

Administering the required medication in a series of hypo spray Sarah moved to her next patient, Savar. He was severely malnourished and dehydrated among other things.
"Nutrient and hydration therapy for you young man" She waited for his nod before hooking up the appropriate equipment.
"What else did they do to you?"

Savar looked at Sarah. "Dr. Wilson." He paused and corrected himself, "Sarah, it is most agreeable to see you again." Savar replied softly. "As to your query of what else was done. I was subjected to various mind altering attempts to change my perception of reality." He looked up at Sarah. "It was most uncomfortable."

"Rest up, we've got everything in hand" Sarah smiled as she headed towards Remal, currently in surgery to repair the energy blast. He would make a full recovery however the poison in his system was making his blood coagulation cofactors drop significantly. "Hrmmm, this indicates a medium grade of poison in his bloodstream" She mused aloud, moving towards the head of the surgical bed. Remal was only lightly sedated however had been heavily loaded with painkillers.
"Were you given something? A toxin or a poison perhaps? It's inhibiting your body's ability to form blood clots"

He pulled his tunic down to show some of the many injection sites where the scorpion like creatures had injected their poison. Then he rolled up his sleeve to show her dozens more. The sting sites were blistered over and red as his own body was attempting to fight the poison as though it would an infection.

"I was forced to endure." He commented with indication to the insect bites. "Rhen and I were then given something much worse." He said as he nodded to Rhenora. The poison the Mrs had administered burned at their spirit more than their body, but it still stung.

" Hrmmm" Sarah mulled over the chemical structure of the toxin, running a search through the medical database for a counter agent that would neutralize its effects. Her options were limited, there was one medication that looked like it may work, or they could filter Remal's blood and lymphatic fluid and remove it that way.

Heading over to the replicator she programmed in the medication she had found and waited for the hypo spray canister to appear. Clicking it into the ever present hypo in her pocket, she headed back to surgery. "This MAY work, emphasis on the 'may'. The computer had a hard time compiling something effective. If it doesn't work I have a plan B, but it will take a little longer" She advised, injecting him in the neck as the surgeon finished working on the energy blast.

The vitals panel on the side wall in full view of everyone in the room was slowly moving from the orange range towards the green range. He wasn't out of the woods yet, but things were looking in the right direction.

His head fell back onto the pillow as the new fluid coursed throughout his body. It was strangely cool compared to the heat that was the poison. "Thanks doc. I trust whatever you throw at me."

"Excuse me, I need to go check on the Captain...and Patin, you know what she's like" Sarah smirked as she left Remal in the hands of the recovery team.

Sarah approached Patin with caution, the older woman was keeping a watchful eye over the Captain, as though guarding her. "She's doing ok" Sarah soothed, and saw Patin's shoulders drop a little despite her efforts not to appear convinced. The doctor turned and vanished for a moment, reappearing with a plate of food and a hot raktijino. " I hope you like Klingon coffee, and you could use a hot meal." She ran a cursory tricorder scan over the angry Bajoran, and was satisfied that any and all injuries had been treated sufficiently.

Rhenora meanwhile was snoring under the watchful arch of the biobed and the steadfast gaze of Patin. The triage team had used a deep osteoregenerator to repair the knife wound, and set a slow acting dermal regeneration patch on the surface. Her vitals were also edging towards the green zone, but the combined effects of so long without proper nutrition and fluids as well as The Mrs most unhospitable treatment had left her depleted in more ways than one. Her body was throwing everything it could at keeping the now over midterm baby alive, robbing her of anything left.

Sarah approached silently, checking the monitors and nodding at her staff's pre-emptive application of nutrient rich fluid solutions. All four of the kidnapped officers would be out of the woods in a few hours, and would most likely be released back to their quarters tomorrow. Physical treatments and then psychological therapy would be ongoing to help them recover from their experiences, which would no doubt linger for a long time. They were all tough, but there was only so much they could take. Lately they had been through the wringer and Sarah was concerned in more ways than one.


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