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History Repeating

Posted on Sat Jun 5th, 2021 @ 11:24am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant Commander Sandra "Phantom" Risa & Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla'ren & Lieutenant Chester "Duo" Maxwell & Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Freya Ross

Mission: Gamma Quadrant
Location: Bridge

Captain Kaylen Rhenora sat in the comfortable centre chair of the USS Sunfire. A sleek Souvereign class vessel she was not, more the nuggety practical mutlipurpose warship that had been around the block more than once or twice and had the scars to prove it. The bridge crew were a mixture of old faces and new, including the security chief and helm officer.

"Ops - open a shipwide channel please" The Captain requested, standing to address the bridge crew and by rest of the ship via the com.

" All Hands - this is the Captain. Shortly we will be embarking on a new mission to the Gamma Quadrant - a recon mission if you will but it will have to double as a shake down cruise. I want to thank you all personally for joining me on this journey, I understand there would have been some tough questions about career and lifestyle that would have been asked in a very short time frame. Thank you for being here. The next few weeks are most likely going to be a steep learning curve, but I have faith in each and every one of you. Let's get the job done"

The exhale at the end of the speech matched the emotion that had filled the words, leaving the Commanding officer feeling a little spent. She returned to command chair and took her seat, taking a moment to compose herself before moving forward.

" All stations - report readiness" They would be checking on the state of the Dominion whilst in the Gamma Quadrant, Starfleet wanting to keep tabs on in the Founders were making any moves on Galactic Domination with the Vorta and the Jem Hadar. News was all quiet on that front lately but Command wanted regular updates.

"Tactical stations ready and set, Captain." Dean nodded.

=/\=Security Teams on standy, Captain.=/\= Duo transmitted.

Savar sat in the XO's chair and monitored all of the ship's systems. "All systems are operating well with efficiency limits Captain."

"Warp drive and impulse engines ready for use Captain" Kla'ren replied from the engineering station.

"Helm, request release of docking clamps and power up 1/3, move us towards the wormhole at your convenience" She ordered.

"Understood, captain," Sandra said. Opening up a comm link,

=/\=DS9, USS Sunfire requesting release of docking clamps. Ready to leave once released.=/\=

=/\=USS Sunfire docking clamps released. You are free to engage your engines. Smoothe sailing. DS9 out=/\=

=/\=DS9, Thanks for the warm wishes. Sunfire out=/\=

"Captain docking clamps have been released. Engaging impulse 1/3 heading for the wormhole as ordered," Sandra said happy to be flying the Akira class ship. Brianna gave her the rundown on her quirks so it was easy for her to adapt.

" Bring her around to the wormhole, let's hope we make it through without any issues this time." Rhenora couldn't help but smirk at the recent events that had led to the rescue of a stranded Bajoran freighter inside the wormhole.

"Sometimes we do get a break," Dean nodded.

Sandra brought the Sunfire around and put her on course for the wormhole. "Captain, all fighter squadrons are ready for deployment when and if needed," she said, turning around to look at her new captain smiling.

Freya was on the bridge but she wouldn’t be aboard the Sunfire for long, she had received an offer from Starfleet to remain aboard the Liberty as Chief Counsellor, a position she favoured. It was one she had chosen to accept.

"Alright team, let's do this" the Captain ordered, and with the imperceptible wind up of the impulse engines, they were off.


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