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Something Wicked This way Comes

Posted on Wed Apr 26th, 2023 @ 4:14pm by Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Mission: Repairs and Retribution
Location: Starbase 67
Timeline: Three weeks after leaving Dinosaur Planet

Starbase 67
Savar and Aurora's Quarters.

Savar and Aurora were enjoying some alone time. Just sitting on the couch, enjoying each other's company. As they sat, their peaceful contentment was shattered by the ringing of the door chime. "I will get it Aurora." He said as he went to the door. Opening it he was greeted by a phaser pointed at his nose. "Back up Vulcan. All the way inside." Came the gravelly voice of one of the two Cardassians standing in the doorway in the uniform of the Obsidian Order. "You didn't think we forgot about you did you? One sneered. When you didn't show we held your trial. You, your Captain Kaylen and your mate were all found guilty. The sentence is death." He finished as he back handed Saver with the hand holding the phaser, opening a gash on his cheek while the other pointed his phaser at Aurora.

"What do you hope to obtain by this?" Savar asked as he shook the blow off. "What do we hope to gain? Your deaths for one. As well as justice for Gul Maccet!"

"Justice? For Maccet? You are mistaken. He was the murderer, and he was going to kill Captain Kaylen. Or is murder allowed for Cardassian Guls? Savar asked as he tried to keep himself between the Cardassians and Aurora and was rewarded with a left hook to his face. "Shut up Vulcan! I don't want to hear your lies! You killed a hero of the Cardassian people! All three of you are going to pay with your lives for trying to make a mockery of the Cardassian military."

The other Cardassian moved towards Aurora. "Up now! We have trip to make. You don't need to pack. We'll be traveling lightly." He laughed at his own joke.

Aurora moved to check on Savar, she knew they were in big trouble but right now her concern was for her husband. Turning to face him she risked trying to tap her comm badge, if the channel was open at least others would hear what was happening.

"I am alright Aurora." Savar replied to his wife as she turned to him.

One of the Cardassians noticed what Aurora was trying. "Hey! Take your hand down and away from your combadge now! Get over here." He motioned with his phaser.

Aurora cursed silently to herself and raised her hand, before stepping over to where she was told to go.

"Much better. Keep behaving. Won't save you but it will make the trip less difficult for you two."

Aurora looked at the Cardassian.“You won’t get away with kidnapping Starfleet officers! Starfleet will come looking for us.”

"Let them look. Where we're going they won't find you or if they do, you'll be dead." The Cardassian closer to her answered. He opened a satchel and withdrew a pair of security manacles and tossed them to Aurora. "Put them on. Hands behind your bank and rachet them down nice and tight. Don't want you trying to wiggle out of them." He chuckled menacingly.

Aurora paused before doing as she was told, shackling one to her one wrist before turning for Savar to put the other one on. “What about my baby? Does my baby count as being guilty of something, he or she didn’t even exist when Maccet died.”

Savar brought Aurora's hands behind her back before he took the open cuff and closed it around her wrist. He ratcheted it down so it was tight on her wrist. "Check the other one Vulcan. Make sure its tight as well." One of the Cardassians said. Savar checked the other cuff and found it tight. Aurora would be unable to wiggle, pull her hands through the cuffs. "I am sorry Aurora." He replied softly before he was pushed out of the way. As the Cardassian checked Aurora's cuffs for himself and found them good and tight. "Very good. You won't be getting free." The Cardassian told Aurora as he looked at her standing there, hands securely bound behind her back. "As for your baby. Tough."

Aurora gave Savar a worried look, she could face whatever was coming for her, but their baby was innocent and what of Sidak? Was he to be without his parents? She looked at Savar. “How am I supposed to shackle you? I can’t do it with my hands behind my back!”

“Move!” Another Cardassian pushed his way through taking the extra shackles and putting them roughly on Savar’s wrists. “Now sit down, and be quiet!!”

Shackled tightly like Aurora, Savar sat next to Aurora on the couch. The pair watched as one of their captors talked in hushed tones to un unseen someone else. After a few moments. he stopped and looked at his partners and then Aurora and Savar. "Captain Kaylen, your murderous co-conspirator as been captured as well." He said proudly. "You will all die together."

Aurora looked at Savar worriedly, opening her mind to his. *What are we going to do Imzadi? How do we get out of this!?*

Savar answered Aurora through the bond they shared. * We wait for them to make a mistake, then we make our move, my love.* Even as he sat and tested the strength of his manacles.

Aurora resisted the temptation to nod, she didn’t want the Cardassians knowing they were in mental contact.

“Don’t think we’re that stupid Betazoid!” One of the Cardassians moved towards Aurora, roughly grabbing her hair, he tilted her head to one side and roughly placed an inhibitor on her neck. Activating it he let go of her hair and walked away laughing.

Savar sat motionless as the Cardassian placed an inhibitor on Aurora's neck. He reached out to her, hoping in close contact to each other they could still communicate. *Aurora? Can you hear me?*

Aurora gave her husband a teary eyed look. She had just about heard his voice, but it was like he was a million miles away. There was nothing more she hated than being cut off, not just from him but from everything around her. The quiet was almost deafening.

Savar saw Aurora's teary eyed look and knew either she couldn't hear him or was having difficulty in hearing him. He tried again. *Aurora, do not fear. We and the Captain will find a way to escape. Be strong my wife.*

Aurora waited for the Cardassians to look away before quickly nodding to say she was understanding. She took a deep breath, she couldn’t let the Cardassians see her weak.

Savar was relieved to see Aurora's quick nod. While her senses were diminished, they could still communicate while close to each other. They were still bound and at the Cardassian's mercy but they weren't done fighting.

“Everything ready?” The Cardassians looked between each other before the leader nodded. “Time to take our prisoners to their cells to await execution!” He grinned a cruel grin. “Prepare them.”

Aurora was dragged roughly to her feet by the nearest Cardassian. “Time to go prisoners! Enjoy what time you have left, there isn’t much of it.”

Savar was jerked savagely to his feet and pushed close to Aurora. As one of the Cardassians mocked them. It seemed that Aurora and he were getting ready to be moved somewhere to join Captain Kaylen as prisoners of the Cardassians.



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