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Fighting the Red Dragon, Finale

Posted on Sun Oct 23rd, 2022 @ 1:48am by Ensign Kitiuas Thenis & Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Dean House

Mission: *CD*
Location: Jefferies Tubes 15,16, and 17. Corridor outside Main Environmental Control
Timeline: Current

Then came Chief Warrant Officer Nigel-Timmons response Chief Warrant Officer Nigel-Timmons present, damn that was a close one. Good news, bad news. Good news the blowout did not appear to go through to the Second Deck or through to the Fourth Deck. Bad news we definitely have a Plasma Fire outside main Environmental Control. Any word on whether Commander House has succeeded in routing the plasma and gases?” Thenis replied back in a tin voice ”He and crewman Hussein are working the issue now. Myself and crewman Randall are beginning our assault on the deck fire now.” With that she motioned for crewman Randall to open the side panel leading to the hose for firefighting. Okay, remember the game plan. You attack the left diagonal Jefferies tube, and I’ll attack the right. Be careful, there is no telling how much damage that last blow out caused.” with that statement she pointed to the crossover Jefferies tube hatch they had closed, it bulged out. ”Aye Sir.” with at statement crewman Randall began his descent.
Crewman Hussein replied to Commander House in a timid, tin sounding voice =^=”Okay Sir the Panel should look like a wiring diagram with multiple colored lines with little T like points along them. If a Line is flashing Black it indicates a full rupture and will eventually lead into a yellow with red on its outside flashing light. The closest T at those junctures will need to be touched and the next T immediately below that needs to be touched. This will activate the emergency cut off clamps and seal the pipes. What we need first though are any line that appear neon green that lead into a flashing yellow and red or black area shut down first. These are the Plasma conduit lines. Same procedure. Do not worry about any of the other colors as they are various gases the ship requires. It is critical you remember the first T then the next T in line or you may and could cause another blowout of the line.”=^=

