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Weren't we suppose to have leave?

Posted on Sun Nov 7th, 2021 @ 1:33am by Remal Kajun & Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Dean House

Mission: Gamma Quadrant
Location: Sunfire/DS9
Timeline: Current

Previously - He followed them by sight until they rounded the corner, then tapped his badge, “Counselor Remal to Lt. House, I’d like to report a pair of suspicious characters leaving the Sunfire.”

Dean was just about to log out and set himself for leave when the call from Remal came through. "Always something." Tapping the console, "What have you got, Counselor?"

"It may be nothing. I just saw a pair of Bajoran officers leave the Sunfire, heading into the station. I didn't recognize them and they didn't make eye contact. I just felt like I should let you know since there was that bomb scare on the transport ship and no suspects I'm aware of." He smiled, confidently despite Dean not being able to see his friendly nature.

"That isn't completely suspicious, given what they've been through. Though one would think that, given being rescued and what they've been through they would want to look at the faces of the ones responsible for them being alive." Dean could almost 'feel' the smile. Giving a thought, "I'll look into that on the feeds. We're also going to be looking into that bomb scare also. Let's keep it between us for now. The fewer people that know about it, the less likely, if there is something fishy, for them to get spooked. Anything you have insight to?"

"No, just a hunch Lieutenant. I have the hunches, it's up to you and yours to figure out why." He made to tap his badge, "Remal out." He tapped it and then continued his door greeting service.

"I'm working on it now." Sliding over to a console and bringing up the security feeds. Running it back first to get a look at that time frame. After getting the faces, trying to follow their routes on the other feeds and then switching to a live feed to follow unless they are avoiding them.

Lt. Commander Anthony Hightower, former security officer on the USS Sunfire B and now station security deputy on DS9, was watching the surveillance feeds himself when he received an alert that someone else was using the feed channel. Quickly tracing the intruder into the system, back to their origin, he tapped his comm. panel. "USS Sunfire, this is station security, is there something I may be of service with as you've entered my jurisdiction?"

The pair of Bajoran saboteurs had found it rather easy to move from the Sunfire, through Deep Space Nine, and to the docking ring of the station where the transports were currently docked. There were so many people here, there and everywhere that no one took heed of them or their actions. They watched as a maintenance crew left DS9 and entered into the docking tunnel, and merely blended in behind as though they were supposed to be there on purpose.

"I understand that, Commander. This is Lieutenant Dean House of the USS Sunfire. I have reason to believe that two terrorists are now on the station, after getting off of our ship from the Bajorans that we rescued. I need you to lock down every dock on the pylons and the rings immediately."

There was an immediate outburst of laughter on Hightower end of the line followed by a short pause. "Do you realize how many ships are currently docked right now, and you want me to initiate a lock down based on, what, a hunch?" He tapped some controls. "We would have a riot on our hand. But, what I can do is give you access to the security feed and the recognition system. Then when we find our peeps, we can lock them down. Give me a minute "

While Hightower was doing that or, contacting Kira, Dean hit his comm badge, "Captain We have a problem."

The captain's voice echoed one of concern, her tone belying any other emotion.

"What kind of problem Mr House?" She asked, already pulling her boots on and preparing to excuse herself from Kira's office, rising from the lounge she had made herself comfortable on.

"Remal notified me of someone particularly suspicious, two actually. I'm running facial recognition at the moment. They came off of the Sunfire, and I've tracked them heading for different set of transport. It just feels off to me. I think it did for Remal as well. I've ordered," yes he said ordered. "For the station's departures to be halted."

Beside her Kira's eyes rose a little "have you indeed Mr....House" the Stations commander asked through Rhenora's comlink " you better be sure on this"

"Good afternoon, Captain Kira. And yes, I'm pretty positive on this. Every fiber in my bones says something is up."

"In that case I'm sure you'll work with station security in apprehending these suspects" Kira's voice was firm but even.

"I've already mentioned it to Lieutenant Hightower, who isn't particularly happy that I hacked into the station feeds. It's got to be connected to the ships some how." Dean said to both Captains.

"Remind me to upgrade the security protocols" Kira sighed as she listened to House over the comlink.

"You think there's something more going on than just Bajorans onboard two ships?" Rhenora asked as she sat back down, realizing there was probably little she could actually do herself.

"I'm starting to," giving a nod, even though they couldn't see it. "I mean the ships stuck like that, Cardassian ships jumping in. They were doing something. It's damned convienent and pecular."

There was something that twisted in Rhenora's gut, her telltale feeling that something was indeed up and she needed to pay attention.
"Use all the resources you need and give me an update within the hour"

"I am indeed working on it."

"Hightower to House, I may have your perps. It appears the entered the Bajoran Transport docked at outer ring port three. I will lock down that port and place the clamps on emergency release. Give me half a shake and I will have some officers meet you there."

Clear of the crowd of people, the pair of Bajorans moved into the command section and began looking around for the explosive device. One of them spotted it lying right where Bonnie had left it. "Here it is, switched off. Now what do we do?"

"If we blow it here it will take half the station with it which was not the plan. If we try to take the ship they'll just pull us back with a tractor beam. And if we take it back to the station, there is a good chance of being detected."

"We're done for then. Are there really no options available to us?"

"Don't lose heart Brother, something will present itself in due time. Come, let's rejoin the work crew." He pocketed the device and together the moved from the command section towards the cargo hold which was still full of Darnamite.

"I was about to check there, so it works out, I'm on my way, Commander." Dean logged out of the computer monitor and headed for the station port.

Minutes later Lt. Commander House and two other officers arrived at the docking ring port to find Dean already there. He motioned to the two guards to stand by, nodded to Dean and moved to put in his access code which would unlock the door. "This is the only way out, and we have a pretty good idea of who we are looking for, so, piece of cake right? Find and detain." Hightower said from his 6'8" position.

"One would think a piece of cake at least. Who knows however what they are up to," Dean gave a nod.



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