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Posted on Thu Sep 28th, 2023 @ 9:07pm by Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell & Patin & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant JG S’Ers-a Kelek t’LyrZor, Maa t'Lyr'Zor & Lieutenant JG Montgomery Vala & Lieutenant JG Ghemora & 1st Lieutenant Kate Score & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Lieutenant Sarah Wilson

Mission: Repairs and Retribution
Location: Kunar
Timeline: Current

The Sunfire's away team beamed down to the arid surface of the mining planet, just outside one of the main complexes but in a location not completely visible to anyone watching. The heat was unbearable, with the hot winds whipping up stinging sand that assaulted any bare skin. Dr. Sarah Wilson looked around as the team got their bearings. "Which way to we go? "

"So, ears, you said you had a map on the bridge?" Patin asked while looking at Sera. They were currently well hidden in an area just outside of the underground mining area and cells.

"Sera." Bonnie offered even as she scanned with her tricorder. "Her name is Sera."

"Sera, then, think we can pinpoint our people?" She asked just as the lights flickered on for a moment and then back off again. "Preferably before they restore the shield."

Turning her attention completely to Patin, her blue eyes stared unblinkingly into the Bajoran's. She was not used to hearing such a word being used to describe herself. Exhaling a measured breath, Sera focused instead on the unexpected—and welcomed—warmth of the surface; and got to business.

“To answer your first question, that is correct. I have compiled a rudimentary map. However, we are outside of the facility. That would mean we have to descend three flights to reach the area I was discussing on the bridge. Now, as to your second inquiry—"

Sera’s voice cut off suddenly as she canted her head to the side and raised her open hand up so that her fingers were all but touching her ear in a silent signal for hear/listen.

Her heart thrummed a low-level tattoo as she listened.

“Weapons fire. Below. Distance…”

Her brows scrunched slightly. “Unknown. It IS coming from the generalized area we have tentatively identified as the prison.”

Finding the heat and dark rather comfortable, the Cardassian had naturally moved to the back of the group to pull out her tricorder and a device she affixed over her right ear. Manipulating the controls for a moment, Ghemora's form was deathly steady as her gaze focused on the surface structures of the mine-turned-prison.

Speaking softly, "I'm tapped into their secondary comms system. The guards have revolted against Lady Maccet and her loyalists. We should move quickly to take advantage of the chaos," the Intel Chief advised those ahead of her.

Score nodded and said "Agreed"

"They're revolting? You can bet your ass our people will take advantage of that" Sarah commented as she double checked her weapon. "How do we get in?"

Vala knelt down on the ground and pulled out his tricorder. He had heavily customized it over the years to work within the parameters he liked. He spent a moment examining the readings. "There's a lot of interference from the shields." He spoke softly. "High amounts of ferrous metals... hmm." He grabbed his pouch and rooted through it, pulling out a small capsule.

"Prepare for a few seconds of disruption." He informed the party as he carefully unscrewed the container. Heads up displays flickered, the halos flickered, there was a short burst of static on comms. Vala quickly tapped the capsule and a couple of what looked like grains of sand fell unnaturally fast to the ground. He could feel it pulling at him from here. His tricorder slid a little towards where they had fallen. He quickly screwed the lid back onto the capsule and then took a small cap from his pouch, securing it over the place where the particles had fallen. The disruption immediately stopped.

Vala picked up his tricorder and attuned it to a new frequency. "Gallicite." He gestured towards where the particles had fallen. "Most magnetic element in the universe. At least that's been discovered so far." He lifted up his tricorder. "When I was on Daystrom I found a way to use it to boost sensor readings through naturally occurring rock formations. It can create a special kind of resonance..." He trailed off, realizing it probably wasn't the time. "I think I have a reading on a Betazoid and a Vulcan." He pointed off into the distance.

