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The Journey Home - Day 1

Posted on Sun Aug 11th, 2024 @ 10:07pm by Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & 1st Lieutenant Freya Score & Commander Jennifer Baldric
Edited on on Mon Aug 12th, 2024 @ 12:48pm

Mission: Lost in Space
Location: Deepest Space Ever
Timeline: Current

The pod closed around the Sunfire and began to move, pulling the dwarfed ship along with them. Commander Baldric sat in the Captain's chair, trying not to be hyper aware that at any point their worst enemy could pay them a visit despite the proximity of the whales.

Dean took a breath a moment, "I thought we were suppose to go and get them their 'food' first. You know the thing we can do with the ramscoops, Jennifer."

"They mentioned we would pass through a feeding ground on the way, I plan on ramscooping there and storing until we get home" the Commander explained with a shrug. "Don't want to delay the start of the journey lest they change their minds"

"Actually, I realize we can do that with the ship. I should have elaborated, Commander. We can use all of our shuttles and fighters." Dean did not use anything worth of his tone of voice trying to be snippy. It was simply an idea he had.

Jenna turned, "helm is pretty much locked to their trajectory. We'll be entering the slip-bridge any moment now. For the next three days we should limit our power output and have around the clock guard patrols on a rotation just in case, and..." She looked directly at Savar.

"Voyager's report on 8472 indicated they are highly telepathic. We're not sure what that means but I would recommend limiting the use of any telepathy while we are in their space. I don't see any reason we would want to accidentally attract them to us." Jenna finished.

"I don't want to inhibit those of the crew who have natural telepathic or empathic abilities, even though they could be exploited" Baldric said firmly. "However with the continual security and Marines patrols anything untoward will be swiftly handled. " She expressed more confidence than she felt.

Aurora was sitting in her seat. “From what I’ve learned of them Species 8472 are highly resistant to almost all forms of technology. Their bodies generate a bioelectric field that blocks sensors and impedes transporter locks. They can penetrate force fields and withstand quantities of weapons fire that would be lethal to most other lifeforms. Even when injured to the point of appearing dead, they can regenerate. Not to mention their telepathic side, though communication with them is mostly unintelligible for those who have mental contact with them.”

"I'm hoping that the biological mass of the whales will shield us from them" Jennifer said simply, "they are able to pass through without any dramas. We do need to be prepared for trouble though. Perhaps you could work with the telepathic species on board and offer them some strategies in case Species 8472 targets them" she looked at the kind hearted counsellor.

"If I may counselor, for personal reasons, I'd like to hear some of those offered strategies when you lay them out to the crew." Jenna suggested. So far her ability to receive telepathic thoughts had not been an issue, though her dreams admittedly had been disrupted once or twice since boarding the Sunfire. Up until now it had not been a priority. Maybe now was her chance to chat with the good counselor about her so called mental issues.

Aurora nodded. “To be honest I wish I knew what to suggest, I’m going to need to do more research on Species 8472.” She offered a warm smile.

"I believe the prudent course of action to take is to regard Species 8472 as a highly dangerous and imminent threat along the same lines as the Borg for as long as we remain in their area of space." Savar suggested.

The whales moved off, folding the space around them and heading off towards their destination. The Sunfire was pulled along within the pod, their view completely obscured by the bulk of the whales around them. The viewscreen on the bridge was switched to sensors rather than the standard visual, casting the hub in a brightly coloured vista.

"So...three days?" Baldric said after a while. For now it was quiet, but with the looming threat of Species 8472 and the Borg, they couldn't relax at all.

“Commander Ramthorne May I talk to you in private?” Aurora gave Jenna a warm and friendly smile.

"Certainly." Jenna stood, and gestured towards the conference room where they could converse without any issues. She then moved off the bridge, Aurora in tow, leaving everyone else to make plans and preparations.

Baldric watched the two leave the bridge and resumed her calculations as to the probability of either a Borg attack or a Species 8472 attack over the next three days.

Conference Room

Once inside the conference room, Jenna walked to the window side of the table and turned around, her back to the stars. "You asked to speak with me counselor?" She asked simply, not knowing where the conversation might lead.

“I thought you might need to talk” Aurora was direct and to the point, there was no need to beat around the bush. “You mentioned personal reasons...”

Jenna's shoulders relaxed as she realized this conversations was going to be personal and not professional. "Ah, yes, I had planned to schedule an appointment but had not gotten the chance." She shifted slightly, "I'm not certain if you have had a chance to review my file or know anything about my history." Her eyes rolled, "I know Starfleet covered up the details pretty tight."

"Anyway, in regards to 8472, and telepathy, We... I had a friend and previous doctor who helped open my mind so that now it receives telepathic thoughts, usually stronger, uncontrolled and random thoughts, and I have never gotten the grasp on how to block them. I've also sent thoughts, but it's like I have to yell loudly in my head, if you know what I mean, for someone else to hear them. It can be rather unnerving, you know?"


Back on the bridge the next few hours passed in relative peace and quiet. The crew busy monitoring the ship's progress and scanning for threats in the vicinity.

"Capt...Commander, the Whales are slowing" The officer manning the Ops station stammered, flustered for the fumble.

" Have they said anything? Commander Baldric asked, turning in the Captain's seat to look at him.

" Ahh no... but if I'm reading this correctly, this region is like what they described as a feeding ground. They may be stopping for a snack." He replied with a red face. An assumption yes, but one supported by the fact the whales had broken their formation, slowed to a crawl and were now nose deep in whatever random energy eddies they could get their snouts into.

"Righto then, Helm, match whatever speed the Whales are moving at, and be ready to move back into formation when they do. Tactical - ready all systems - this is when we're at our most vulnerable" Baldric ordered. "All hands - Yellow alert. Security and Marine contingents, be at the ready"

Marine Bay

=/\=Score Reads you Captain, Readying Marines to Stand By=/\= Score turned to Conner. "Lets Get them Suited up and ready to rock and roll"


There was a tense silence as they watched the whales quietly feeding, moving from pocket to pocket of whatever energy they found most appealing. Jennifer didn't know how long they would be here for, or when they would continue on their journey. All she knew is whilst they remained stationary, the risk of either the Borg or Species 8472 popping in to investigate were exponential.

"Anything on long range sensors?" She asked cautiously.

The Ops officer shook his head and continued to monitor, as did the Commander House, always on alert. This time they were lucky and the feeding of the whales was uninterrupted



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