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Camp Moments

Posted on Tue Jan 31st, 2023 @ 9:51pm by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Lieutenant Sarah Wilson & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant Commander Sandra "Phantom" Risa & Lieutenant JG Blake Leone & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali

Mission: Planet of the Dinosaurs
Location: Camp and surrounds

Sandra was just off by herself sitting next to her fire just staring into the darkness. All she could think of is why they were stuck and what more she could do to help.

Rhenora noticed the sole occupant of the campfire and moved over, "Want some company?" She asked, her way of seeing if Risa wanted to talk about anything in particular.

Aurora sat outside her family tent looking up at the stars, she had to admit the sight was a beautiful one. The sounds from the planet’s native species echoed around the camp, though for now the dinosaurs seemed to be keeping their distance. Her thoughts strayed to Savar, she was worried about him given the effects the planet was having on him. Her side effects seemed to be slower, something she was putting down to a leftover residual from when she was pregnant with Sidak. Who knew what species his true parents were.

Savar stood a few feet away from Aurora as he oversaw and directed various teams in their assignments. He could feel her concern for him. From an external view he looked the same. The tall cool, unflappable Vulcan but that was just the surface view. He was slowly losing emotional control. He was getting more and more testy, and several times had to bite back angry retorts. He was relieved Aurora had been spared the worst of the effects, the planet seemed responsible for with the crew. If as Aurora stated it was through her connection with their son Sidak, he was indeed grateful to their son. For now, he continued to work, to help the crew and his family and ultimately to make it through another day.

Rhenora observed Savar and Aurora from a distance, a concerning frown forming on her face. She could see the tension despite the attempt to cover it. She made a note to talk to Savar when she got a moment. This planet was effecting them all in different ways, for some it was headaches, others like Commodore S'thenosis and Remal were severely ill. They needed to get off this rock.

Aurora watched her husband as he worked, she could see his temperament changing day by day as the planet had more of an effect on him. Not being trained to hold back her emotions meant her Vulcan half wasn’t too badly affected, but if she remained here too long the strengthening effects of the start of her own Pon’farr cycle would most likely start to have an effect.
She wasn’t sure if the immunity that lingered from Sidak would hold or not.

Sarah emerged from the medical tent looking beyond exhausted. Dark rings hung under her eyes, looking like someone had had a field day with some dark makeup. She headed for the fire, dropping wordlessly onto one of the logs and holding her head in her hands.

Getting up from where she sat Aurora made her way across to Sarah, taking a seat beside her Sidak on her lap. “Sarah, are you alright? You look like you could use some serious sleep.”

"I look worse than I feel... or is it I feel worse than I look?" Sarah mumbled as she raised her head and looked around the camp. "We need to find what's causing people to 'change' but I'm damned if I can see it now" she whispered dejectedly "and if I don't find it and find a treatment - we all die"

Aurora nodded. “I’m not being affected as fast as the rest of you, I think it might have something to do with Sidak. Maybe a residual left over from when I was pregnant, or something? Maybe blood samples from me would shed some light on it?” She looked towards Savar, then back at Sarah. “It’s affecting Savar, and there’s only so much I can do to help hold him together.”

"I've been running every year I can think of from the samples you have me earlier, as well as those from Dean and Patin. All I know is that it's localised to here, whatever it is that's causing this" Sarah replied dejectedly. "There's just too many variables"

Aurora nodded. “I wish there was more I could do to help.”

Blake looked at Dr. Wilson. The woman looked like she had seen better days. She looked around to see if there was anything that could help on their situation. It was then she noticed a cluster of plants near her tent. So far, most of the people present had dealt with headaches and other pains. However, Blake hadn't had as much pain as it seemed like the others had. "Dr. Wilson?", she said. "Could it be that the greenery around us is what causes our different ailments? I have noticed a plant near my tent that could be a reason for me not having so many symptoms. The only issue I've had is a slight headache". Blake sincerely hoped she was right. Dr. Wilson seemed so worn out that she was on the verge on collapsing.

Sarah lifted her head an eyed off the plant indicated, raising her tricorders from her pocket and running a scan over Blake. "Maybe, I wish we had a full biospectral lab set up and a dozen more staff. Last I heard the labs on the Sunfire were ummm yeah. If I show you how to run some biohazard series on the equipment we have, would you be able to help?"

Blake nodded. "Of course", she said as she eyed the other woman. Dr. Wilson looked like she was about to pass out from weariness. She glanced at the other people present, and noticed their captain, Rhenora, regarding the doctor. Blake could see on the captain that she, too, had noticed Dr. Wilson's fatigued state.

Sarah's head dropped as she tried to keep her eyes open enough to brief them on the basic process.

"Dr Wilson, I believe I have the rare occasion to order you to bed" Rhenora nodded.."and since if you sleep in the med tent you'll only work, you can sleep in my shelter"

The CMO was too tired to protest and looked up as though she could will her tired body into rising.

The Captain stood and headed around to the CMOs location, standing in front of her and nodding towards Blake to give her a hand. She took hold of Sarah's wrist and helped her to her feet, letting Blake gently steer her towards the shelter. "I can help you run the scans" she commented as they deposited the doctor in the Captain's cot with strict instructions not to emerge for the next 8 hours.

Getting up Aurora headed over to Savar, their son resting gently in a body carrier she’d replicated long ago but not really needed aboard ship. She gently placed her hand on his arm as she walked alongside him. With her own approaching Pon’farr, which conditions on the planet weren’t helping with, just being close to Savar made her pulse race, but she could keep it under control for now. “How is everything going? Is there anything I can do?”

As Savar turned to answer Aurora's question, she would see the split second it took him to set his face into the calm, placid, composure she and the rest of the crew were accustomed to seeing him. "Aurora, my wife, my love. I am.... functional." He answered, his voice slightly rougher than normal. "The repairs are coming along; it is a slow process." He answered deliberately misunderstanding her question. "Your presence here, helps greatly Aurora, it, you calm me. Now, what can I do to help you?"

Aurora offered a smile. “Imzadi, I came to see what I can do to help you.” She looked around making sure others didn’t hear their conversation. “I feel your struggle Savar, I see it as well. Would a mind meld help to strengthen you against what’s happening here?”

Savar didn't rush an answer. He was silent for a few moments. The he replied in a low voice, "You are most observant Aurora and that is a credit to you. I believe a mind meld would be mutually beneficial to both of us Aurora. Me in strengthening my emotional control and for you in dealing with your Pon'Farr urges."

Aurora nodded and smirked. “You noticed that huh? I’m not at the point where my urges should be so strong yet, this planet is affecting everything, even with the added protection from Sidak I still feel it.” She motioned towards their tent. “I’ll wait inside for you.”

Savar nodded, "Indeed I did Aurora but I doubt any others have. I am glad you have the extra protection afforded by Sidak." He looked at their tent. "I will join you shortly Aurora and then we can begin."


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