26 - Surreal Ponderings
Posted on Fri Nov 15th, 2024 @ 6:36pm by Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell & Remal Kajun & Patin & Captain Rhenora Kaylen
The Beginning of the End
Location: Bajor
The day for Patin's send-off had arrived.
The morning brought with it a food coma hangover from Zio's many meals. Remal in particular indulged in far too many Jumbja sticks, his personal weakness where food was concerned. Patin loved his Jumbja sticks. The morning also brought with it clean up duties from the night before. It wasn't party-esc but it was a humble gathering for a fellow friend and ally who had fallen in battle. An event which required alcohol, if at least in moderation.
Today would be a completely different sort of celebration as evident when the first pop of the first firework, a sampler, cracked off in the morning sky. Just a zizzle-whirl and a simple pop, but a sign of both the beginning of the day's events, and an ending of an era in the life of Patin.
Remal rolled over as his eyes cracked open to find Rhen already sitting up, holding Patina'agi in a feeding position. She was glowing in the morning light but all he could say was, "Good morning, how'd you sleep?"
"Someone was hungry so I thought I'd keep her mouth busy instead of waking the house" Rhenora laughed softly. "But I slept well thank you." She rose carefully and gave him a kiss on his nose ridges. Her eyes were drawn outside to the waves, having claimed the life of one of their friends and the body of another, they seemed almost peaceful this morning. Satiated even.
"It's calm outside, calmer than it had been in days. It's almost like the waves know it's over." She mused as her mind wandered. "Do you think we've seen the last of the Wraith?"
He took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, "That sounds like a dark conversation for this early in the morning. Hold that thought." He then got up, slipped on his house slippers and moved to the kitchen. Minutes later he came back carrying a coffee in each hand, a blend of his own which contained both calming and energizing elements.
After handing her a cup, he offered to take Patina. Then upon downing his first drink, setting his cup down, he began to gently burp the young one with a pat, pat, rub technique. They had discussed what happened to Faro and the Wraith a bit after the fight. She had little memory of what happened and he had not seen the end so there was a clear ambiguity there.
"I, would like to think that is the last we will ever see of the Pah'Wraith or their movement. The authorities are on the lookout for Faro and their followers." He rocked gently as Patina cooed in his arms. "But, you and I both know there is very little finality in this world. They started something and they will likely one day finish it."
They were each silent in their thoughts for a moment before he added. "I will say, there appeared to be some apprehension in Faro's face before she stabbed Brin. That had to have some lasting effect on her. Aaaaand..." He chuckled as he thought about the day ahead. "From what you told me, we have someone in the Celestial Temple on our side, so..."
Rhenora snorted "They have no hope, neither side. She'll keep the Prophets on their toes and the Pah'Wraith don't stand a chance." She laughed at the straight asked wise cracking comments her friend was most likely serving right now in another realm.
Patina let out a small burp of satisfaction, signaling she was satiated. Remal laid her out, and began the process of checking her nappy and re-wrapping her in the traditional Bajoran wrap where she would be warm and happy. Once changed and wrapped, he leaned in and kissed her nose, then proceeded to do the same for Rhen. It was his way of reminding them both of how much he cared for them.
Rhenora was still ruminating, her mind starting to go around in circles as she considered the possibility that they had defied the Prophecy in a way that hadn't been foreseen. What does that do for the future of Bajor? The Emissary was indeed born, the Wraith were not victorious, but she was supposed to be dead. Not that she was complaining. The internal thought process was complicated though, and now having slept and with some fuel in her belly, she felt able to throw these ideas around in her brain.
Together they sat in peace, sipping their morning coffee and enjoying the first hours of sunrise glistening across the water. Remal imagined things staying, just like this, for years to come. He longed for the simple life, raising children and tending the garden. But he also knew, she longed for the stars.
After a while longer she spoke of their other home "I suppose we should let everyone back on the ship know we're OK. I wonder what they're up to" she mused with a conflicted expression. She wanted the serenity of Bajor now hopefully in an era of peace, but missed the constant challenge and thrill of the unexpected that life on a Starship provided.
"I hope they, unlike us, have enjoyed some downtime. Jenna and I were going to contact them later today and invite anyone who wants to come, out to the Celebration of Life for Patin. I expect some will show. Not everyone though. She had a tenacity to rub people the wrong way. I heard a couple of the crew asked for a transfer simply because they could not tolerate her comments about the Cardassians."
