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Day 4 - Nearing Home

Posted on Mon Sep 23rd, 2024 @ 10:36pm by Commander Jennifer Baldric & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Ensign Aubrie Fox

Mission: Lost in Space
Location: Near the edge of Borg Space
Timeline: Current


The team of computer techs and Engineers worked late into the evening and through the wee hours of the next morning to regain control of the Sunfire. They had caught the Borg infestation fairly early in the piece, saving themselves a lot of hassle if they had not realized for several more hours.

Jennifer wiped some muck from her brow as she crawled out from under a conduit, toolkit in hand and fatigue on her face.

"Tell me we got it all" She asked wearily.

The purging of the manifolds had taken its toll. They had not only purged them once, not twice, but three times, replacing parts as they went. The damned nanites were fighting them every step of the way. Bonnie lifted her tired head off the console. It was hot, and sweaty from the Borg like atmosphere. She sported a streak of gunk on her forehead and an indentation where the palm of her hand had propped her head up.

She looked at Bob, "I think we've got it, ready to fire it back up Bob, uh, Lieutenant Bob?" She asked with a complete tired

"Got it all, I we got it" Bob corrected himself, making Jen wish for the millionth time that Thriss was back in the engine room. They were all exhausted. "Go get some sleep, I think we've got about 7 hours before our next stop" Baldric rose and rubbed her tired eyes, stifling a yawn.

"Thanks ma'am. You should probably get some rest too." Bob offered in return showing he cared.

Bonnie shot up, and moved to step in line, or rather slightly behind Jennifer as the moved for the Turbolift. Her job done and the Computer CORE happy again she would leave Bob to restart the Warp Core. He's capable. She thought to herself. "Care if I join you Commander? I need a sonic and a good 5'er." She said, slanging her words like her Papa used to do.

"Sure" Baldric smiled and they headed towards the nearby turboloft. "Let me know how the restart goes Bob" she called, thankfully that the whales were giving them a lift.


Savar waited for word from engineering that systems were restored either partially or fully. As he waited, he watched the pod close ranks around the Sunfire and the matriarch coming closer, her enormous mouth open. "Commander Baldric, the Matriarch is moving into position to take us in her mouth." Savar relayed.

"Great, let's trade Borg nanites for Whale gooba" Baldric retorted as she headed for the bridge for a quick sitrep before turning in. "I'll be up there in a sec, tell the Matriarch to go ahead, we could use the rest"

"Aye Commander, I await your arrival on the bridge." Savar answered with his usual Vulcan cool. he turned back to the Matriarch. "You may proceed with the operation of carrying us. When you are ready." Savar informed her.

Jenna, took her hands off the console in front of her. "Systems locked out, we are neutral and waiting for a ride." She announced methodically before yawning noticeably.

Aurora was trying not to fall asleep where she sat in her seat, all the over exertion from the Borg boarding the ship had really eaten into her energy levels. Now things had calmed down she was fighting off tiredness as best as she could.

For a minute the sensor readings outside showed the Matriarch had opened her massive mouth by contorting her ever flexible jowls. Then she moved slowly over the Sunfire, as if ingesting a large meal. Inside the ship, the creatures shadow masked the stars beyond and as she finished and closed, all of the light seemed to go dark momentarily until the interior lighting adjusted.

One could look up through a portal and see the roof of the Matriarch's giant mouth, her teeth, and any debris in between. Jenna whistled and then commented, "I am no dentist, but those look like truly healthy gums." She then stood as there was no need for a pilot. "Commander, I will relive you in six hours." She finished by nodding to Savar, then to Aurora, "Counselor."

"Understood Commander." Savar replied s his gaze went to Aurora. "Aurora, you may leave the bridge and return to our quarters to rest if you feel the need." He wanted Aurora to know he wasn't ordering her off the bridge as he valued her presence and insight.

Baldric stifled a yawn as the doors to the bridge opened, revealing the most unusual sight on the viewscreen. "Xenobiology must be having a field day" she quipped as she headed down to the command chair. "Are we gonna have to scrub the hull?'

“We could do with a giant size starship wash!” Aurora grinned before looking at Savar. “I think you’re right Savar, I should go get some rest while I’ve got the chance.” She stood up nodding to Baldric as she did so, offering Savar a smile. “Give me a shout if anything interesting pops up.”

Savar arched an eyebrow at Aurora. "Does this not count as both interesting and unusual Aurora?" he teased his wife. To Baldric. "We are are serving as a breath mint for the matriarch. I just hope she remembers not to swallow. As for scrubbing the hull. I think the better option is to sterilize it."

" do we even do that? I just have this image of us being spat out with long tendrils of drool hanging off us like a slobbery ball" Baldric snorted.

"It would be quite the undertaking to be sure." Savar remarked dryly. "Perhaps we could burn off this drool you mentioned Commander Baldric as it makes a very unappealing picture and not the most noble way for us to make a return to our galaxy and to be viewed. "We would be known as the drool ship of Starfleet."

"I just have this image of a Sunfire shaped toy being spat out by an oversized, over salivating dog" she laughed, the action a welcome relief from the tension.

"Unappealing to be sure." Savar replied "However better than a chew toy."

"Okay everyone, get some downtime before our last stop" she announced as once again the gamma shift looked at her with weird eyes. "Right, you guys are the graveyard shift already...."

A yawn made its appearance and forced her hand, revealing she was indeed knackered. "Alright, before any of you say anything I'm going to bed"

Marine Mission Ready Room

Freya was hovering over the center table that was displaying live visual, and Sensor feed of their location. "Conner, Do you think the Borg will come?"



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