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Someone's need bad - Pt2

Posted on Mon Sep 12th, 2022 @ 10:47am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Dean House & Remal Kajun

Mission: New Harrington
Location: New Harrington

The trio continued in silence as they were led through the polished floors of the government building, the still as yet unnamed aide presumably taking them to meet with the Governor. After several flights of stairs and long hallways, a set of obscenely grandiose ornately carved timber doors appeared before them. It seemed someone certainly liked the luxuries that his position entailed.

“Wait here, I will confer with the Governor” The aide said gruffly as the doors opened on to what seemed to be an antechamber. A receptionist who looked as bored as a teenager without a screen looked at them dully, a scowl in her expression as she regarded them. She continued to file her fingernails and stare almost through them, her whole demeanor screaming on the antithesis to job satisfaction.

The aide appeared a few moments later, ushering them in quickly.
“ It appears there was a miscommunication, we have no reference of your supposed meeting, however as a gesture of good will the Governor will meet with you briefly, and only briefly as he has another meeting to attend.

“Does he just?” Rhenora raised an eyebrow as she stepped forward, following the aide through to the most opulent office she had ever seen. Everywhere possible were expensive timbers inlaid with gems, precious metals and other fineties. It stank of wealth, a stark contrast to the relatively modest living conditions of the rest of the colony.

Dean didn’t like this still. Making sure to look all over as they walked. Any thing to hide cameras or force field emitters, or weapon emplacements. Security doors, even eying the receptionist to see if he could see what was on her monitor as they walked by.

It seemed extravagant for a Federation colony. Hell it was extravagant for most of the places they had ever been to. The opulence of wealth was apparent especially as they passed what was a literal elephant in the center of the room. Gold or gold plated and imbued with gems galore. Remal gave a low whistle. "Someone's compensating." He commented loud enough for Dean and Rhen to hear his professional opinion.

The Governor looked cagey as they entered, as though he wanted them gone as quickly as possible.

"This will need to be brief, I have a very important meeting" he said forcefully.

"This very important meeting wouldn't have anything to do with the Romulan vessel in orbit would it?" Rhenora challenged, fighting fire with a little heat of her own. "We know they are here for the barrels and your lacky has negotiated a high price for them."

His eyes were never taken off of the room around them, even if Dean seemed to be just looking at the Governor. Listening as well. Arms crossed over his chest, not just for intimidation, that left his right hand closer to the phaser in its holster.

His grin was a sly one, that of a man who knew more than his opposition. "I see I can hide nothing from you Captain. Your crew has performed admirably in the face of adversity. Truth be told, yes, I am meeting with the Ferengi Damon, what of it? Those resources belong to the people of this colony to do with as we please, and if we please to make a profit we shall."

He leaned in and stared her down. "Tell me Captain. Have you apprehended the culprit behind the weather station malfunction yet? I am certain you are close to solving that little puzzle right?" He wasn't giving an inch and in fact had turned the conversation around on her and her crew.

"We were called here to render aid, and from where I see things, aid was rendered. Your weather system has now been stabilized has it not?" Rhenora kept her posture open this time, allowing the facts to do the heavy lifting.

"The stations were malfunctioning prior to our arrival here, hence I would have thought you would be investigating it. Oh, and the repairs technicians that we rescued of yours are currently recuperating in our medical facility as they were close to death. I haven't heard you enquire once as to their whereabouts or wellbeing"

Dean bit his bottom lip a little, as he was trying to remain calm. Though there was a very audible half huff, half sigh pushed out through his lips after that. “Excuse me a moment,” as long as he wasn’t stopped, Dean moved either out of the room, or to a spot he could speak quietly to the ship. Attempting to call them.

Rhenora raised an eyebrow as Dean slipped out of the room, trusting him and whatever it was he was about to do implicitly. She continued to watch the Governor for reaction to her words. He seemed to be grasping at straws, back on the defensive.

"Quite. Believe me, we are currently running our own investigation." He still failed to mention the station workers as he was led to believe they would be dead by now. "I would have thought you, an intrepid, uh, young, Captain, would have wanted to solve this mystery and claim credit where credit is due. But alas, seems I was mistaken." His smug arrogance was written upon his face like a large print novella.

He watched Dean leave, a small bead of sweat rolling down his own brow. Internally he questioned how much they really knew and how long it would be before the security team he called would show up. Stalling was easy. Lying was easy. Getting away with his crimes… well that was the politicians greatest challenge yet.

Unknown to Dean, while he was able to get a connection to the ship, it wasn’t as secure as thought or said. That only being that there were listening devices there on the grounds. The conversation was being sent to the Governers head of security. “Ensign. Yes. I’m sure. Check all of the personnel logs and activities in the past week. Look for systems they shouldn’t be accessing.”

Ensign Rammakin got quiet for about a minute or so before coming back. “It seems like you were right about that, sir. There’s been a number of systems on the ship access as well as transmissions to the surface. The surface and an unknown location. The surface is your current location, the unknown can be triangulated near the same location but thousands of feet higher. Which could only be one of the platforms.”

“That seems to fit in with other evidence we’ve found. Send the data to my tricorder and track down that crew member.”

“Well….” the Ensign sighed, “There’s a problem with that, there’s two. One is a Bajorian, the other is a Vulcan.”

Dean just made a face a moment, “Then get both of them, though use extra security on the Vulcan. Extra non-lethal force is authorized.” Looking down at the tricorder as the information started to come through. Closing the comm transmission. Instead of just going back right into the room, Dean sent a ‘text’ message to both Rhenora and Remal’s tricorders. ‘We’ve got evidence, more of it. Also an operative on the ship. I’ve sent security to apprehend two crew members. One, or both seem to be involved.’

As the focus was on Rhenora, Remal checked his tricorder. He internally questioned the evidence Dean was suggesting but maintained his composure until the moment was right.

Rhenora discreetly checked her tricorder and mused over the message, not sharing any of it with the Governor. As she was about to speak a number of things happened. The sound of running boots echoed through the corridor and into the room, the Governor stood and appeared to ready himself to flee, and Rhenora knew that he was as guilty as they came.

Shouts accompanied the guards as the Governor's personal protection guards neared, Rhenora knew their time to bring the Governor to justice was rapidly running out. With an agile leap unbecoming her age she threw herself at him, preventing him from leaving by any means he had previously planned.



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