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Away Team 2

Posted on Wed Nov 16th, 2022 @ 1:34am by Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell & Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Chester "Duo" Maxwell & Patin

Mission: Planet of the Dinosaurs
Location: Recon Shuttle
Timeline: Before The Long Walk

The Sunfire let loose a short volley of phaser fire, manually targeted as best as the Captain could do with the damaged systems available. The fact they had enough energy to fire at all was a minor miracle. Thank goodness for the residual charge.

The beam lanced out towards the creature and instead of getting it right on the nose where she had hoped, ended up getting it towards the back of its head. Either way, the attention on the shuttle was quickly forgotten its brain ceased to function and it's skull disintegrated. The shuttle was dropped as it's body went slack and tumbled to the earth.

The shuttle began a counterclockwise spin after coming free from the titanic jaws, a plasma trail leaking from the damaged nacelle. Inside, a series of sparks erupted from the bulkheads as some of the systems were overloaded. Duo was strapped into his seat and was working frantically to keep the EPS grid balanced as best he could. A burnout in the wrong system at this stage would be fatal.

"We need to put her down before she put's herself down for us!" he called out, hoping that there was still someone conscious in the pilots seat to hear him. In his frantic efforts to keep this shuttle running, he hadn't had time to spare a look around at this fellow crew mates.

From her seat, Patin was bracing herself for the potential second crash landing of the day. At least this one couldn't be blamed on her, she thought. As the Gravity forces spun the small craft she offered the only thing she could, "well, this is fun." It was dry sarcasm, but at the moment it was everything she had.

"I hear you Mr. Maxwell, no need to shout." Savar answered as he struggled with the instruments to get some semblance of control. "See if you can find a suitable place for us to land while we still are able to."

Duo turned his head to see Savar still in his seat next to him. "Aye, aye." His face flushed red with embarrassment. (Had I shouted? Probably. Get it together Duo!) he thought. The shuttle was beginning to stabilize some due to his and Savar's efforts, so he could spare a check of the topographic display. After a quick scan, he reported.

"Heading 1-6-0 about 500 meters. That should do for now." He sent the coordinates to Savar to input them.

"Heading 1-6-0." Savar repeated as he turned the crippled shuttle to the heading Maxwell had given and kept a sharp eye out for the area Maxwell had indicated.

"Sunfire to away team, are you all right?" The broken voice of the Captain echoed through the damaged speakers. The drone had stopped transmitting and she didn't entirely trust the sensor telemetry she was seeing.

"We're still in one piece...for now Captain. We need to set the shuttle down to assess the damage. Damn fine shooting, if I may say so!" Duo answered.

"Speak for yourself. Some of us left a part of ourselves back there with that creature, I think." Patin spoke up from the back seat. "Was fun though." She added, amused.

Savar managed to get the shuttle to the clearing Maxwell had indicated and set it down with not too much difficulty even if the bump upon landing was harder than normal. He began to shut down various systems even as plasma vented from the damaged nacelle.

"You're pretty close to what looks to be a decent campsite, can you verify?" The Captain's voice echoed around the smokey cabin.

"It appears from what I can see, to be just what Patin had seen Captain. I believe it will make a suitable base camp for us." Savar answered.

"We were about to get out and inspect the area when that great beastie took a nibble. Now we should go and see if it's edible I think?" She felt the stares from the team and so added, "We want to survive right? I'm for trying some grilled dinosaur, anyone else?" She had no clue she was overstepping boundaries.

With the com-system still active Rhenora couldn't help but suppress a chuckle, whilst to many, the thought of char-grilled dinosaur would turn their stomach, when one had experienced the deep hunger of starvation, anything remotely edible was worth eating.

"Camp first, pot roast second. We need to get these people off the ship safely with somewhere to go" Rhenora gently reminded.

"Indeed Captain. Survival is key and to survive we need shelter and food. As Patin suggested the dinosaur killed may be a vital key to surviving and feeding the crew." Savar replied as he flipped the last of the controls to off.

"Well that was fun.." Dean shook his head, almost a grin. Checking over the systems of the shuttle. It didn't seem to be to damaged. They probably could still use it with a little minor repairs. "Looks like I'm back to cooking again. It'll save some ration and replicator power. That's always a good thing." Reaching to his the hatch.

Seeing a few little creatures scurry off as he did. Dean gave a glance about the immediate area first. The spot actually didn't look to bad. They'd seen it already, there was a cave not to far from there and water. Even if both was a minor walk. The clearing worked well to start getting the survivor shelters built up from the ship. Given those were to make pretty much a fully functional mini-colony just for this type of situation. "Everything looks clear, Captain."

She looked around, checking their surroundings, air movement etcetera. Patin was anything if not thorough. She stepped off the landing, and made a b-line for the trees. A beast so big as to nab the shuttle would have kept the other creatures at bay save for the smaller, less insignificant ones. But, as she disappeared into the thick underbrush, letting the others worry about the shuttle, her goal was to be certain there wasn't a mate or hungry babies before loudly giving away her position.

"Good to hear Commander, conduct a standard recon and advise when it's safe for us to start sending people there to set up" the Captain remarked, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Standard search and recon pattern. Aye Captain" Savar replied having heard Rhenora's earlier comments to House. They would need to find Patin as she had taken off into the underbrush. "The sooner we can verify this is as a suitable base camp for the crew, the sooner they can begin their trek here."

"From my best estimate, you're approximately 7 kilometers from our current location. It's going to be a long walk but it's doable. " The Captain advised through the com system.



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