"Ouch, I bet Baldric had fun dealing with that" Rhenora laughed again, knowing that Patin called a spade a spade and didn't particularly care who she offended. "She did have some friends on board, but when the crew comes, there will be questions about what happened. Are you going to tell them everything?"
"They're our friends. I will tell them what they need to know and more if they ask. If I don't, I'm sure Jenna will. You know, she's been pretty quiet since everything happened. I know she's here and conversing, but reserved. I might pull her aside and see how she's doing. What do you think?"
Zio chose that moment to walk into the room like clockwork. "Alright you two, time to let the baby rest and for the Ma to have some food. One cannot thrive on coffee alone." She moved about the room, picking up items, clothing or otherwise, tidying like a momma on a mission. "Busy day, no rest for the wicked."
"Oi, I resent that comment. I survived on coffee alone for years" Rhenora retorted in good nature. "That was of course until Remal walked into my life and taught me the true meaning of food. Or maybe he knew that the true way to a woman's heart is through her stomach." They all laughed before thoughts turned more somber.
"What needs to be done this morning?" She asked Remal and Zio. Jenna hadn't emerged from the spare bedroom yet and Rhenora hoped she was getting some restful sleep and not being haunted by demons.
Zio was first to respond, "I've already started making arrangements. You probably heard the popper outside, that was the fireworks guy testing the system. The alcohol vendor promises to be around later with a large selection of brews and ales and even promised to bring by a bottle of his best 33'." She rolled her eyes, "I'm not one for wine but even I know there were much better years than 33'."
"True." Remal added as he stood and began selecting his clothes for the day. "Even a 62' or 63' would have been better. We're also talking about a bon-fire on the beach where we found her clothes." He chuckled. "She wasn't one for a bra, so burning one would be lost symbolism I think."
"And your friend Jenna, I thought, was going to see who from your ship wanted to come. I haven't seen her yet this morning." Zio followed up. "Anything else you can think of? And no, the food, we've got that covered." She winked at Rhenora. Remal has apparently told Zio, Rhen was a bad cook. Remal's blushing face confirmed.
Rhen missed the food snide completely but was concerned about Jenna. With everything that had happened she hadn't checked in on her old friend. "The timber for the bonfire has been organized, that's as far I got. I feel I need to find Jenna though." She rose, making sure that the baby was sleeping soundly before heading outside. She headed to the beach to where Jenna might find solace.
Zio and Remal watched as she stood and left the safety of the cabin. Remal was concerned for Jenna too, but knew in his mind and in his heart Jenna probably needed the comforting sound of a familiar. Still, he watched until she was out of sight, worry still in his mind.
Jenna, had risen early, before the sun was up, and had been walking through the woods. Taking in cool crisp morning air was invigorating her senses. More importantly, the quiet provided her with a sense of solace allowing her to remove the thoughts and images from her mind. She had ventured to where Patin's clothes remained on the beach and was kneeling on one knee in the sand, just watching the waves as they ebb and flowed when she heard a familiar heartbeat approach from behind. "Aren't you supposed to be resting?" She asked without looking.
Rhenora shrugged. "Probably, but a little light exercise can only be good for healing, or so I'm told." She sat on the cool sand next to where Jenna was kneeling. She kept her eyes towards the waves as though searching for something she could never find again.
"So much death, it's hard to comprehend how so many fought blindly." She mused, her soft voice barely heard over the waves.
She began blindly poking at the sand with a stick, "Did they though? Fight blindly I mean?" She finally asked after a moment of silence. Several things were weighing on her, some things she would not speak but only hint about. Others were safe. It bothered her that so many fought for what they believed in only to have those beliefs twisted and then to die for them. It also bothered her that she was just getting to know Patin only to have the woman die after Jenna herself provided that opportunity, making her feel partially responsible.
Last of all, the baby, she had never gotten to hold her own. And now, having returned to protect her friend and Captain, she was jealous of the child that never was. It was a complex feeling that she did not yet know how to convey. Instead she would move from the subject to lighter things and talk the complex stuff out with a counselor later.
Rhenora listened carefully with her head and her heart. What was not being said was sometimes more important that what was being said.
