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Posted on Wed Jun 8th, 2022 @ 10:07am by Commander Dean House & Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: *CD*
Location: Corridor

Dean gave a glance as he was finishing the check on the docking port. Turning around a moment since someone came on board. Noticing it was Rhenora, "Well hello there again, Captain. Have you missed us?" Passing by her and giving her a slight harder hip bump than necessary. Not noticing it was that hard and threw her against the bulkhead. Continuing on his way because he didn't think he did it that hard or, that happened.

Thankful for a little extra padding around the edges these days the Captain muffled a string of curses as she righted herself, pushing off the bulkhead and straightening her clothing. "Mister House!" She called after him.

He stopped a moment, the voice was familiar, should be, since he just walked by her. Dean stopped and turned around, "Captain?"

"Dean, you don't realise you're own strength there sometimes boy" She smiled at him before wrapping him in a warm hug. The close proximity allowed her to see the pips on his collar. " I'm sure there's a story to tell behind this" She tapped the black pip with her finger.

"So that was the thud I heard." Making a face a moment and once she gave it, Dean returned the hug. Giving her a friendly kiss on the cheek, his eyes followed where her finger went. "Oh that. There's a little bit of one, yes. It's temporary."

" I hope so, and I'm sure you'll share the story with me over a glass of spring wine when you're ready" she gave him a fond smile.

"I have time now if you want to. I'm not needed on the Bridge for a couple more hours." Returning the fond smile. "Any preferences?"

"Musela province, any vintage will do" she was keen to hear the full story, having read the official version already. There was always more than on the reports.

"I'm not exactly familiar with that kind of wine. I guess I'm going to find out." Motioning a hand out, "Lead the way, Captain my Captain."

Rhenora led the way through the corridors to the quarters she shared with Remal. Every trip to Bajor certain items were restocked and spring wine was one of them. The doors parted at her approach revealing the mostly neat and tidy rooms. "Take a seat Dean" She tossed over her shoulder as she vanished into the kitchen area.

Dean actually hadn't expected to go to her quarters. He'd figured something like either the lounge or maybe her ready room, or Captain's mess. This was interesting since he'd never been in there. Taking a little walk-a-bout to look at details. Not just details in general, but personal ones, before he did sit down.

She emerged with two glasses of springwine and a plate with assorted mourish bites before handing one glass to Dean and settling herself down on the couch and curling her feet up underneath her.

"2356 Springwine, it was a good year in Musela province. Unlike the last week or so judging by your collar" Rhenora started, leaning forward to 'clink' glasses with Dean.

"Well, I already know that you are a women of good taste, so it better be a good year or you'd break someone." Dean gave her a smile, after the 'clink' swirling the glass a moment and giving a sniff before actually tasting it. "It was certainly a...without using a different choice words to describe it, mess."

" I read the report, but as we all know - reports can be very....abstract." Rhenora prodded a little, taking a sip of the wine and smiling in appreciation, for the company as well as for the wine.

"I don't mind explaining from my perspective, however, when I do you might put me back in the brig." That probably sounded like a joke, but it wasn't. Taking another drink from the glass. "Ask away, Rhenora." Dean knew not only since they were off duty he could get away with that, because they were friends. He also could, as long as it was in a respectful manner, when they were on duty as well.

" Let me be the judge on if you go back in the brig or not" Rhenora chuckled, popping a morsel of something she had found in the chiller into her mouth. Whatever it was was indeed delicious. " So why'd you shoot him?" The question was open and honest, a reflection of their frienship.

"What was said. Aurora was possessed. Which she admitted, and why she stabbed Niali. After that she said that it had moved to Savar. Given their connection, I believed her. However," Dean finished off his glass and motioned to the bottle to refill it if she was okay with him doing so. "Regardless of the reports. That a lot of us may have at least been influenced but not possessed. I can say with one hundred percent certainty, I wasn't. I shot Captain Savar on purpose and of my own sound mind. I had a gut feeling."

Reaching up to scratch his nose and take a sip of the refilled wine in his glass, "So I lied when questioned, as they already had their own conclusion that I was in fact, at least influenced."

"Wow, you're right, messy" Rhenora mused, sitting back a little more and getting comfy. " So Aurora said the creature was in Savar... you overheard and shot Savar...then they thought you were inhabited by this alien creature. Am I getting the gist?" She looked at him with a questioning glance.

"Just a little bit." Giving a bit of a nod. Dean was still mostly leaning forward instead of resting against the back of the couch. "Roughly. Also it wasn't at first Aurora that I heard say it. There were some back and forths, which you can look at the Bridge feeds if you want to. They should be unlocked. Either way in the end, I went with my gut feeling and the evidence that I took into account from the whole ordeal thus far."

