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Posted on Wed Oct 11th, 2023 @ 3:39am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Lieutenant Sarah Wilson & Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Remal Kajun & Patin

Mission: Repairs and Retribution
Location: Kunar Landing Bay
Timeline: Current

She stood alone. A shuttle to her back she could not fly and no more defenders at her command. The place she held fast to, her whole life, was now crumbling into ruin. Though it was doing that long before Rhenora Kaylen reared her head, she was fixed on blaming the blonde-headed Bajoran. She stared across the open landing platform and wondered what would happen next.

Patin meanwhile climbed down from the control room, walking too casually for her own safety. She wanted to ensure her friends were not injured. Even as she approached Nozzie she saw Remal lying on the ground. "Is the meat bag gone?" Patin asked Rhen, her tone indicating how much she truly cared about him, her glare at the Mrs however, spoke volumes.

" He took a disruptor to the shoulder, he's had worse but I'm sure he'd appreciate the first transport out of here" Rhenora explained without taking her eyes off the woman standing before her. "I can't let you leave here," She said to the captor who was now the captive.

"Were our roles reversed I would agree and as it would seem you now hold all of the power. So, Rhenora Kaylen, what will you do? Hmm? Take me into custody, no that would only have the authorities seek a higher form of justice. So then, if it were me, I would be able to relieve you of the continuing burden of life." Her eyes focused on Rhenora. "But then you are not me, clearly." Her upturned nose was enough to curdle dairy.

Patin urged, "Let's just end her and be done with this mess. She does not deserve to live with what she's done." Patin was balancing on the balls of her feet, itching and ready to leap into action. If it were up to her the Mrs would have already taken a shot between her beady little black eyes. But this redemption was Nozzies and Remal's alone. Well, unless Savar or Aurora were to show up.

"That's what she wants Patin" Rhenora glanced at her trusted friend for an instant, seeing Sarah treating Remal where he had been shot. She breathed a sigh of relief and turned her attention back to the Mrs. "I won't let you have your easy out, to die in what you would think of as a righteous end befitting of your husband. He died trying to murder us. You will live the rest of your days in misery." It was a monologue the greats may have given half a nod to.

As she finished speaking the power and lighting went out, the last of the Captain's words swallowed by the blackness that now engulfed most of the compound. Rhenora's attention shifted, from The Mrs, to Remal who was back towards the now black tunnel, to the rest of the compound as the energy of the fight shifted.

A large ship could be seen landing nearby. It wasn't the Sunfire and she couldn't place its origin nor its allegiance. It didn't look overly Cardassian either. She squinted as the hatch opened and hundreds of figures spewed into the complex, again too small to discern.

She realized her error a bit too late, her attention had shifted from her primary concern and now that concern brandished a knife and was propelling it with the desperation of someone who wanted their life to end and would inflict as much damage as she could on her way out. She would die, but she would take Rhenora with her.

The Mrs had pulled the dagger from her boot and in an act of desperation, and a moment of selfishness to be done with everything, she lunged. The home built from generations of Maccets would never see another drop of wine grace its cupboards. Never again would a cork pop or a glass clink within those halls. There would also never be another tortured innocent victim to scream for mercy.

She felt the knife pierce her skin and slide forward as her eyes took in the energy weapons fire from behind. The eyes of the Mrs closed for the last time with a satisfied smirk on her face.

Patin was there to catch her friend. As she brushed the Mrs off Rhenora's body with little regard, she felt in the darkness for the dagger until she found it embedded in her upper left clavicle, too high to hit anything vital. Patin grinned maliciously, "She really hated you. Good thing she was a bad aim eh?" Patin pulled a bio-gel sealing pack from one of her many pockets.

"On three right? One... " She pulled the dagger from the wound and slapped the bio-gel into the wound. "There ya go, just like old times." She threw Rhen's arm around her should and helped her stand upright as a horde of Orion soldiers descended on the shuttle bay. "Next time, just let me shoot her." Patin offered.

The Orions carried with them flashlights and enough gear to be a presumed army. They were a surprise, but a welcome one.

"Next time, I count" Rhenora grumbled as Patin hoisted her to her feet, checking behind her one last time to make sure The Mrs was well and truly dead. "And there won't be a next time for her."

Orions swarmed the complex, leaving the Federation teams unharmed as they cleaned up the stragglers. To their credit, those who surrendered were left alive and would be dealt with at a later time.

"Let's blow this joint, I'm done" There was a weariness in her voice that spoke to the harsh conditions they had endured over the last week. Remal was on his feet, assisted by Sarah.

Patin looked at the weary group, "Sunfire, this is Patin, do you have a lock on our position? We have five ready for transport." She was worried slightly about the other teams but knew the situation enough to know they were in good hands. Bonnie with Ghemora, Sera, and Kate with the Commander and Counselor, would all find their way back to the ship, or she would come back for them if necessary.

Moments later they disappeared in a haze of blue light. Safe and sound back aboard the Sunfire. Ther ordeal, mostly over.



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