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Disaster! Part 1

Posted on Sun Oct 9th, 2022 @ 8:35pm by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Lieutenant Sarah Wilson & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Chester "Duo" Maxwell

Mission: Planet of the Dinosaurs
Location: Bridge
Timeline: After Crash Landing

It had happened so fast. One moment they were cruising toward Cardassia and Savar's trial, the next they were caught in the midst of an ion storm, knocked from the stars and now had crashed, who knew where. Readings hadn't been taken to get an exact fix.

Savar was thrown from his seat as the Sunfire plowed into the earth and came to rest atop a small hill. The bridge lights had flickered and gone out, throwing the entire bridge into darkness.

"Lights!" He called out and there was no response. He knew from memory that there were emergency lanterns under his seat and Rhenora's. Searching, he found his seat and after a few moments found the lantern and activated it. It's light cast the bridge in an eerie glow as the bridge crew climbed to their feet. With moans and groans filling the air. Turning the lantern back to the center seat he saw Rhenora sprawled on the deck. Moving quickly to her he reached a hand out. "Captain, Rhenora are you alright?"

There was a voice that seemed to come from a long way away, an echo in the distance that sounded both urgent and earnest. In the void there was no hurt, no pain, and no smoke from the plethora of small fires that has broken out. Yet the voice was insistent, she recognized it and with the recognition came an instant recall of the last few minutes. The crew, she had to make sure the crew were alright. The comfort of the dark void would have to wait.

"Someone get the rego of the shuttle that hit me" Rhenora groaned as she remained still on the floor, not yet willing to run an internal damage assessment for fear of what her body would tell her. There was something pinning her lower body to the deck but she didn't want to move to find out what it was.

"Mr. House." He called out, "I require your assistance."

Well wasn't that just all kinds of fun. Dean had a hell of a gash on his forehead, but it was more superficial than anything. The head always bled more making a wound look worse than it was. Lifting up from the tactical console. Wiping enough away he could see. Hearing Savar, grabbing an emergency med kit and seeing the light. heading over there. "What what is it?"

It didn't take long to tell what the problem was, even if it was harder to see. Definitely helping with the lamp Savar had. "Shit." Dean leaned down to check Rhenora with the medical tricorder from the emergency kit first. Getting a concussion, not sure how bad. The left scapula was broken and displaced. That wasn't going to be fun to set, at least not for Rhenora. Compression fractures to her left leg, pushing the fibula and tibula bones together against each other. At least no signs of internal bleeding from that.

Still not the biggest issue at the moment. Why is it always bulkhead pieces? A flashback, a bad one hit Dean. Causing him to almost freeze in place. Regardless of the situation, or the sparks flying around them. He was right back on the Vengence. Being kept from going into the room where his wife and unborn child were. Stuck by fire, and the entire ceiling bulkhead collapsed on top of them. He could have gone in, taken himself to get them out. As long as he got them out. They were dead already though. Which is why he was stopped. He'd have joined them if he thought he could get them out. Rhenora's voice snapped him out of it.

Dean had to look around again to remember and focus, that was then, this is now. Setting the tricorder down, he wasn't about to let history repeat itself. This time, like before he didn't care if he got hurt. He was going to get that hulk off of her. Parts of the metal were heated, so he did think to at least use his tunic as gloves. They were still going to get burned but now as bad. Reaching for spots to help get it off completely. Straining hard and getting cuts from said metal. Straining and eventually yelling out before throwing it aside into one of the consoles.

Dropping to his knees trying to catch his breath. There was still a little bit of Dean's flashback there, which would explain the next behavior. Reaching to caress Rhenora's cheek and brush hair out of her face gently, almost lovingly. "I've got you, sweetheart. You're safe now. We just need Sickbay. You're going to be okay now."

"Owwww" Rhenora groaned as she tried to sit up now the bulkhead had been moved. She hurt like hell but had gone through worse in the past. "Sling the arm, and sit me up somewhere where I can be useful" She ordered, her eyes flaring with humiliation of having to ask for help.

"You you to stay there..let me look again, baby. Just still." Dean was still in it for a moment more. The look in his eyes showed all of it. Obviously not the what or why, but it was there. It was only after pressing a light kiss to Rhenora's lips that, it was different. Snapped him out of it. Oh bloody hell. What just happened? The actions were clear. The why was there. She was hurt and pinned.

Once things calmed down Dean would remember the rest of what happened. The flashback. Just not right now. So he wasn't sure why he just did that, or that he just did. "Um.." leaning back. "Moving. I er..oh! Not yet. blade is displaced and broken. I need to set it. I don't think your leg is going to be usable."

"Yeah..lets..get you sitting at least." Without warning, Dean popped that plate back in place and together. His tunic could be used as a sling. There had to be stuff in the emergency medical kit also.

The sound was that of a wounded animal, unable to be repressed or stifled. In the moments after the pain dulled to a manageable roar. "Remind me to never have you as a field medic, your bedside manner sucks. You could have bloody warned me" Rhenora grumbled as the dark edges of her vision receded. Had he kissed her? What the heck? Answers would have to come later. There was obviously some deep seeded trauma that he was reliving from him past. She remembered reading something in his personnel file about a wife and child who had died in a crash or something of the sort.

Or something of the sort. Dean just tilted his head a bit, fishing through the kit for a mild painkiller. "It would have hurt more if you prepped for it and tensed up with a countdown."

"You don't know that," she shot back, wounded pride and pain getting the better of her. Now sitting she could survey the wreck that was the bridge. 'How many....?' She couldn't say it aloud.

"I do kind of know that, Nora." Dean shook his head, "I don't know how many yet." It was pretty obvious what Rhenora was wondering. "I don't think we should worry about that number, we should worry about how many still are."

She nodded silently, and winced as they deposited her in her remarkably intact command chair. Her legs screamed but the drugs were dulling the roar.

Savar spoke to Rhenora, "No reports on injured or dead as of yet Captain. However, damage reports are coming in from all over the ship. The damage is quite extensive."

"I'm not surprised. We should prepare for large casualties, anyone with medical experience will be needed to keep those alive, well alive" Rhenora started to make plans, her strategic mind already on what may lay ahead.

Savar then thought of Aurora and their son Sidak. Were they alright? He tapped his combadge. "Savar to Aurora" and waited for a reply. Tapping his combadge again he spoke "Bridge to Sickbay."

There was static for a few moments before a minor miracle allowed their combadges to work as the intra-ship communications were still down. "Sickbay here, we need to talk about who parked this thing" Sarah grumbled as she tried to make patients comfortable on the floor. With the deck at an odd angle, it seemed to make everything that much harder.

Duo was lying face down next the the Ops console. He had been knocked unconscious. The acrid smell of smoke hanging around the Bridge had awakened him. He struggled to open his eyes and his head felt like it was split open. He rolled over onto his back and touched his forehead. He winced in pain. His head was literally split open. His eyes started to loose focus and he struggled to remain conscious.



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