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Procidens Actio Pt IV

Posted on Thu Mar 24th, 2022 @ 9:03pm by Commander Jennifer Baldric & Lieutenant Sarah Wilson & Senior Chief Petty Officer Ronson Mitchell & Commander Finchley Kerr & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Commander Sandra "Phantom" Risa & Lieutenant Niali Korial MD & Commodore S'thenosis Gorgox & Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell

Mission: Paranoia Nebula
Location: USS Sunfire
Timeline: Current

The ship's red alert klaxon wailed and the red warning lights around the bridge flashed. Finchley, having picked himself up from where he'd been thrown onto the deck, jabbed the COMM button on the Command chair and shouted "Kerr to engineering, shut off all power to and from the Starboard nacelle, NOW!"

The reply came back swiftly "Aye Sir, closing it off now."

"That, Commodore, was one of our nacelles, it helps powers the ship's flight, it's rather essential. We can operate on one, but it severely reduces our speed and maneuverability. We've got to get the ship away from this creature, but we're going to be hampered now. I have an idea, one that needs precision timing, but it could work and stop that 'thing' dead, quite literally. Inside that creature is the engineering section of one of the Ferengi vessels. I have no idea how, but it's still operating on low power, my guess is the creature's finding that part hard to digest. If we have enough power, I'd like to try and lock on a transporter beam to the Ferengi warp core, beam it out into open space, and begin a remotely set warp core overload on it. The creature should go for it as it's a high-yield energy source. When the creature is right on top of it, a warp core breach should occur, and I don't need to explain what it's like when that happens. The sheer magnitude of the explosion, alongside the anti-matter that will be expelled, should severely damage, possibly even kill, that thing. Other than that Sir, we could be more or less out of options. Our ship is very badly damaged now, I don't believe we can't outrun the creature and I doubt we can outmaneuver it, so this could be the only alternative we have" he finished.

Niali stood. "Commodore, I have been passed as fit to return to duty and in conducting that duty I have deemed Mr House unfit. I am still within my right to remove him from duty which I duly have already done so. If you disagree please take it up with Starfleet .” She looked at security picking themselves up from the deck. “Security once again please escort the Commander to his quarters and make sure he does not leave. Mr Kerr until Captain Savar returns you are the ranking Officer. I am returning to sickbay to assess Captain Savar’s condition.” She walked away and added “and get myself some medical attention. ”Disappearing into the turbo-lift.

The two security Officers moved to Commander House, “Sir please accompany us” they said respectfully.

Dean stood his ground, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline. I've already stated that she is not on duty. I've not heard anything from Sickbay saying she's cleared. She shouldn't even be up here."

Commander Jennifer Baldric stood from her station at the rear of the bridge, having had enough of the situation. "Dr Korial, you are bleeding through your uniform, I suggest you get yourself seen to. As for Commander House, I believe he was acting in the best interest of the ship. The counselor implied that the Captain was compromised. Time was critical. Now we have the time to hopefully extract whatever being from his mind"


Savar stirred and his eyes opened to the sight of Dr. Wilson standing next to him, a tricorder in her hand as she scanned him. The creature, its hunger temporarily satisfied left his mind and in once again in control. "Why am I in Sickbay Doctor?" His tone was calm and rational.

"We had reason to believe you were compromised by an alien being" Dr Wilson explained.

The entity watched from its place in a corner of sickbay having left the Captain watching and waiting for its next victim. As Niali walked through the door it took its chance and entered her, she felt nothing only the pain of her wound reopening.

“Dr Wilson how is our Captain, he needs to return to the bridge as soon as possible ? Dr Perrim please go to Commander House’s quarters and perform a full physical, I have removed him from duty."

She sat on a biobed with blood still seeping from her wound and lay down. “I’ll just lie here for a minute.” The entity rejoiced, here inside this one were two it would investigate the symbiont first.

