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And She Was Still There

Posted on Thu Jan 9th, 2025 @ 11:56pm by Commander Jennifer Baldric & Commander Dean House

Mission: Character Development
Location: DS9 - Quarks
Timeline: Backpost

Once Dean had finally finished tucking Bonnie in he did as he said silently said he was going to do. Showed back up. Scanning the bar and spotting Jennifer still there, he moved over to her. "Well hello again."

"Oh, you didn't stay with Bonnie?" Baldric was genuinely surprised. She was still working through the interpersonal relationships bouncing around with the crew.

"I was a gentleman of course. Got her to drink some electrolites, tucked her in to sleep it off." Dean sat down next to her.

Jenn looked confused, a crease furrowing between her brows. "I though you and Bonnie were involved" she blurted, wondering why someone would leave their partner alone after a big night.

Dean shook his head, there was no way he couldn't help but chortle. Taking a second and two shots, "No, that's a pretty good assessment though. I've tried, believe me. It just developed a different way. I love her, I protect her, she's my family."

"So you're not an item? Well I got that wrong then!" There was a shy laugh as she blushed at the incorrectness of her assumption.."I'm sorry I shouldn't be commenting on your romantic life"

Suddenly he rolled his eyes, at himself, "That just sounded like the lyrics to an old Earth song I like." Motioning to her bottle if he could get a refill. The blush was cute also, "It's hard to tell sometimes I think, and I've nothing to hide about that aspect."

"Well it was very sweet of you to look after her and make sure she was tucked in safely" she cast her eyes down and took a sip of her wine "You do indeed have a heart beneath that bravado"

His head was pulled a back a little, free hand coming up to his chest in mock surprise. "Me? A bravado? Surely you jest."

This time the laughter was genuine. "Many would say otherwise, but I believe I have just witnessed proof very much indeed that you have a softer side" she retorted with humour. "I shall have to document this moment for future reading"

There was a genuine smile at her reaction. "I'd say I'd have to fill you if word got out..however," reaching for the glass he'd refilled. Holding it out to her, "The rumors are already out there but never believed. Between you, I, the wall an Quark." Giving Quark a death glare, "They're afraid of the rumors or what I can physically do."

This caused her to pause. "What you can physically do? In what regard?" She blurted before she could stop herself. Imagines of the bedroom flashed through her mind and made her blush to her collar.

It took him a moment, but the continued blush made it clear where her mind went. Biting his lip a little and just shaking his head for a moment. Downing the glass. She could be fun. "I do believe you just used your imagination."

She stammered for a few moments, utterly busted. "I may or may not have, unless you a telepathic, you will never know" she sculled the rest of her glass, tapped it for a refill, berated her overzealous imagination, and tried to regain her dignity. "What's a girl to do?" She shrugged and feined innocence, ignoring the fact she wad flirting with a subordinate.

"Well, I don't know. I'm sure there are a few things that you've already thought of. What you do with that, is up to you." Yes, he was making it a little back and forth. Only he'd thought about things but she'd not picked up on it. They weren't completely subordinates, they were the same rank. They also were off duty.

She didn't know whether to be shocked or invigorated by his words. It was refreshing to have companionship after working so hard on her career for so long. She sipped the refill as she mentally ran over what she knew about this man, which ultimately wasn't very much. She looked around the bar and saw that it had all but emptied out. It must have been later than she realised but she wasn't going to lose this moment. "So, do you have a significant other? Or do you flirt with all the women?"

Dean's eyes gave a look about as well, though his head never turned from her direction when she was addressing him. "I did once upon a time, but I haven't since then, no. Not completely without lack of trying. To directly answer, I don't flirt with just everyone."

"I see" was all she could come up with at short notice, mind still reeling from this new revelation and starting to get fuzzy from the wine. She felt a connection with him and felt the desire to explore it further. When all was said and done she was only on a temporary assignment and if Captain Kaylen returned she'd have her ass transferred again. What was the harm in it?

There really couldn't be to much about it when they threw out logic. It would be amusing to see if she'd ask him in the morning about what that song was he referred to.

"Would to join me for coffee?" She asked, feeling the need to escape from the now deserted bar and the ever present eyes of Quark. Rumours would be flying at warp speed by tomorrow about the two senior officers leaving together. Rumours be damned.

Dean's eyes gave a good look around after she mentally did. Ah..the only ones in there. Looking back to her. "I would love to." Snatching her bottle of booze before Quark could.

There was a grumbled of discontent from Quark as he saw the bottle depart from the bar. It had been paid for, but there was profit in storing small portions of leftovers correctly for tomorrow's specials or freebies.

Jennifer strolled down the corridor towards one of the late night eatablishments that served a half decent coffee, grabbing a takeaway mug before continuing back to the Sunfire. The mighty ship was docked and crawling with repair teams , but the majority of her crew were on leave. Suffice it to say that they wouldn't be seen by anyone who knew who they were.

They neared her quarters and she felt a momentary tug of hesitation, battling with the promise of fulfillment of a primal need. Was she about to ruin her career for a fling? A rampant one nighter with a man who would serve under her? Yes they were the same rank and technically her role was still only temporary but the lingering doubt remained.

