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Team House

Posted on Sun Nov 26th, 2023 @ 2:23am by Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & 1st Lieutenant Kate Score & Lieutenant Sarah Wilson

Mission: Halloween
Location: Castle - Servants Entrance
Timeline: Current

The servants entrance loomed before them, a single timber style door surrounded by greenery covered stonework. It was quiet and unobtrusive, and a single iron ring latch was the only means of opening it.

"I don't read any lifesigns on the other side" Sarah looked up from her tricorders as they stood before the door, sheltered from the rain by a small awning. The storm still raged around them.

"Well, standing around thinking about it isn't going to do anything." Dean reached up to try said door.

“Stop!” Aurora looked towards House. “It’s me, it has to be me.” She moved towards the door. “They sent the invite to me.” She reached for the door handle breathing a sigh of relief as nothing happened as she touched and opened it.

Sarah stood ready for just about anything... The way this mission was going just about anything could and would happen. She held her weapon in one hand, and the other rested on the med kit slung over her shoulder.

The door swung open, revealing a narrow stone corridor with lit sconces lighting the way.

"Come here" came a disembodied voice from somewhere ahead.

"Yeah, I don't like this..I still don't think it wise that you go first. Just because you got an invitation doesn't mean it's in a good way," Dean stepping in first, phaser raised.

Sarah sucked in a breath as they stepped in, slightly anguished that the commander was defying the beings invitation to Aurora. Hopefully nothing would come of it bad Dean possibly having his brains siphoned out through his nostrils first.

"You choose to defy us?" The voice echoed, followed by a cackling laugh. "You can try"

"Excuse me?" Dean glanced back at Sarah, "You are aware that I don't have to have telepathy to pick up on that." Giving a motion out in front of him, "Go ahead, Sarah. Creepy voice, beckoning a specific person. Oh lets not forget it's taunting us now since I said to be cautious. My brain does work. - As for you mister voice. Eat a dick."

“Whatever they are, they’re not joking Commander.” Aurora was hanging back, what she was sensing now they were inside wasn’t pleasant. “It’s...evil.”

"Great..." Score Kept her weapon raised and ready.

"Well that was a bit harsh" Sarah grumbled at House's reply before turning her attention back to Aurora. "It's evil but it wants us to go in. We need to keep a track on the other team as well. I think we should check on them"

Aurora nodded. “Whoever or whatever they are, they want something from us, I just don’t know...” she gasped as her mind was filled with images. Only this time it wasn’t horror, it was images filled with passion and fire. Snapping out of it she gave the others a surprised look. “Passion...such longing...” it surprised her. “I don’t understand.”

"Sorry, Sarah." Dean looked to Aurora again, "What all did you actually see?"

Aurora’s cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. “I saw...what I can only describe as...passion in every sense. This thing, whatever it is gets what it needs from us, our emotional state. Passion is a strong emotion, it wants to feed off us.”

"Feed off our emotion...or feed off us... as in us?" Sarah paled a little at the thought of being eaten. It was not how she expected this away mission to go down.

“No, not eat us...” Aurora shook her head. “It’s...deeper than that” she shook her head. “It’s hard to explain.”

Sarah cocked her head to the side and tried to wrap her head around it. The door could be heard locking behind them. "Ahhh Commander...." She said nervously.

"Deeper than that?" Dean sighed a bit, thinking of just what it could be. Turning quickly when the door locked. "Great.."

Aurora looked behind them as the door locked. “Looks like we've got no choice but to keep going now.”

Sarah opened her tricorder and tried to get a fix on the second team. The device worked intermittently but she got their location as the main foyer before losing the signal again.

"Commander Savars team is in the foyer, do we want to hook up with them or continue on our own?" She asked.

"Wait, Commander, I'm reading an energy buildup in the northern tower!"



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