Solstice - A New Beginning
Posted on Fri Jan 3rd, 2025 @ 12:45pm by Remal Kajun & Captain Rhenora Kaylen
Character Development
Location: Bajor
Timeline: Evening - Local Solstice Parade
Twinkling above in the evening sky, the light of the first stars had begun to make their way to the surface of Bajor. Remal, with Pantina'agi bundled and strapped to his chest, and Rhenora arm in arm at his side, walked at a leisurely pace down the path from their cabin to the local village.
There was a slight chill in the air, though the weather stations had caught up after the freak local snowstorm prior. It was, in fact, the mood that seemed a bit, off. Normally the Solstice parade was preceded by a large celebration, a light show, food, and dancing. Remal noted the more somber tone of music right away. It was slow, almost sad in nature. Because of course, it was. Many of the local families had lost someone in the recent conflict. They were all still somewhat in mourning.
Remal paused at the edge of the village and listened. The sudden stop catching Rhen's attention. "I can almost hear the sorrow in the air, can you?" He asked as Patina cooed.
She paused and stood still for a moment, absorbing the energy around them with a distant look in her eyes. "They're hurting, aching almost. The air is even heavy" she mused before looking toward the village. It was definitely a more subdued affair than the last time they had attended. "Do you think they hold us responsible?".
"I don't see why they would. Everyone here has lost someone or been changed in some meaningful way. I don't believe they would blame us for that, but to be safe we will keep a low profile if we can." He gestured to a quiet spot under a tree, just South of the local market. There they would struggle to see the parade, but they would also not be easily seen either.
The crowd was very subdued as the festival began, from their slightly raised position under the tree they could just see the local Vedek giving blessings for those they had lost and offering hope for the future. The words were faint on the breeze but could be discerned if one listened hard enough.
What followed was an unusual mix between attempted jovialness and respectful Mourning. The local children waved coloured cloth, vintage ground vehicles rumbled behind. Music played on traditional Bajoran instruments echoed off the walls of the buildings.
As they passed, Remal covered Patina's ears just to be cautious against the noise. It was only when the band players passed he noticed a small break in the procession followed by an empty chariot where normally sat the officionates of the parade. It was odd to see it sit empty. That was until everything stopped.
There was a sudden stillness in both noise and motion as the parade simply stopped in front of them. The crowd then parted in front of Remal and Rhenora. Not only parted but then those closest began to kneel and bow creating an open site line. A small girl, with golden blonde hair, who was walking alongside the chariot, turned and walked through the kneeling bodies right up to Rhenora. She curtsied then reached out her hand beckoning Rhenora to take hers.
Rhenora didn't move, this wasn't how the evening was supposed to pan out. They were supposed to watch the parade, go home and have a lovely late dinner, some wine and hopefully a solid 4-5 hour sleep before Patina announced her hunger. The young girl beckoned again.
"I don't understand," Rhenora said softly to the girl so as not to appear threatening. "Where are the village elders and the Vedeks that ride there?"
The young girl giggled but continued to wait patiently for Rhenora's hand. "Today, we honor the Mother and Father of the new Emissary and the beginning of a new age of enlightenment." She said as if she had rehearsed a time or two.
Remal wasn't prepared to be made a spectacle but also didn't want to be rude to those he considered friends. "Perhaps we should politely decline. It is not our place to begin to appear as figureheads to the people of Bajor." He spoke more to Rhenora than to the waiting crowd.
"We have done nothing other than bring a child into the world" Rhenora started, hoping to sway the crowd who were obviously waiting for them. "We seek no acknowledgement for this." She seemed hesitant.
From behind the young girl, an older woman now spoke up. "You have brought forth the new Emissary, by choice or by design, it matters not. You are the guardians of our future as it was ordained. The sacrifices we have endured shall not go by the wayside simply by agreeing to sit upon the seat of honor and be paraded around as the givers that you are."
Rhenora looked at Remal and Patina, fear flashing across her features. This wasn't how they had planned the evening. They wanted to live in peace, a friendly low profile and blending into anonymity whenever they were planetside. Before she could reply, the crowd closed in around the three of them.
Catching her look of fear, Remal understood and stepped between the crowd and Rhenora, effectively shielding her. When he spoke, his voice boomed as it carried over the crowd. "Let the seat go empty!" Everyone went quiet long enough for him to continue. "We are your friends, not figures to be placed upon pedestals." His words harkened back to their earlier conversation.
"Please, we are just like you. Parents who want to raise their daughter to be humble and kind. Save your hero worship for someone else, someone who truly deserves it. Or, better yet, let the seat remain empty as a symbol of Bajor's past devotion and our tenacious nature to place false figureheads in seats of power they do not deserve."
"They are so humble!" Someone in the crowd shouted.
"They do not honor the dead! We sacrificed for them and they are not grateful!" Another shouted causing the rest of the crowd to begin murmuring.
Remal wondered how he could help them see that all they wanted was to be left as they were. To be Bajoran among Bajorans and to no longer have to fight. After the occupation their people were lost, often turning to Vedeks and the Kai for leadership. What they really needed now was to learn how to guide themselves, not another emissary.
Rhenora looked around for the village elder, a small statured man who was content to allow others take the limelight. He was the epitome of a true leader, invisible yet influential, approachable and strategic.
"I elect Elder Ranjin to take our place. He is the true leader of your village, and has been so for many years. Our daughter is too young and will be frightened" Rhenora replied as diplomatically as she could.
The crowd talked amongst themselves and before the noise became too much to deal with, Remal spoke again. "Please understand, we are not Prophets nor are we Messiahs. We, are just like you. Simple Bajoran folk who wish to live in peace, free from people trying to kill us or worship us simply for existing. Elder Ranjin is a good man and a good choice if you need someone to fill that space in your life."
His commanding words were felt by everyone, including Ranjin who decided to step up by literally stepping up into the carriage and waving to the crowd.
"Come, allow us to grant them the sanctuary and peace they deserve in our village. They will be treated as one of us!" Ranjin said definitively. He bowed deeply to them both before sitting in the carriage and the parade moved on. Not before the eyes of a seething Vedek found both of them. The young man was trying to align himself with the parents of the Emissary and thus elevate his chances of promotion within the religious order. The fact they had shunned faith over politics concerned him greatly. He shouted a single word before vanishing back into the crowd, his brown robes blending easily with the myriad of earthy fabric tones.
Rhenora noticed the gaze and turned to face the angry young man in the distance, trying to figure out who he was before he vanished.
"Well... apparently you can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people, ever." He nudged Rhen, "We can leave if you want. I didn't catch what was said, but it can't have been anything inviting."
"I believe it was either 'Off worlder' or 'Heretic' in the ancient tongue. He is a wounded man full of pride and ambition. Exactly what this village doesn't need" Rhenora mused as the parade moved into the distance, the music and colour moving with them. She settled back on the grass and took Remals warm hand in her own. "I have a feeling this is but a taste of what's to come"
"Hmm." he agreed. "Perhaps another reason, a good reason, why Patina will be better suited far away from here. As will we." It was the end of the day, and the end of a very tiring two weeks. Tomorrow they would be going home, to that great Starship in the sky. Today they had each other and they had Patina who was currently content.