The rest of the wine was consumed with easy conversation, the coffee followed. The next morning found the stars shining through the window of her quarters on a tangle of bed sheets and limbs.

Now all she had to do was untangle her mind. She rose quietly, heading to the bathroom to freshen up before slipping a robe around her body. It provided warmth and security in a superficial way that she needed right now. Part of her wanted to flee, to run away and pretend this never happened so she wouldn't have to deal with the consequences.

Ordering two cups of strong coffee from the replicator she forced herself to face the facts. She was lonely and needed real connections in her life, both emotional and physical. Dean was easy on the eye, and had been generous with his attentiveness, so the answer to her burgeoning question was - why not?

"Good morning...or should I say good mid morning. Coffee?"

There was definitely a tangle of limbs, more than once evidently. The evening's end was certainly not exactly where Dean had figured it would have gone. It was there though and he certainly wasn't going to apologize for it. Jennifer shouldn't either or feel bad about it.

Giving a little bit of a stretch he'd watched her get up, nude and head to the bathroom. Wasn't going to hide that he had either. "Well good morning and I don't actually drink coffee typically. You did think of me though which is appreciated, thank you." Sitting up.

She put both cups on her side of the bed before sitting next to him. "Anythng you'd prefer for thing in the morning?" It was an honest question, she didn't know him that well and had little idea as to his personal habits. In a other time and another place she wouldn't have moved quite as fast, it was almost like a one night stand, except they both weren't going anywhere and she felt a connection with him.

"I have an idea, unfortunately, your quarters don't have a kitchenette. I could cook for you later I suppose. For now." Leaning up and kissing her shoulder, "How about bacon."

"You can cook?" She blurted out before realizing. Cooking was a dying art with the common reliance on replicators for food. "I can replicate bacon, and a small Cooktop if you'd like"

"You know.." he poked her side, "We do have chefs, even on board. Though, yes, I can cook. You haven't had my Deanwich yet." There was an opening for him to take it more naughty, because technically she did but he wasn't going to go there. Not yet with that type of teasing. "That's okay, about the cooktop, besides, it gives an excuse for you to have to come see me later."

"Deanwich?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, taking a sip of the coffee she had set on the side table.

Dean tsked a little, "Well, now you certainly have to come over."

There was a flirty giggle that showed the less serious side of her personality. "Well that sounds fair. You have a kitchen in your quarters?" Her career had taken all her energy to date and had left no time for the simper pleasures of cooking or relationships. Now she had achieved her goal of being in the centre chair, the facade of the hard ass could slip a bit.

There was a nod given, "I do, usually always make sure I do, when I can get away with it. Wouldn't mind seeing you in it in just an apron."

"Well aren't you the cheeky one" she blushed at the comment and then realizes the double meaning of her words. She steered the conversation back to a safer topic. "So, bacon for breakfast? Anything else?" She headed to the replicator and ordered a serving of fruit and a high protein smoothie to go with it.

"Usually am." Smiling softly. "Surprise me while I grab a quick shower? Unless you want to join me."

This time she didnt bother hiding the deep colour that rose from her collarbones. "You go ahead, I'll make breakfast" She stammered, chastising herself for being embarrassed all of a sudden. She hadn't been in a relationship for a very long time and it still felt new.

As she busied herself replicating breakfast she heard the shower running and took a moment to consider what was going through her head. She hadn't expected things to move so fast, and had rolled with her hormones more than her head. Now they had to figure out what to make of it all. Dean seemed perfectly comfortable with their burgoning relationship, Jennifer was still trying to figure out how the heck it was all going to work.

A few minutes later, Dean came back out. He had at least put his boxer-briefs on. Giving a look for where Jennifer was currently.

"Breakfast is served" she elaborately gestured to the set table with two plates, coffee, juice and water set upon it. She plonked down in one of the chairs and labelled herself some fruit, allowing the smell of bacon to tantalize her nostrils.

"So...about last night, are we good? Can we keep this professional on duty?' She asked haltingly.

"Thank you," Moving over to her and the table. Having waited for her to sit first, leaning to place a kiss on her cheek before he sat down. "I don't see why we aren't, and why we couldn't."

There was a moment of profound relief when he indicated he was happy to continue their relationship and to keep it professional in working hours. Due to the way things had escalated rapidly the night before she wasn't entirely sure her feelings would be reciprocated moving forward.

"Well that's a relief" she said finally, giving him a smile. "For a while there I wasn't sure if you were gonna hang around or be gone by the morning. Thank you for taking a chance on us, as new as 'us' is." She checked her chronometre. "I have to file some reports in an hour to command. Damn we must have slept in"

Dean started in on the bacon, watching her attentively. Still smiling as well. "To be perfectly honest, I've only done that when I was younger and before my meeting my late wife. I'm not looking for one night stands anymore; You're welcome. I should thank you as well for wanting to chance it."

The smile was warm and genuine and reached into the depths of her psyche. Maybe the universe wasn't all about career advancement and taking on bigger and larger portfolios of responsibility. What was the joy if it could not be shared.

"To new beginnings" she her coffee cup in his direction.

His water was lifted, "To new beginnings."


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