Shifting her gaze slightly in the direction the Romulan had indicated, Ghemora locked in the settings on her tricorder before stowing it and swinging around her Cardassian rifle to the ready. "Then what are we waiting for?" she asked but sought no answer as she started forward towards the compound keeping low but moving at a tactically swift pace.

Bonnie was scanning too, for a layout more than bio signs. She piggybacked on Vala's magnetic resonance and was able to use the resonance field to map the surface and the first layer or so deep. She quickly sent the information to the neighboring tricorders. "There is a structure on the surface. I'm detecting a communications tower and large heat signature. It's structure is more like a house than a prison guard tower."

She continued to point the tricorder and adjust the tuning. "I'm also seeing what looks like a ship and maybe a weapons depot or barracks." She finished. "That's likely where we will find Maccet and her guards holed up, I think."

"Then that is where we will find Rhenora, at least if she's smart as i remember." Patin looked around, deciding they were going to have to divide forces which was fine by her. It appeared the Cardassian operative was already moving off on her own which immediately caused her already low trust levels to drop.

"Figures. Look, divide up, I'm going for the compound to find your Captain. The rest of us need to find the Commander and take out that shield. Get them back to the ship no matter what. We'll deal with any fallout later." She directed without caring who was doing what or going where. It wasn't her style to lead others having been on her own for so long. Besides she was the only one she could rely on in a pinch.

"I'll go with Ghemora's group." Bonnie said stepping towards wherever Ghemora disappeared off to. "Maybe I can bring down the shield or something." Bonnie would be good in a tight spot as she had always been good at taking things apart. She caught a glance from Patin and added, "No weapons, I get it."

Sera nodded once to herself as she came to a decision. Sera slid the phase-disruptor rifle around, ensured the power cell was adequately seated, and removed the safety. “I have the schematics for the underground portion of this facility. If the Commander is not with this Cardassian female, they may be within the prison complex. As we are splitting up, I will set my rendezvous point as the command center. My primary focus will be to secure the XO and Counselor.”

“Whomever decides to join me; it would be preferable if you were…armed.” Sera looked from each crew member to another, in assessment.

After an appropriate time was allowed for others to secure their plans, Sera engaged the halo device, replacing her countenance with a nondescript Cardassian female’s face and took off in a crouched run towards the entry point of the underground facility.

Sarah looked around the group. It seemed they were splitting up into smaller units which made sense. All of them should have some kind of medical cover but there was only one doctor amongst them. She considered her options. "I recommend I head with Patin and maybe Vala to go find the Captain. You all have basic medical training - keep everyone alive until I can patch them up back on the ship"

"As you say." Vala nodded and made to accompany them. "We should make haste."

Score stood ready, rifle up and watching for anyone.

Somewhere down below...

Making their way slowly from their cell together, Savar & Aurora moved along slowly. Aurora was suffering after her stretch on the rack, everything ached which didn’t help with walking. She looked towards Savar keeping her voice low, “I hope we can find a way out of here.”

Savar stopped and turned to Aurora. He knew walking was painful for her. "Lean on me Aurora. let me support you. It will ease the pain in your legs." he stopped talking and listened to the battle around them. The sounds of disrupter fire not too far away. "We will get out of here Aurora." He nodded down the corridor. "This way. Be on the lookout for anything we may be able to use as a weapon." He added.

Aurora nodded as she held onto Savar for support. “I’m just slowing you down Imzadi.” She kept her eyes peeled for anything they could use for a weapon, seeing plenty of rusted old piping along the walls. “Maybe something from those could be a useful weapon?”

"Nonsense Aurora. We do this together." Savar answered as they moved down the corridor. He stopped and looked at the pipes going over to a section and pulling a foot and a half section off the wall before moving to another section and tearing about a little over a foot section from the wall. Moving back to Aurora. He handed her the longer of the sections. "Something to hit a guard with." As they started moving again.

Aurora took the pipe and nodded. She wasn’t a violent person, but she would do what she had to do to survive.



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