Kit sighed and slide over to her self-assigned diagonal Jefferies tube. She hit it with a blast of fire suppressant foam and slowly moved down. Every muscle in her body ached, she knew she was severely dehydrated as she no longer felt any sweat rolling down her back and chest. She did however feel a small stream of liquid oozing from where she had taken the shrapnel. Just great, the wound has reopened. Just great, going to get reamed out by the medical team when they finally get a look at this mess. Thenis thought as she sent another blast of suppressant into the fire, and scooched forward. The heat was like a blast oven furnace. The fire was an eerie reddish yellow, with occasional flashes of neon blue and green. She finally beat the flames back enough that she could stand just out of the diagonal Jefferies tube. She was greeted by a hellish nightmare sight. Fire engulfed the entire corridor, there was debris and broken bulkhead all over. Black and white ash swirled about. Heavy black tar like smoke was along the ceiling of the corridor. Black, tar like strings seemed to drip down from the ceiling and run along the walls. Thenis immediately started hitting the fire with the fire suppressant foam. She continued forward cautiously after snuffing the flames toward the rear of her leading to the sealed Blast doors leading down the corridor towards the Diplomatic Suites. She took about another five short steps, when the hose would no longer follow. ”Crewman Hussein I need more hose now.” in an irritated tin voice. Crewman Hussein grunted and a faint tin voice said ”That is all the slack left in your hose Sir.” Kit sighed heavily, nothing seemed to be going their way; it was the proverbial one step forward, two steps back. ”Okay, then what I need you to do is provide enough slack for crewman Randall, so he can continue forward. Then you need to bring the next hose from the side panel out and bring it to me. Once here you will take over my hose and I will take the new hose and join crewman Randal in attacking the fire. You will use a wide spray to keep the flames off us as we advance.” Thenis said in her respirator tin voice.
Crewman Hussein face turned pale white and she about vomited when she heard the order. Go down into that hellish nightmare, while she was scared in the Jefferies tube by herself it was much more preferable than being in a version of Dante’s Inferno which she had been forced to read when she was growing up. She swallowed hard and replied in a weak tin voice ”Understood Sir. I am on my way.” She quickly pulled the excess hose out of the panel and coiled it for crewman Randall. Then tentatively grabbed the second hose and carefully coiled it for usage by Ensign Thenis. She then grabbed the nozzle and slowly made her way down the Diagonal Jefferies tube. As she went down the diagonal Jefferies tube the temperature steadily increased until she felt like a baked potato. Finally, she stepped out of the Jefferies tube into what was once a very familiar corridor turned into a nightmare version of Dante’s Inferno. She turned toward where Ensign Thenis had beat down the flames by the Sealed Blast doors in the corridor, there she saw at least three huge, grotesque piles of burned charr. She didn’t want to think about what they might have once been, most likely her friends and crewmates. Instead, she turned and made her way cautiously towards Ensign Thenis. She tapped her on her right shoulder ”Sir, I have the new hose.” she said in a tinlike voice, as she looked upon the hellish fire before her.
Kit felt a blooming white fire of pain in her shoulder when crewman Hussein tapped her shoulder. She almost vomited and fell forward because of the pain but gritted her teeth. In a pained metallic voice, she replied ”Okay, you take this hose, open the nozzle to a wide spray coverage, hit the area above mine and crewman Randall’s head, with a dose of fire suppressant to the count of every fifteen seconds. Until we kill this beast. Do you understand?” Crewman Hussein took the nozzle that was handed to her by Ensign Thenis. She could see the slow oozing of green blood from her shoulder clearly, along with the charred and ripped material of her suit and skin of her shoulder. My God, how is she even still standing, let alone giving orders and fighting this fire. thought the crewman. Realizing she had yet to reply to Ensign Thenis she said ”Understood Sir. Wide burst of foam every fifteen seconds above you and Randall’s heads.” she replied in respiratory tin voice.
With that confirmation Kit took the new nozzle lowered herself into a squatting position and began duck walking forward. She sprayed the fire every five steps, reached back with her left hand and pulled the hose forward and repeated the process. All the while every fifteen seconds her world would become a misty cloud of foam. Eventually she and crewman Randall meet up and joined Chief Warrant Officer Nigel-Timmons fire team crews, the fires were downed to only the plasma shooting out of ruptured pipes and other gas fires flowing out of their ruptures. In a loud metallic voice Thenis started giving instructions ”Okay guys, great work but we are not finished. We are at a standstill until someone kills the plasma and gas lines. Keep hitting the plasma fires every ten seconds with foam and the gas fires every thirty seconds. Break into your respective teams, stay alert and aware. Stay close to the corridor walls and away from the middle deck plates. Remember we do not know the extent of the damage to the deck from these fires.” With that Thenis directed crewman Randall to handle the plasma fires on their end and she would work the gas fires. She informed crewman Hussein to start squirting mist every minute down the entire corridor ceiling. She heard Chief Warrant Officer Nigel-Timmons do something similar with his teams. Once she was sure there was a game plan she sat against the bulwark wall of the corridor, aimed her nozzle at the gas fires and hit them as she had prescribed. During an interval she hit her combadge, causing her pain, in the metallic voice of her respirator she sent a report to the bridge =^=Bridge Ensign Thenis here. We are at a standstill with the fire. We have the majority of it out but must combat the plasma fires and gas fires from the broken lines.” here she looked around the pitch-dark corridor ”This section of the ship is a complete lose, I have estimated at least seven possible deaths of crewmen in the corridor, estimated by the charred black piles I see, no telling how many at their duty stations. We could really use these lines being either cut or shut off. Also, would love it if my crew could be relieved as we are all extremely dehydrated. Ensign Thenis out.=^= ”

Kit sat and sprayed at the fires as they resprouted from ruptured pipes. She was beginning to wonder if her communications made it through to the bridge, with that thought she made up her mind. In her metallic voice she called crewman Hussein to take over for her duties, instructed Chief Warrant Officer Nigel-Timmons to assume command of the containment of the fires. She informed the fire teams she was going to make her way to the Bridge to either get relief for them or more crew to assist in the containment and clean up.
Kit then shut her hose down and made her way slowly to the diagonal Jefferies tube. She found it very difficult to move up the tube with the lack of use in her right arm. With great effort and extreme pain, she made it to the main Jefferies tube. The tube was still a surreal landscape of darkness and moving swirling dark smoke. She grabbed a hold of the original firehose she and her team dragged through the tubes and slowly made her way back to the point of origin they had begun the journey towards the fire. Upon making it to that point she bypassed the diagonal leading down, but instead continued forward towards where the central ladder lead upward towards the bridge or continued toward the Holodecks.


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