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Below the Surface the Commander Lies

Posted on Thu Oct 5th, 2023 @ 12:24am by Commander Jenna Ramthorne & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant JG S’Ers-a Kelek t’LyrZor, Maa t'Lyr'Zor & 1st Lieutenant Kate Score & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Commander Jennifer Baldric

Mission: Repairs and Retribution
Location: Kunar Mining Camp
Timeline: Current

Savar and Aurora slowly made their way along the dimly lit corridor. The emergency lights were doing a poor job of lighting beyond a radius of a few feet thereby keeping everything in the shadows. They had stopped several times to let Aurora rest.
As they rose, they both could hear raised voices, shouts and weapons fire. In the distance but it was hard to tell from which direction as the sound reverberated off the walls. He clutched his section of pipe tighter in his hand, ready to use it to defend Aurora and himself. After several minutes of slow travel, they came to an intersection. Pausing, he looked both ways. Not seeing or more importantly hearing anyone, they proceeded cautiously ahead.

Aurora was trying to sense what she could but her own emotions, and the pain she was in, were doing a good job of masking anything she might sense. She flinched as something moved in the shadows, cursing herself as it turned out to be nothing more than a large rat. “I’ll be glad when we get the hell out of here!” She coughed a rather rattly-sounding cough, a lot of the prisoners seemed to have the same cough, no doubt from the mining and conditions they were living in.

"A sentiment I share and totally agree with Aurora," Savar whispered back. "Let us proceed in this direction a little longer. If we are no closer to exiting, we will try another direction. we will try another. "Do you need to stop and rest?" His concern was obvious for Aurora.

Aurora shook her head. “No, let’s keep going. I can’t keep stopping to rest every few minutes if I do we’ll never get anywhere.”

"As you wish Aurora." Savar replied. He was quietly impressed by Aurora's inner strength to push on and get out of this hellhole they had been dumped into. He looped an arm around her waist to hold her tighter. "Hold on to me." He said as they resumed their journey.

Aurora held on using Savar for stability as they continued on their way. “I wish I could use my senses accurately, my emotions are clouding what I can sense.”

"Do not concern yourself with that Aurora. We are together and free; we will find the Captain and Remal and the way out." Savar replied steadfastly as the pair continued down the corridor.

Aurora nodded before gasping as she was suddenly roughly dragged down onto the floor as a guard rushed them. Thrusting her out of the way to get to Savar, the guard was aiming to sort out the stronger competition first.

Savar turned to meet the guard who had pushed Aurora away. Even though the guard was bulky he wasn't as strong as Savar even in his weakened state. Savar first tried to him him with the metal pipe he held but failing that a Vulcan nerve pinch was applied, and the guard crumbled to the corridor floor.

Aurora got to her feet from where she’d stumbled to the floor after being pushed, a few more scrapes added to those she already had. “Are you alright!?” Her concern was more for Savar.

"I am uninjured Aurora. However, what of you?" He looked her over in the dim light and could see some new scrapes peeking through her uniform where it had been torn from Aurora's falling to the floor. "Are you alright?" Savar asked the concern in his voice obvious over his wife's well-being.

“It’s just a few extra cuts and bruises” Aurora nodded. “Let’s not waste time, keep going. I want to get the hell out of here!”

"A sentiment I share Aurora. Though we must proceed with caution so as not to fall prey to any other guard or inmates that are now free." Savar replied.

Aurora nodded as she walked alongside him feeling more than worse for wear. She just wanted to get the hell off the planet away from the hell they were in.

Savar knew Aurora was tired and not feeling well. They walked a little further until he found an alcove, they could fit in. "Stop Imzadi, we will rest here and regain some of our strength." He told her.

Sera had moved off the group towards the direction of the underground prison facility, her form low and her feet fast as she moved in the open to reach a small rock escarpment where a concealed entrance was built into the rock. The door, naturally, did not automatically respond.

After some creative rewiring, the maglock disengaged, and the door opened with a grinding hiss. Rifle at the ready, Sera swept across the doorway, eyes darting, but the corridor was clear of any hostiles.

Stepping into the gloomy interior, Sera pulled her disruptor pistol, given they were now in closer quarters and silently raced down the corridor. Sounds of weapons fire again echoed; a shouted call…a return response.

An intersection was reached, and a duo of Cardassian guards rushed past and halted in panic drawing their weapons against Sera, but their expression denoted confusion more than aggression.

“Reinforcements.” Sera said in Cardassian. She had committed several words to memory preparing for the potentiality of beaming down to this location. The other two guards nodded brusquely and took back off in the direction they were initially heading.

Sera let out a slow measured breath and kept going as well. The halo Ghemora provided was working as intended. So far so good. Now to descend…

Once the access stairwell was located, it wasn’t difficult to get down to the sub-level that most likely held Savar and Aurora.

Sub-Level 3 was a disaster. As soon as they stepped foot on the level, the chaos enveloped everything. Shouts from guards, random disruptor fire, and prisoners racing about, it was a less-than-ideal environment to begin a search. Sera stuck to the wall as she raced down the corridor and passed a group of prisoners but was not expecting them to tackle her into the rock wall.

“Get her!” One of the prisoners yelled.

“Stop!” Sera yelled emphatically as she twisted and reached out her hand gripped the juncture where the shoulder met neck on her nearest opponent. The prisoner dropped to the ground, but that did not stop the rest of them from moving in. She reached up and hit the button turning off the halo, revealing her true visage which seemed to confuse the prisoners…for a moment.

Sera found no satisfaction in subduing the prisoners who chose to continue in their illogical plan to attack her. She stepped over their unconscious forms and continued down the corridor, bringing up her schematics and activating the scanner on her tricorder. Three Vulcan NDA signatures became visible on her map, herself…and two others.

Score helped get the prisoner and got him subdued then spoke to Sera, "Let's hope we don't have to do this to the Captain to get her out of here"



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