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Posted on Wed May 22nd, 2024 @ 10:54am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Ronson Mitchell & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla'ren

Mission: Lost in Space
Location: Engineering

CPO Ronson Mitchell strode into Engineering with a jug of coffee in one hand and a bag of snack hanging from his other wrist. He approached the duo who were working together to get the Sunfire back in her peak condition so they could get their asses home.

"Coffee? Snack? Brain food of all descriptions" he called as he approached them.

"Naw, I'm good. Bon-Bon would probably think myself mad for still wanting a Deanwinch, after the fact we used them to test Transwarp Beaming. However, Yeah I'd go with one of those," Dean smiled moving to a replicator, "So who wants one." He gave a pause, "Oh, I was thinking about our situation and where we are. Remember that Lieutenant Durnell and I already fixed transport beaming. We can try to apply that to the warp drive."

Thriss looked at Ronson. "Chief, I'll gladly take a coffee, please." He said before nodded to Dean in response to the Deanwich question. "How so?" he asked Dean.

Ronson looked on with interest at the mention of transwarp beaming as he poured the coffee and distributed the snacks amongst the hard working engineers. "What does the transporter have to do with the warp drive though?" He asked.

Glancing over his shoulder, "The principles on the baseline level should be the same, since we did get it to work. With some equational conversions it could work I suppose."

"I'm confused" Ronson rubbed his forehead as he considered being able to think like these senior officers.

"Is there anyway I can help"

Thriss looked at Ronson. "We might need lots more caffeine, and more manpower and ideas" he chuckled. He turned to face Dean. Even as a CEO he was confused a little bit. "So essentially transwarp beaming, but 'transporting' a starship. How would it defer from using our transwarp drive?"

"Obviously we can't get a transporter big enough, at least not that I'm aware of, to do it with the ship that way." Dean smiled, "Since doing that with Bonnie..which, where is she? She can explain better I'm sure. Doing that with her, I know that the ships Transwarp Drive we still take time to travel. If what we did to the transporter could be applied to the drive itself however...It might blink us..if that's what you want to call it, from here to where ever, instead of riding in the station wagon."

"Blink us?" Ronson asked as he repoured coffee into the awaiting now empty mugs. He would only them with as much caffeine and snacks as needed to get their brains through this crisis..

"Yeah, you know..blink. One thing from one point to another in a blink."

Ronson looked blankly and began doing coffee rounds again, hoping to rekindle the waning energy in the Engineering team. "Perhaps after the critical repairs are complete there should be a meeting with Bonnie and Commander Baldric to ensure our efforts are coordinated" he offered with another snack.

"Agreed. If we are going to 'blink' us home, I think we should make sure that we run as many tests and do as much prep as we can. I don't know about you two, but I'd much rather be lost in another galaxy, than trapped in some sort of transporter buffer" Thriss quipped.

"Exactly, there's no food in a transporter buffer" Ronson replied with his trademark quick wit.

Dean almost chortled, "No, no, no, that's not what I mean. We're not going to use the transporter. We just have to rework our already existing Transwarp Drive to the same..or sorta the same specifications that Bonnie and I used for Transwarp Beaming. If..that's possible. Though if we really did find a large enough transporter..."



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