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"Fighters Away" Part 2

Posted on Sat Jan 30th, 2021 @ 10:19am by Commander Jodon Arlidd & Lieutenant Kedzi Direx

Mission: Sunfire Station Keeping Starbase 247

This post is an hour after post "Fighters Away" Part 1

After an hour Commander Sandy Thomson had been informed of the Omega Directive was initiated he followed orders and contacted his commanding officer, Captain Reese.

Captain Reese arrived at the location of the Dark Nebula by shuttlecraft along with Commander Jodon Arlidd. She transported herself onto the Sunfire's ready room where Commander Thomson was located.

USS Eagle

Jodon beamed onto the Eagle looked around the bridge before looking at Lieuteant Commander Smith who sat in the Command Chair. "You're relieved... I'm taking over." Jodon ordered

Smith nodded his head and stood up from the chair and stood beside it with his hands behind his back.

USS Sunfire
Margaret Reese came onto the bridge of the Sunfire and sat herself down in the Captain's chair. Hail the Eagle." She ordered making herself comfy.

"Aye sir," Said the Ensign at the Tactical station tapping at the console "Forgive me Ma'am but where is Commander Thomson?"

"Mr Thomson and Mr Smith from the Eagle are en-route to Starbase 247," Reese replied

"I can't get the bridge... I've got a security team... I team," The Ensign repelled

"Open a channel." Reese Commanded

USS Eagle
Kedzi was walking along the Eagle checking things out and made sure things were looking ok,as she got the message from the Sunfire.”Kedzi here whats up on the Sunfire?” Kedzi said as she stood in the one corridor with a few security officers.

"=/\= This is Captain Reese," Margaret said sitting in the command chair on the Sunfire. "=/\= Report to the bridge we are unable to contact them. Reese out =/\="

Ensign T'Pun was apart of Kedzi security team he walked along with her to the bridge and noticed her talking to the half-trill and half-smurf in the command chair.

"Someone get down to Engineering inform them we can't get comms up here," Joddon commanded then he watched as Kedzi went into the turbolift to inform Engineering. "Try contacting the Sunfire," He commanded

"It seems we can hail but not get notified about hails, sir... Channel opened." T'pun said at the controls of the tactical station and an elderly old female appeared on the viewscreen

"This is Captain Reese report your status Eagle," She commanded

"This is the Eagle we are unable to detect incoming hails possibly due to radiation from the nebula other than that all systems green and ready for rainfall," Joddon said sitting on the chair of the command chair.

"Understood Eagle begin rainfall Sunfire out," Reese said and the viewscreen went dark

"Helm begin patrol of the nebula Tactical 24 hour tactical alert... If anyone comes near this star system order them to turn around." Arlidd commanded still on the edge of his seat.

USS Sunfire
"Red alert all hands to battle stations... Helm take us in full thrusters," Reese commanded sitting back in her chair

Then the bridge came to life consoles were beeping and people were tapping and the Sunfire gently glided into the Dark Nebula and soon they reached what seemed to be a Norway Federation class of starship.

"What the hell... There isn't a Norway class no-where near this sector for a solid 30 light-years... analysis." She commanded stepping up from the chair and sanding in the med section of the bridge.

"USS Horizon NCC-70654 commanded by a Captain T'fek Vulcan Male but the ship went missing in 2374 during the Dominion War." The ensign manning the tactical station pointed out.

"I've Omega in Science lab 4 on deck 2," The female on the Science console said.

"Life?" Reese asked there was no way a Norway class could get here because it wasn't drifting it was at a full stop.

"None," replied the Ensign at the Tactical station

"Okay, folks we'll be dispatching Science teams to the ship to end this threat... You are all under orders to never speak of this again if you do you will be out of Starfleet faster than warp speed... I'll be boarding Horizon shortly... I'll be in my ready room business to take care of first." Reese said than slowly walked herself into the ready room where the door slid shut behind her

Captain Margaret Reese
Commanding Officer
Starbase Hummingbird

Commander Jodon Arlidd
Acting Commanding Officer
USS Sunfire

Lieutenant Kedzi Direx
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Sunfire


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