"Dr Korial, you're off duty. You need to heal or I'll have to operate again, rest your ass" Dr Wilson said firmly, with a look that Brookes no argument. "Captain Savar is showing abnormal brain anagrams and brain activity...I have reason to believe he is still compromised. I will keep him sedated until I come up with a plan." She handed the CMO a padd with the abnormal readings on it. "I would appreciate your medical mind while your body heals"

Niali put the PaDD down, her vision was blurred as her blood continued to seep through her fingers. She felt so tired and hoped that she could just slip away home to Trill. She slipped into unconsciousness The creature within Niali hesitated, it felt aware for the first time of its own loneliness, a feeling of being separated. It had worked so hard inside the minds of the affected crew to bring sustenance to the whole.

Sarah noted the CMO's decline and raised the support arch over that biobed to keep her stable. She felt the deck plates shift in vibration as though the Sunfire were changing direction.


There could be time for thanks for the support from some of them. They still have an immediate threat to deal with. "I guess, we're going to be limping. While it's backed off, continue to find something to get behind, while we decide on what plan." House gave a glance to the rest of the Bridge crew.

Finchley looked round at Commander House "Sir, I'm sorry to say, but you need to leave the bridge, the CMO relieved you of your duty and asked Security to take you to your quarters, you need to go with them. I've just offered a solution to our current situation and I think we have a good shot at finally defeating that creature."

He watched sorrowfully as the Security guards came down to where they were all standing.

Looking round at Commander House again he said "I'm sure we can handle this situation now Sir, please Commander, can you follow the CMO's requirement and go with Security."

Bonnie had been scanning, and listening, but mostly scanning. It was the silence when she chose to offer what she had found. "Sirs, I believe this nebula is the creature's natural habitat. There are a number of food sources throughout so we must look like just another energy source." She stood and pled her findings, "If we blow the Ferengi core as Commander Finchley says, we may inadvertently kill the creature, which I'm sure violates General Order 2." She looked to S'thenosis for confirmation she had gotten the number right.

"What if we simply reduce all power emissions until we are beyond its reach? By then we should be able to drop a warning buoy and go to warp?"

S'thenosis nodded her agreement and addressed the sparring officers. "Seeing as we have reached a stalemate in this matter I invoke General Order 5 (taking temporary command under certain circumstances) until such time as a suitable replacement becomes available, and I hereby order this ship to follow Bonnie's plan." She moved to the center of the bridge and addressed Dean.

"Commander House, for violation of Regulation 76, firing a weapon at a superior officer, you are to be held in the brig until such time as a formal inquiry can be attempted to prove you acted of your own volition. Please go quietly and without issue with the security team and release your command to Commander Kerr, who will follow my orders. Is that clear gentlemen?"

"Absolutely clear Commodore" Finchley replied.

"I've about had it with you for the day, Commander Kerr. This is not your job to interject in this matter at every turn. I'm also relinquishing command to S'thenosis as the flag officer on the ship. Please resume your station, Kerr." Standing from the chair, "They can stay here, I know my way to the Brig, it's not the first time." Turning to go to the lift.

Finchley watched House go. As the Commander was under arrest, his last order to Finchley was by definition moot, but all the same, he did return to his console under his own volition.

Looking over to Commodore S'thenosis he said "Sir, if it's ok with you, you can transfer Commander House's Command Codes to my console and I can log them just now?"

Discourse managed, for now, S'thenosis turned and sat for the first time in the Command chair. It was an old familiar sting, the previous time on another boat called Sunfire. She looked at the control panel to familiarize herself once more before activating her command codes and shifting certain controls to Commander Kerrs' station. "You have control Mr. Kerr. Now, if you please, reduce power output to a minimum and move us away from the nebula. Best possible speed, if you please. Use whatever cover is necessary to mask our speed. Oh, and prepare a warning buoy for launch." She trusted that would cover all the points moving forward as they made a slow limping retreat back to the Beta Quadrant.


The creature inside Niali was confused, why were they leaving when everything was just beginning. It tried calling out to the whole but there was no reply. It did not want to be left behind
In this world of rules and regulations. It left Niali’s brain and carried on to the bridge.


Dean rest his head back a little, then looked back out, "Hey! Guard. Could I get a book or something to read in here?"


