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Ground Team

Posted on Mon Dec 11th, 2023 @ 6:25pm by Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & 1st Lieutenant Kate Score & Ensign Kitiuas Thenis & Lieutenant Sarah Wilson

Mission: Halloween
Location: Castle Grounds
Timeline: Current

Kitiuas fiddled with her tricorder, focusing on the ‘Tower’ and the energy source. She was not worried about the Sunfire for some reason, perhaps because the captain and crew always seemed to pull miracles out of thin air. Instead, her duty was to find a way to assist in that miracle. There it was, the fluxing in the energy stream. It was a two way street, similar to the connection she had with the ships' computer.

“Commander, I believe I may have a solution to the energy stream. It is a dual usage stream, flowing out as well as back in. All I need to do is shut the outflow off making all the energy flow back here. It would have truly been better if Lieutenant Bonnie was here as she could do this in her sleep.”

Suddenly from high above them in the high tower, there was a shrill scream followed by the shrieking of the creatures. "They have captured us! They are holding us!"

"They sound pissed again, think it might have something to do with the ship working out how to incapacitate them?" Sarah asked hopefully.

“We can only but hope Sarah” Aurora offered a brief smile.

"Agreed Aurora." Savar replied as he cast a look towards the tower as the shrieking continued.

Kit looked up from her tricorder at the tower, her tricorder was recording spacial rifts. "Sir there appear to be micro spacial rifts forming in the general area of the tower and the energy source."

"Our team is up there, should we attempt to rescue them?" Sarah looked to commander Savar.

Savar nodded, "Yes Sarah. No one is left behind. Can you gain anymore information on the rifts Ensign? "As he waited for a reply he turned to Aurora. "Do you know the way to the tower Aurora?"

Kit began making adjustment to the tricorder "High amounts of tachyonic particles, several lesser radioactive particles. Difficult to sort what is what. I am getting small fragments of historical data seepage."

Savar's head perked up at hearing remark on getting historical data seepage. "Historical seepage in pertaining to what Ensign?? Is it about this castle and tower? Can we use it to put an end to these creatures?"

Again, Kit made some adjustments to her tricorder fragments of the planet's history were coming through and she made sure her tricorder was recording it, then she saw it, an ancient ship descending from the clouds. It landed and then began a transformation. "Sir I believe the 'castle' is actually an ancient spacecraft." She said as she handed Commander Savar her tricorder.

Savar looked at the image appearing on Kit's tricorder. He too saw the alien ship land and begin a transformation. "The matter manipulation is most impressive. The power consumption must be enormous."

Kit pursed her lips as she mentally thought of how to use this information to their advantage. She then remembered how the energy signatures were a mix of photonic energy and several other unusual energies, most importantly though was the energy formed from the base of the mountain. "Commander, we need to go down the mountain to the base, the true source of the power. What we are seeing from the tower is just a conduit, similar to EPS conduits on a starship."

"What about our team up there?" Sarah asked as she looked towards the high tower.

Ensign Thenis looked towards Commander Savar then to Lieutenant Wilson, "It is the commanders decision. I am only offering my educated theory as to where the main power source is. If indeed this is an ancient starship, as observed, it would appear the main 'engineering' source is buried into the core of the mountain. In fact, I would not be surprised to find it drawing energy from the planet core itself."

There was a lull, where the energy of the creatures seemed to shift into a more peaceful state. "Whoa, what just happened?" Sarah asked as she consulted her tricorder. "I'm getting a clear reading now on the other away team, and I can see the Sunfire entering the system again. It's as though all the interference has gone"

Savar listened to both Kit and Sarah. Then he made his decision. "We will wait s few more minutes to see if the other team returns safely. If not, we will proceed with the Ensign's suggestion."

"Sunfire to Away Team, do you read?" The voice of the Captain crackled into range as the ship neared the planet once again.



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