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Away Team 2 - Pt 2

Posted on Tue Oct 19th, 2021 @ 11:08am by Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell & Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla'ren & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant JG Avarak & Senior Chief Petty Officer Ronson Mitchell

Mission: Gamma Quadrant
Location: Bajoran Ship 2
Timeline: Current-ish

Meanwhile, Ronson was checking room by room through the freighter, looking for any injured, trapped or dead people that may not have shown up on the initial scans. So far he had found nothing but that wouldn't be the case for long.

The voice of the Captain crackled through their communicators, requesting a status update of all teams.

" Sunfire to Away Team 2, how are you progressing?"

"We're working it over slowly. You should have gotten the most critical one. We're working on getting the rest beamed over while also checking the ship, and trying to get the logs to bring with us," Dean's voice came through in reply.

Adding to the report, through Deans Comm badge, Bonnie spoke up, "Data logs are transferring, nearing 80 percent complete. Most of the systems are functioning on the bridge. As soon as Thriss reports in, we'll know if the engines are good to run or if we'll have to lace them at station keeping and tow her back. Oh and Ronson is wrangling up the lower decks. Not sure, haven't heard from him in half an hour or so." She reported more in-depth-ly, then smiled at Dean knowing she was getting his goat.

" Very good, we'll transport any stragglers aboard then I want you all off there, I've got a gut feeling we may not have heard the last of the Cardassians. We'll tow the ships if we have to." The Captain replied.

"We will work on it once we're done here. As soon as possible," Dean nodded a little bit, also curious about, Bonnie's smile. "Shouldn't be any complications." giving a tap to add Thriss. "Thriss, between you and Bonnie, think you two could automate this thing to follow remote orders so we don't have to tow it?" So that Rhenora could hear the idea also.

" Good idea, we're gonna have our hands full towing two freighters, even just out of the ion cloud itself. If you could rig a remote flight system relatively quickly we could get everyone out of this damn cloud and back into open space" The Captain replied, giving her ok with the idea.

As she wrapped up the transfer and placed the controls at station keeping, a young Bajoran girl ran up to her, "Are we going to your ship now?"

Bonnie nodded, "Yes, we are almost done here, and the rest of you will come with us, where it's safer. The Cardassians signed a peace accord so they're not likely to shoot at us any time soon." Standing, Bonnie took the girls' hand and lead her back to the group, effectively ignoring the device on the console. They still needed to rig the ship for transport, by tug or by remote, but the act of humanitarian aid came first, as always.

Ronsons had rounded up a few straglers who had managed to evade the tricorder scans. They were mostly hiding in somewhat shielded locations and were in a decent condition, so toddled along behind the Yeoman as he headed back to the bridge and where Lt House was.

" I found some more people" He said simply as she entered the nerve centre of the small vessel.

Thriss had been quiet for a bit as he was attempting to make repairs. "Once I finish repairing the engines and primary systems, I think we should be be able automate the flight systems."

Ronson organised for the stragglers to be beamed back to the Sunfire, but remained behind as well - determined to help where he could.

"Great news then. Good find back there." Giving a glance, "And good work, all of you. Lets get finished then and linked up so we can get home and back out of this place safe." Dean nodded, turning to a console.

" Sounds good to me" Ronson piped in, making sure to keep out of the way of those who knew what they were actually doing.

Pushing the last button on the nav console, Bonnie stood and spoke to Dean and through him to the Captain. "The navigation system is set to receive remote responses from the Sunfire " she held doubt on her lips as she continued, "But she's old and I would feel more secure if someone could hang behind and keep an eye on things as a safety measure." She was insecurely twirling a lock of hair as she spoke

"Set it to remote and beam back here, if she loses power we can get the Bajoran's to come back for her" The Captain advised, wanting to help as much as practically possible but also not wanting to delay their mission or endanger any more lives.

"I think Bonnie is right, Captain. You could keep a lock on me at all times just in case." Dean was volunteering himself. "I should be okay. Worse that could happen is having to realign something."

" That's a negative Lieutenant, we've already had a bomb discovered on the other ship, I'm not leaving anyone on board once we start moving. " The Captain was firm in her decision.

"As you wish. We'll finish up here and be back over most ricky-tick."

" Very good Mr House, the sooner the better before the Cardassian's change their mind" The Captain explained through the comm-link.

They didn't get it, or maybe they did and she was just being the oddball, but they hadn't seen the age of the navigation system. She compared it to using an ancient calculator watch to perform complex navigational changes through a dense cloud containing asteroids, which is what they were attempting to do.

But in her wisdom, and the back of her mind somewhere, her father's voice loomed, 'Always trust in your Captain. He or she has gotten where they are by understanding the bigger picture and with it the responsibility of command.' She nodded, "As you wish Captain, I have my reservations though, just for the record. Ready to transport when you are." She commented more to Dean than anyone else.

Evidently, Bonnie and Dean in their minds were on the same page. Though, there wasn't much they could do about it. Rhenora gave a firm order. Even if the two didn't agree with it. He gave a look to Bonnie and nodded, he understood exactly what her concerns were, or for the most part from his side.

"If it were up to me, and I would stay, or at least I would. We have our orders. Double-check it one more time before we beam back at least."

In the engine room, Kla'ren finished up his diagnostics and repaired a few small things that he had time for. He then swiftly worked to rig the engines for the automated flight system. "All good down here" he said over the comms.

Bonnie nodded at Dean, turned back to the control board, and quickly double-checked her algorithms. "Good Thriss, with your repairs I think we can squeeze 3/4 impulse out of her. It will be sublight, but controllable." Standing and looking back at Dean and Ronson, "I think we are as good as we will ever be. Ronson, are you ready to head back?"

"Sounds good to me," Dean nodded a little bit. Just waiting for the rest to check in.

Ronson nodded as the others checked in " Yes Sir, let's get off this tin can, it gives me the heeby jeebies" The Yeoman admitted.

"Agreed" Thriss said as he finished double checking the systems aboard the ship before extraction.

"I don't know, I kind of like it to be honest. But creepy things don't bug me most of the time, Yeoman." Dean reached to tap his commbadge. "House to Sunfire. We're set here, ready to come home."

As they disappeared in a shimmer of blue, Bonnie couldn't help but feel like she was forgetting something. In her life it was an all too often feeling and therefore familiar, but this time it felt somehow, specific. By the time they arrived on the transport pad, the feeling was more of a nagging knot in the back of her mind.



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