"They fought for what they believed in, whether that be true or false to everyone else. Sadly they died for their cause. Patin, however chose her fate, in as much as she could. She argued the Prophets to let them take her instead of me. It was my destiny to die then, not hers. Yet she, in her stubborn and determined way, convinced the Prophets that she should serve them in the Temple." Rhenora paused as she gazed at the waves. "She went on her terms, her corporeal form that is. She'll be sticking it to the Prophets for a long time, keeping them honest"
Jenna continued to poke at the ground. "I believe that about her. I barely knew her, but knew she was a fighter. And dedicated, specifically to you. When she showed up at my cabin the other night, she seemed to already know you were in trouble." She sighed, "And like the idiot I am, I brought her here for her to just, die."
"I mean, in the end, she died for what she believed in same as they did right? Ultimately their beliefs were dark, twisted, but something had to have happened for them to want a change right? I just wonder after so many years of peace, why a group would choose change and upheaval over more peace." It was a rhetorical and a philosophical which likely required more coffee.
"Every now and again someone comes along with the promise of bigger and better than the status quo we have enjoyed recently" Rhenora mused as she spoke of the Pah Wraith. "And every now and again a power hungry beast comes along to try and take over." She let her words sit for a while as the waves ebbed and flowed.
"She liked you though. One of the very few people she got anywhere near close to. Kindred spirits you could say." She turned her eyes to Jenna for a moment and regarded her friend with an empathetic gaze. "And she dragged you here, knowing you would help despite the stakes."
Jenna paused the sand poke to rub her jaw, "She definitely got pretty close. Can't recall the last person that punched me and walked away unbroken." She tossed the stick aside and stood, her hands finding a resting place in her back pockets.
"So... what happens now?" Jenna asked, referencing not only the Bajoran people, but Rhenora's plans. She had come to join the Sunfire under the command of Captain Kaylen. But now, those waters were muddy, as was Jenna's future.
"Now, we farewell the mortal remains of our dear friend. Eat, drink and remember what she gave her life for. Then we do what she would have wanted us to do. Go back to the stars and make a difference." Rhenora said with conviction.
"You plan to return to the Sunfire? With Patina?" She didn't have to ask, but she already knew the answer. "Are you at least going to enjoy your parental leave while you can?" It was sort of an ask for personal reasons. She wanted to continue to be close to her former Captain and friend. And, she wanted to know what it was like to raise a child, something she missed out on once.
"I'll use my leave, but I've found I can't stay still for long. Much to Remal's frustration I think. I need to feel useful, and I think I can do that on the Sunfire, even if I'm not in the centre chair." Rhenora mused as she regarded her close friend. "And you? You only just got back, please don't say you're not planning on staying around for a bit"
Jenna shook her head, the tail of her pony swishing with the wind. "Oh no. I'm still on parole and Admirals orders are I go where you go. And I plan to stick to that order." She pondered for a moment as she thought about what else she wanted to say.
"You know, I lost touch with reality when I left the Sunfire last time. Somewhere along the way, I even lost touch with who I was. I'm slowly trying to find that person again and it starts with the friendships I'd left behind. I don't think I would be able to live with myself if I lost you or Remal again. Thank you, for never losing your faith in me." Jenna rocked in the sand as a part of her wanted to reach out and hug her friend.
Rhen scooted over and dropped her ass in the sand next to Jenna, draping an arm over her shoulder in the process. "Screw the parole, stay because you want to do the work required to make you 'YOU' again. We love you, and we need you to be whole" There was a squeeze that went with the words. "I need you to be whole"
She also wanted to feel whole again, she thought as she allowed her head to rest on Rhenora's arm. "When did you become a sage ole' momma?" She asked with a slight humor in her voice.
"Take a few laps around the galaxy, crash land a few times, lose just about everyone near and dear to you then somewhere out of the ashes a great Phoenix rises to fly once more. Your time will come, be kind to yourself while your transformation takes place" The words were cryptic yet truthful at the same time. The last 20 years had been brutal on both of them.
They spent a little more time, relaxing with the waters crashing against the shore, no more worries, or fears. Just the day ahead to look forward to. After a bit they both stood, knowing there was work to be done, and left the serenity of the beach behind. Along with a bit of the heavy weight each one carried.
Captain Rhenora Kaylen
Commanding Officer, USS Sunfire

Commander Jenna Ramthorne
Chief Flight Control Officer & Mission Advisor, USS Sunfire

Remal Kajun
Counselor Aide, USS Sunfire
Husband of the Captain

Played By Commander Jenna Ramthorne
Friend of the Captain, USS Sunfire

Played By Commander Jenna Ramthorne