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Bridge Post Pt 4

Posted on Mon Jul 11th, 2022 @ 2:59am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Ashlesha 4827/A & Ensign Kitiuas Thenis & Remal Kajun

Mission: New Harrington
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current

The Captain was cautious in her approach, the risk of the virus getting out and infecting more systems was high - and if it did it would hamper the rescue and relocation efforts going on at the moment. " With the lack of power to that station, I think we have the virus contained for the time being. Do what you can to study it here without risking further outbreaks" The Captain ordered before turning her attention back to the viewscreen. She opened a channel to the away team at Anesh and waited for Remal to answer.

"... it's alright, move her over there. Somebody get this woman some water." Remal communicated to the people surrounding him at Anesh. He had been busy since his touchdown. "Sorry Captain, we've got our hands full here. It's hot, and dryer than Patins waffles " Referencing the so called breakfast Patin had attempted to make for them while on Bajor.

"We have also begun to feel light tremors in the area, mostly nauseating waves. Is it possible there is a fault line near our position?" He asked, concerned.

Thenis looked at the position of the Anesh compared to were the ground weather stations were located. She could trace one major fault line and three minor fault lines leading from four of the weather stations to Anesh, and two major ones heading towards an extinct volcano near Anesh. “Captain in answer to his question; Anesh is about to experience major issues both earthquake wise as well as a possible eruption of an extinct volcano.” With that she brought up an overlay of the situation so the Captain could review the data herself. “In my analysis the best option to prevent further disaster is to either destroy those stations from orbit, or have away teams try and shut them down manually; however I must point out the heat around those stations is averaging around 48.9 Celsius or 120 Fahrenheit. I cannot guarantee success with either option Captain, though these five stations seem to be responsible for the majority of the severe weather in the Anesh region.”

Dean turned as much as he could in the XO's chair. "We could transport ice from the polar caps to deal with the eruptions. Or a long with that, low level phaser beams to shut the power down from the stations."

Rhenora mused over the ideas in her head, weighing the pros and cons of each. As much as she wanted to beam over to one of those weather stations and shut them down herself, it simply wasn't an option.

"I'd rather not destroy the weather stations, as when we sort this mess out the planet is going to need them to function again. We need to find a way to power them down, or temporarily disable them. Could we set up an Electro magnetic pulse with the main deflector to knock out their systems without damaging them?" She asked, rubbing her chin thoughtfully with one finger.

Ashlesha quickly began to run numbers and after a bit Green replied to the captain's query, "We could reconfigure the deflector dish for a pulse like that, but we would have to be careful in regards to the intensity so we don't permanently damage them."

Meanwhile Grey quietly murmured to Thenis, "Durnell is writing a code to thwart the virus around the communications system, I'm trying to commit it to memory. I would help if I had a fourth brain," she smiled crookedly, "A Vulcan one, preferably."

Ensign Thenis quietly chuckled and whispered back “Tell me about it, I am a specialist in insects and arachnids and cryptozoology. I mean I have an associates in computer software engineering, but I believe this will take an individual with far more experience and education.” Kitiuas was getting to become more relaxed around the 'sisters being' known as Ashlesha.

" You're doing exceptionally well" The Captain encouraged as she looked at the viewscreen from where Remal and the team were working. It looked hotter than the fire caves, everyone was sweating profusely, and the medical team were getting busy treating heat stroke and dehydration, a radical difference from the hypothermic and sodden souls from the other side of the planet.

" Remal - do you need any further resources? Shade shelters, air cooling units?" She asked.

"Surprisingly, no. So far everything concerning supplies and shelter has been well provided for. They have the replication units churning out resources left and right. Everyone's biggest fear, at least here in Anesh, is the dry condition that has lasted for days. One spark could engulf a whole city block before we could respond. Any word yet on the status of those weather control systems?" He questioned in his mind the idea of if they had been purchased from Ferengi merchants but kept the notion to himself.

"I can set that pulse up from the console here, Captain." Dean turned the small console by the XO chair in his direction.

Ensign Thenis straitened her back a little stiffer when she heard the captain’s comments, she had thought she spoke softly enough to Ashlesha not to be overheard. When she overheard Lieutenant Commander House comment about sending an electromagnetic pulse down, brought her attention back to the virus she was supposed to be working on. She thought she should perhaps try something similar to the virus. Without asking she sent a small em pulse from the primary science station to the secondary isolated science station. The results were spectacular to say the least, there was a bright flash of light and energy, then there came a pounding sound from the isolated science station. Kitiuas looked at the results of her small experiment Oh crap, what have I done she thought to herself. The Virus was now a green energy mass bouncing back in forth within the force 10 security field, almost reminding her of a nest of angry earth hornets. “Oops” she said out loud. “Captain is there a possibility the virus may be on those ground control weather stations?” she inquired.

Ashlesha's eyes widened at the sight of the virus' growing agitation. While Thenis spoke to the captain she prepared a back up containment field to spring up a meter outside of where the first was, just in case. But if the virus could burst free of the first she was not certain how to contain it with a second...

" The way things are going at the moment, anything's a possibility" The Captain admitted sagely and she headed over to the science station. " Something tells me it's not supposed to be that big, or that cranky"

Dean's head raised up a little bit, "What about biometrics. The Transporter can filter out the virus while being secure. That can be used to bomb the one down there couldn't it?"

Kitiuas was analyzing the data from her experiment, she now knew what the ‘Third” strand of the triple helix did; it was a nanite energy converter, and the chlorophyllin nanonites stored that energy. It must have programming to convert one type of energy into another, but damn if she knew how. The green energy mass was causing a rise in temperature within the containment field, she was unsure how long the field would last, as both the temperature and energy levels increased. "Captain, I believe that Lieutenant Ashlesha's recommendation to beam the containment field off the ship and raise shields to be the best advice. This thing is looking to explode on us. I am unsure what type of damage it will cause or if the bridge can sustain the damage."

The Captain looked over the shoulder of the younger officers, analysing the situation for herself before making a decision. Whatever this virus was it was hell bent on escaping containment.
" Beam it into space, 100km off the starboard bow" She ordered without further hesitation. A secondary science station could be replaced at some stage, the bridge not so much.

Within a few seconds the secondary science station vanished, leaving a gaping hole of bulkheads and exposed circuits.

" Tell me it's gone team..." She asked after a few anxious moments, hoping the virus was floating in space still contained within the science station.

Ensign Thenis did a quick scan and caught the secondary science station just 100km of the starboard bow. There was a bright green flash. and the ship rocked gently from the small blast wave emitted by the explosion. Then what appeared to be a green misty cloud start to drift towards the planet, with two small tendrils, one drifting towards the USS Sunfire and the other towards the Main Orbital Weather Station. "Captain," Thenis said "I recommend we raise shields."



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