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Bomb behind closed doors

Posted on Mon Jan 1st, 2024 @ 12:20am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Lieutenant Sarah Wilson & Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Ensign Kitiuas Thenis

Mission: Halloween
Location: USS Sunfire - Ready Room
Timeline: Current

Upon arriving on the bridge she saw Commander House and Lieutenant Commander Durnell, she smiled meekly in their direction, yet her stomach was doing flip flops and she was nauseous. Stepping up to the Captain’s Ready Room door she hit the chime.

[Ready Room]

Rhenora looked up as the door chime sounded. "Come in" she called as she washed down her sandwich with coffee. She felt as though she'd run a marathon and aged a decade in the space of 10 minutes.

Ensign Thenis stepped into the Captain’s Ready room and looked over at the creature in Imperial Kolari stated “Leave us alone for five minutes so we may speak privately Yugai. It will be worth your time.”

She then turned to the Captain and XO. She first handed her PaDD to the Captain. “I will wait until our ‘guest’ leaves Captain to fully brief you and Commander Savar.”

The Captain looked at the creature who regarded her with a strange gaze.

"Ensign Thenis would like to discuss something in private" she tried to explain. A difficult concept for non-corporeal beings who lived communally. The creature nodded and moved to the far corner of the ready room, seemingly unwilling to leave the room entirely.

"It'll have to do" Rhenora shrugged and motioned for Kit to start.

Kit knew the creature was aware of what her request meant, and it was treating her as it had treated her ancestors. "Captain and Commander Savar allow me to introduce to the evolved form of the race formerly known as the Yugai. A species that first enslaved the Orions and also assisted other species in their enslavement. It would explain why the writing in the 'laboratory' was in Imperial Kolari, which is a derivative of Yugai.

The Yugai were said to be a species of pleasure seekers, with their experiments it is very possible they derived not only pleasure from their victims but also nutrients. Orions made a perfect source for this as we have a dual system of deriving sustenance, we gain energy from the chlorophyll in our epidermal layers, and consumption of food and drink for nourishment. Therefore, if the 'creature' desires or requires food during our time together, I am the optimal individual to provide it."

Rhenora mused over this information and regarded Kit with a soft gaze. "I understand how hard it must have been for you to come to us with this." She moved over to Kit and placed a hand on her shoulder. "We hope to resolve this situation before they need to feed again. They have the ability to share energy between them. This one fed enough to keep everyone alive for the short term." The Captain sat again on the lounge, the ordeal telling on her strength.

Dr Wilson gave her a reproachful glare, words not needed as the conversation occurred between the ship's captain and her CMO. "I know, I'll rest, and eat. I promise" the Captain verbalised.

"See that you do or I'll confine you to sickbay... again" Sarah replied shortly before giving a look at Savar and Kit that spoke volumes.

"Commander House is trying to make contact with the Klingons and get more detail regarding this synthetic lifeforms they created that may solve our problems. Savar change course towards Kronos and hold steady until we arrive. I think I need a nap" the Captain rose, leaving the XO in charge and heading back to her quarters, the creature as ever shadowing her every move.



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