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Loud 'N' Proud

Posted on Sun Jun 5th, 2022 @ 11:34am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla'ren

Mission: New Harrington
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: Current

The Sunfire's systems were running well after the ship's repairs. The CEO didn't want anything to go wrong mid-warp. Let alone en-route to a distress call which was a priority one mission. Because of this, he had his engineers running even more basic tests on the ship. They needed to be safe rather than sorry in this situation, especially after the last mission.

The Andorian Engineering Chief was in his typical Starfleet gold uniform. He exited his office with a smirk on his face. A few of his team caught the expression and shook their heads with smiles on their faces. They knew what was coming. There was no stopping their boss now.

Thriss cleared his throat and spoke loudly. "Computer, please begin a shuffled playback of Kla'ren playlist five in Main Engineering at a medium to high volume level."

"Affirmative" the compute spoke. "Beginning shuffled playback of Kla'ren playlist five."

Then suddenly, ACDC's music started playing in the background.

Meanwhile Captain Kaylen Rhenora was headed down to Engineering to chat to the Chief Engineer as to how the new nacelle was performing. An honest opinion was always more informative than 'meets system expectations as per operating standards'. Did it have any glitches, sweet spots, or idiosyncrasies they would need to be wary of? The fact in had been installed so quickly also boded a little concern. With that in mind she was on a mission to hunt Thriss down and have a little chat about the new engine.

The music blaring down the corridor was an interesting choice, late 1990's, Earth era, something called 'rock'. The driving beat and screaming guitars was powerfully motivating and she could understand why is still held it's charm even after all these years.

Spying Thriss chatting to one of the other engineers she headed over.

Noticing the Captain, Thriss looked at the other engineer. "Excuse me please."

The Chief looked at Rhenora as she approached him. "Captain, What brings you to the rather loud Main Engineering?" he questioned jokingly.

"What other than the tunes?" She laughed as the engineers seemed to be getting the job done in a more than efficient manner. "I actually wanted to get your opinion on our new engine, now that you've put her through a few paces"

"Our new engine is actually running decently at the current moment. We're running as many tests as we can however. I don't want any engine failures or any other problems while we are en-route to our destination. Especially since it's priority one and a distress call" he answered her question honestly.

" I agree with your thinking, it's imperative we get to New Harrington as quickly as possible and preferably in one piece. How are you team handling getting to know the new engine? Any uniqueness made itself apparent yet?" The Captain asked, happy to be having a decent chat with the Chief. It seemed like ages since they had had a conversation.

"So far, in terms of the engine's inner workings, it is basically the same, with minor tweaks here and there. The more tedious part is trying to make sure it is compatible with the transwarp drive" he answered.

" Haven't ironed out all the kinks in that one yet?" Rhenora quipped as she looked around the bustling engine room. Thriss ran an efficient and happy team.

"Not quite yet. If we hadn't had that fiasco in the Nebula we could actually begin our testing in full, but since we have the engine it will be a little longer. Shouldn't be too long however. The engine is online, we just need to make sure it's compatible and connect the systems, in a hopefully similar manner to when we did the first time."

" I'm sure you and your team will be more than up to the job." Rhenora smiled reassuringly. " We may also need your expertise to look at the weather systems on New Harrington, it's a sophisticated system but has been badly malfunctioning"

The Andorian scratched his chin. "I'll take a look once we get there Captain. Any idea what caused the malfunction?"

" Not that we're aware of, although the information I've just received states that the last 3 repair crews that have attempted to fix the weather system, haven't returned from the orbiting platform." There was an ominous tone in the Captain's voice.

"That does sound rather suspicious" Thriss began.

"I thought so, we don't have any further details though until we get there" the Captain replied, "staff briefing will be in 20 minutes, I would appreciate anything you can offer."

"Understood. I'll see what I can do" the Chief answered.

"I'll let you get back to it then Chief, see you at the briefing" The Captain smiled warmly as she took in the pumping engine room and the positive vibe that emanated from it. Thriss ran a good team. Turning she headed back out of Engineering and back up to the bridge to prepare for the briefing


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