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Something to Write Home About

Posted on Fri Oct 18th, 2024 @ 7:47am by Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla'ren & Commander Jennifer Baldric
Edited on on Fri Oct 18th, 2024 @ 11:47am

Mission: Lost in Space
Location: Federation Space Once More
Timeline: On Approach to DS9

The Sunfire had arrived back in Federation space in the most peculiar way, spat out like a rubber ball from a space whale's giant mouth then emptying their storage tanks with 'food' to say thank you for the lift. All in all it had been the most remarkable week in a number of ways. They had survived the Borg, found some space whales and hitched a lift back to known space when all other options were off the table. Commander Jennifer Baldric mused as the Sunfire, still covered in whale slobber said their farewells to the whales and changed course to approach DS9.

"Jenna, how's she handling with the excess goop?" She asked with the hint of a grin.

There was no comparison she could easily make so, "Like she's coated in saliva." Then she elaborated, "Slippery, wet, sloppy but no worries, I may have to play with the controls some but she'll get us there. You have my word." Jenna replied knowing full well her words sounded as dirty as she meant them to be.

Seated at his XO station, Savar sent a silent message gratitude to the whales as the Sunfire and the pod went their separate ways. It was now time to return to the Federation.

"Commander, we have Comms with DS9, they are asking for a situation report" Ops commented. "What should I tell them?"

Baldric smirked a little at the comment then replied "tell them the truth, that we got thrown into deep space and hitched a ride back with a bunch of whales. Scuse the slobber. Perhaps their Engineering department could assist with the...ah...cleanup"

Bonnie couldn't help but to wince at the idea. She also didn't appreciate Engineering being lumped in with janitorial or cleanup crews. Sure they did similar work, but the janitorial teams should never be overlooked for their no-small efforts.

"Indeed Commander. It will be a story for them to write home about as well as tell their children." Savar replied.

"DS9 reports that we are cleared to dock at upper pylon 2 when we arrive and they will have a full engineering team ready for us. They didn't seem too convinced about the slobber though, I guess they'll just have to wait and see" Ops reported with a smirk, allowing Baldric to have a laugh.

"Helm, set a course to DS9, let's go take a bath" She ordered before returning to her chair with a smile. It felt good to have survived her first mission with the ship intact and with one hell of a report to write. Oh... the report. Best get on that.

"Aye, plot laid in, warp 7 at the ready. I for one can't wait to have a drink after this one." Jenna commented. There was no one for her to write home to any longer, though she longed to talk to David once again. Either way, this was her home now. This was her family.

Just then the turbolift doors slid open and Thriss stepped out. There wasn't really anything for him to do on the bridge since they were back in Federation space. However engineering was in good hands at the moment and he had been told to ease himself back into his duties.

The Andorian didn't feel ready however. He felt like he had been cleared too early. To be honest, Thriss felt he should be court-martialed for sabotaging the Sunfire. Granted he was a Borg but the Chief Engineer was guilt-ridden. Hell, he nearly killed Savar

"Permission to come aboard, Commander?" The Lieutenant Commander requested.

"Aboard Commander?" Jennifer asked with a quizzical expression. "More like 'permission to resume normal duties' I should think. How are you faring after your ordeal?" She asked carefully.

Thriss winced. He had meant to say 'permission to enter the bridge'. Damned Borg. "Honestly Commander, physically I'm alright. Mentally, it's gonna be quite a while before I can fully recover. It won't affect my duties however" the Andorian said before starting towards his station. He wasn't sure how true that would be a few days to a year from now. However he needed to stay strong. He couldn't let it affect his duties.

"Take your time Commander, we're back in friendly space, the DS9 team are gonna scrape the goop off our hull. Get yourself well in whatever way you need to" She said gently.

Thriss nodded. "Thank you ma'am" the CHENG said simply.

"Engage Warp 7 and advise ETA Jenna" Baldric ordered as Thriss retook the bridge engineering station.

"Engaged. At warp 7, ETA is 35 minutes." Jenna replied. "My arrival at the bar ETA 36 minutes." She quipped jovially.

"An interesting destination Commander Ramthorne though not without a certain degree of logic assigned to it." Savar noted.

"36 minutes hey? You must have docking maneuvers and shutdown fast-tracked inside that brilliant mind of yours then" Baldric chuckled as the Sunfire swung around towards DS9. "I feel I owe you a drink. Hell, I feel I owe everyone a drink. We barely got through that one"

"Logically calculated is your thing Mr. Savar, I just happen to know the fastest path to Quarks and have the transporter codes to boot." Jenna slowed the Sunfire on its approach, the mighty space station rotating slowly against the backdrop of a stable wormhole was always a welcome sight to behold. "And if you're buying I'm not complaining."

Baldric nearly snorted with laughter "Remind me to check my credit balance before and afterwards" She giggled as the refreshing sound of banter bounced around the bridge. "Once we get there you're all on leave. All of you. For at least 3 days, more if I can get it from Command"

Glances up from his console a moment at Jenna, "And just why would you need the transporter codes to get there that fast, hmm?" Dean smirked a little.

Still busy aligning the ship for docking, Jenna didn't turn yet, "Last I checked, running through the docking ports was a bit difficult from someone as tall as I, Cardassian architecture as is were." The Sunfire stopped and there was an audible locking sound as the couplers were enabled. She finally turned, "Unless you have a better idea, Mr. House?"

"Logic is always a good course of action even when it calls for being illogical to arrive at a proper course of action." Savar bantered back. "You have used logic to suit your course of action which is the devise the quickest way to the bar Commander."

"Welcome home Sunfire, let us put Humpty back together again" the disembodied voice of the stations Commander, Captain Kira floated through the bridge.

"Thank you DS9, we apologise for the goop on the hull. It may take some getting off" she tossed the comment out just before the channel closed again, and could imagine the bemused glances being shot around opps, along with the smart assed remarks.

"Right-o. Be gone everyone. Enjoy your downtime. I'll meet you in the bar after I work out how the heck to write this report up for Command' Baldric rose with a smile and started towards the Ready Room.

Savar leaned back in his seat and briefly closed his eyes. The mission was successfully completed, and they had returned home none the worse for wear, discounting the whale slobber.

The bridge emptied out as people locked their workstations and headed for some much needed R & R. Hopefully it would be an uneventful time for them and they would return fresh and ready for whatever the universe threw at them.



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