"You went with your gut and they threw yourself and your gut into the brig and served your ass on a plate" Rhenora mused as she watched Dean's reactions to her words. There was always multiple perspective's to any situation.

There was a nod given, to her and finishing off what was left in his second filling of wine. Setting the glass down on the coffee table. Turning to Rhenora a little more fuller. "It depends on who you ask, but in my opinion, yes. They didn't want to really listen. Tramatizing situations, and particularly being violated like that, being possessed by some alien being. I under stand. However, the rest, and with facts, evidence, is another. It's done with at this point, but I don't agree with how some things happened."

Rhenora mulled over the information and could see both sides of the proverbial coin. " So you shot Savar and got the brig, some potatoes and a demotion. What of Aurora, she stabbed Dr Korial you were saying?"

"Yes, though I didn't expect the promotion up to Executive Officer and full Commander to stay anyway. As for Aurora, I'm not particularly sure, what punishment she got. Didn't ask. The only stipulation I gave was, fine, I'm okay with it, but I'm not peeling potatoes in full view of everyone. Also, I can just use those to cook real food for the crew."

" Well I can understand the promotion not sticking since we now have a full Captain again, the rank shouldn't have been an issue staying though. Unless it was specifically part of the punishment. Was Commodore S'Thenosis involved?" Rhenora probed as she finished her glass of wine.

Dean had to chuckle. "You do realize that you just referred to yourself as if you weren't the Captain right?" Shaking his head, "I'm not sure, I suppose the Commodore may have had a hand in whatever was suggested to be handed out."

"At the moment technically I'm not,but technicalities are neither here nor there. I just haven't put the paperwork through to yet to be honest. As for Commodore S'Thenosis, if she were involved you can bet your ass that whatever her decision was would have been based on several thousand textbooks of interstellar law and a grouchy attitude. I have never in all my years knowing her though heard her to be wrong" Rhenora explained, leaning forward a little and topping up her glass.

He gave a little shrug. "What I found most amusing, is that I wasn't allowed to use my previous station as a JAG officer. They didn't want to hear any of it."

" It may have complicated things. From what I understand they wanted it dealt with swiftly, before returning from the Gamma Quadrant. I can't answer that question though, all I can do is listen with an open mind" She smiled apologetically at him.

"I understand that, considering you weren't there. However, they could have at least listened to what I was spelling out."

"True, but in some instances, it may not have changed anything." There was a sad honesty in her tone. " For what it's worth, I appreciate what you were trying to do"

Dean gave a nod, "Thank you, Rhenora. It probably wouldn't have changed anything in the end, you're right."

"So they gave you some potato duty, and a demotion? Ouch" she grimaced as though someone had done the same to her. "On the plus side I guess I get to sample some of your cooking"

"Temporary, yes. And of course you can, any time." Refilling his glass again, offering to refill hers.

She nodded, thankful that their wine stores had been restocked from their recent time on Bajor. "Tell me Dean, how did things go while I was away. In your opinion"

"Do you really want my full and unabridged version of my opinion, Captain?" Dean leaned back a little bit, taking a breath.

"Always, and if you skip any of it I'll kick your ass" the words were light hearted but the intention was the same. There was only so much a report could say, an honest conversation usually revealed subtle nuances no report or log entry ever could.

"I'd light to see you try," Dean gave her a wink. "I think the whole thing was completely fubar, from Savar as acting Captain, myself as acting Executive Officer, not that I didn't appreciate it. To Finchley's behavior and questioning orders. Aurora's psychosis. I think the only thing that really was stable was Jennifer." Coughs to correct himself. "Commander Baldric."

Rhenora caught the slip but didn't mention anything. There was no protocol to dictate people couldn't form relationships or be on close terms in the field. "I have heard good things about Commander Baldric's performance during the crisis. The rest shall we simply call a bad day at the office?"

It wasn't exactly a slip, not really, however Dean wasn't completely sure if Jennifer was completely okay with him using it so familiar as he just did. "How about week?"

" A week sounds more accurate. I'm sorry you've ended up bearing the brunt of the fallout" The Captain replied sincerely, reaching out and touching Dean's hand in support.

"It's alright I suppose," patting the top of her hand on his, with his other, just a moment.

"It's not really but there's sweet nothing we can do about it" Kaylen replied strongly. "It's done and we will move forward as only we know how to do. Just think, the next mission may prove pivotal in any number of ways. At least we are still able to make a difference"

There was a light tap on her shoulder, "At least that is always true."

"Now I don't know about you, but I need to turn in, it's been a rough week on the planet" Rhenora looked at her friend "I do appreciate our conversation though, always"

"It is getting a bit late," standing up, leaning to kiss her cheek. "I enjoyed the conversation as well. "I'll see myself out. Good night, Rhenora."


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