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Camp - Shelter from the Storm

Posted on Thu Jan 5th, 2023 @ 6:48am by Lieutenant Sarah Wilson & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Commodore S'thenosis Gorgox & Remal Kajun

Mission: Planet of the Dinosaurs
Location: Camp
Timeline: Evening - Late Evening

He had seen the cave entrance crumble and his heart sank at the thought his beloved Rhenora might be there. Telling himself she wasn't under the rubble, he pushed the thought into the back of his mind. Still clutching the girl to his chest, Remal pushed onward for shelter. With the relenting rain, quarter size balls of sleet called hail began pelting him in the back. Just ahead of his path, a tent and a grouping of trees.

Then lightning struck the tallest tree, splitting it down the center. The girl screamed loudly ad the now on fire timber didn't just fall, but was exploded from the inside out and knocked from it's trunk. Remal took the only course he could and dipped into the tent for cover only to find he was not alone with the girl. There in a curled up huddle on the floor was the Commodore. She looked to be in pain.

Remal sat the little girl onto a stool in the corner of the tent. She was scared but had calmed down enough to be released on her own. His concerns shifted to the Commodore as he approached cautiously. "Commodore Gorgox, it's me, Chief Kajun. Are you in pain of any kind?" He asked in his most tender of voices.

There was silence for a moment, just a moment, and then she uncoiled and unleashed a wild howling scream of torture, of anger and of hurt inches from his face. The girl in the corner screamed again but Remal stood his ground, glad he had remained in-between the girl and the Dragoness.

The storm raced around them before slowly abating after nearly an hour, the rumbling of the thunder growing more distant as time progressed. Sarah dared to breathe. "How do we get out of here? I need to help people" The CMO felt useless and cooped up in the shelter.

Sarah looked at the lock alongside Savar, inspecting the fried mechanism with a trained medical eye. She was no engineer but she knew how to perform surgery with the barest of margins, surely a fused lock couldn't be much different.

"If think if I can get my laser scalpel into the emergency access panel, I can use it to cut whatever's in the way of the emergency door release" Sarah mused as she prized off the cover of the access panel. Inside was a molten mess but there were still parts that had not been completely fried.

Savar nodded at her comment. "An excellent suggestion Doctor. Using your scalpel to access the door release seems like the most efficient way to proceed. As for accessing the door panel. I believe I can be of assistance there." With that he took his hands and looked for an edge he could grip after a few moments he found one and using his Vulcan strength, he slowly began to peel the access panel's cover away until the inner mechanisms were on view. "Doctor, the patient is ready for you to perform surgery."

"Splendid" Sarah scooted forward and pulled in her medkit, picking up the laser scalpel and testing it before analyzing the lock mechanism with her tricorder. "At least it won't be criticizing my bedside manner" She retorted at she got to work.

Savar arched an eyebrow at Sarah's comment. "Indeed, not Doctor. You are free to make comments, or quips or even bad jokes without fear of compliant."

"Well in that case..." Sarah began her tedious but essential work, carefully cutting away the molten material and freeing the door mechanism, a test revealed however something else was causing the problem. "Hrmmmmm our patient has complications, I might try an infusion of pure energy to kick start the servo" Sarah mumbled as she worked.

"Savar, could you fire your phaser here, minimal stun setting, for about 2 seconds" Sarah asked, pointing to a particular point in the mechanism that needed a bit of heat to free up.

Savar looked to the spot Sarah was indicating. "I will need to narrow the beam however I can do as you ask Doctor." He made an adjustment and satisfied; he pointed the phaser at the indicated spot. The beam sprang from his phaser and hit its intended target. One second to and he stopped, looking at Sarah as she went to perform some more of her magic.

"Just need to..." She muttered "and then..." The door lock mechanism eventually released and Sarah fell backwards, landing on her rump with surprise. "I didn't think it would actually work." She admitted.

Savar extended a hand to help her up. "You must learn to have more confidence in both your ideas and abilities Doctor. Both are most impressive."

"Let's blow this joint" The CMO retorted as they worked the physical door panels apart and revealed the damage from the now retreating storm. The camp was a mess.

"Ouch" she whispered as she cast her eyes around the carnage.

Meanwhile there was a quiet standoff going on in the Commodores tent. Even as the rains subsided, Remal had managed to take a seat on the ground and comforted the young girl. The Commodore on the other hand had taken to a territorial sort of pacing in a circle with only the occasional sideways glance over at what she had perceived as her captors. Remal noted the unkept look, the increased size and the sweaty toothed snarl S'thenosis kept giving him and noted in his mind how she appeared to have turned feral.

He was feeling different too. His mind was no longer focused on specific tasks but broad ones. He no longer thought about details of past or future events but only the here and the now. His perception was relying almost entirely on his fight or flight response which right now told him to do neither. It was more confused as an instinct than he was. The rain was stopping but inside the tent things were just getting interesting.

Sarah emerged from the shelter, medkit in hand and eager to help despite the rain. She made a beeline for the nearest tent, hoping to help its occupants in any way she could. She tossed back the flap to reveal it was empty. Nearby she heard what she thought was a snarl. Fearing the smaller Dino's may be in the camp she pulled her weapon and cautiously advanced.

The sound of someone in pain came from nearby and Sarah approached the tent, not knowing what she would find in there. She entered to see Remal, a small found child, and Commodore S'thenosis who looked to be in a world of pain. "What happened" she asked Remal, who had an bizarre look in his eyes"

His eyes were glazed over as he stared into the small world that was the tent. Slowly his arm raised as he pointed towards S'thenosis, "She's um, she's not doing well. Careful. She scared us, so I, um, sat down to uh, protect the young one." His eyes rolled back. "My head hurts, bad." He reached up and grabbed at his head.

Sarah looked between Remal, S'thenosis and the young girl and did a rapid fire assessment of the situation. Her gut told her S'thenosis was in the most need and so the CMO dropped to her knees beside the Commodore. She scanned with one hand and loaded a hypo with the other, dialing up a generic painkiller and injecting the Draconian in the neck. She loaded a second for Remal and got him in the arm before returning to her scanning.

As S'thenosis relaxed, she curled into a fetal position and fell quickly asleep. Remal, sensing Sarah, turned his head as she approached and whispered, "Take care of the girl." and then as Sarah injected him in the arm he followed it up with a quiet "Thank you." He then faced forward and closed his eyes.

The CMO breathed a sigh of relief as both the Commodore and Remal yielded to the sedative she had mixed with the painkiller. It would buy her some valuable time to figure out what the blazes was going on, not just with the Commodore, but with the bug bites and the headaches as well.


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