Ronson watched as the Sunfire withdrew from the creature, limping with its one nacelle and dropping power to reduce it's tastiness. As the ship created more distance the creature moved towards the mines, devouring them and giving the Sunfire precious time to beat a hasty retreat.


Around her, Dr. Wilson noticed a slow but steady improvement in the condition of her patients - baring Niali who was still unconscious.

"Captain your neural chemistry and anagrams are returning to normal. You may return to duty" She nodded towards Savar. As the distance between them and the nebula creature increased, the confusion, heightened emotional levels, elevated hormones, and adrenaline responses also began to drop. There appeared to be a definitive correlation between the distance they were to the nebula and the creature or creatures within.

"Sickbay to bridge, whatever it is you're doing, keep doing it. We're seeing an improvement in most of our patients"


S'thenosis pressed the communication panel button. "That is good to hear Doctor. All that we are attempting to do is put some distance between us and the creature. Are you suggesting that you were still seeing the effects even after we initiated the infrasound?" This theory could explain a great number of things, not the least being the personal conflict that played out on the bridge. If there was a chance Commander Houses' actions were a result of him not being in complete control of his own faculties, there would be hope for his vindication.

The creature entered the bridge through a vent right next to where Finchley stood. He had literally no time to react as it entered his mind. He'd heard the descriptions from the other crew members this had happened to, and he did his best to mentally fight back.

"Noooo!!!" he called out, holding his hands to his head. He wouldn't allow this to happen on the bridge again, this 'thing' mustn't be allowed to get control of anyone. Desperately concentrating, he forced himself to stumble away from his console, over to the turbolift and get the doors open. Staggering inside, he jabbed at the buttons for the lower decks.

He hit his COMM badge " Korial...that hypo you...used on people, bring eighteen..."


"Commander Kerr, Dr Korial is currently unconscious. I will beam you to sickbay" Dr Wilson replied to the comm-call, and instigated a site-to-site transport. She was puzzled - all the other patients had improved as the distance increased from the nebula.

Finchley found himself in sickbay.

"Oh,!!!" he said, "the...hypo...Korial used...give it me...Doctor. I don't ha...have much time!" he said to Wilson, holding out his hand

Dr Wilson cautiously pressed the hypo into his hand, her other hand already holding a strong analgesic. The security guards stepped forward, waiting for a signal from Wilson. She waited to see what Finchley would do.

" to site transport...deck eighteen, now" Finchley said. The blue hue of the transporter took him out of sickbay and to his destination. Stumbling along the corridor, using the wall for support, he reached the room he was seeking and entered.

Fighting to keep his conscious thoughts to the fore, he slowly made his way to the console at the back of the room. Punching in the Command code he'd been given, he opened up the warp core ejection port. A hiss behind him let him know it was now open, and he made his way over.

Pressing the hypo into his neck and plunging the button to release the spray within, he said to himself "'s end nobody else gets...hurt!" and began getting inside the port.

In his head, the creature heard his thoughts and knew its own life was in danger. It exited Finchley immediately and went inside the port itself. Soon it found its way through the port and out into open space and made for the area it had originally come from.

Finchley staggered back from the port to the console and entered the code to close it. He felt mentally and physically exhausted. Tapping his COMM badge he said "Commander Kerr to Commodore S'thenosis, I think that's us rid of the creature that has been on board, I managed to force it to go out through the warp core ejection port. I'm on my way back up to the bridge now."

"As you left your post without indication why, I could only presume you were dealing with matters of greater importance than getting the crew to safety. With that in mind, I gather whatever 'it' was is gone?" She responded before adding, "when you return would you do your best to check with each department, to be sure there aren't more of them anywhere on the ship, please? We would not like to bring one of these things back to Deep space Nine, I should think."

Finchley re-entered the bridge and walked over to the Commodore.


"I'm sorry about that Sir" Finchley replied to the Commodore, "but having heard from those that had had this happen to them, my first thought was to get myself away from everyone else here on the bridge to avoid endangering anyone, who knows what could have happened. The safety of this crew was, and always will be, first and foremost in my thoughts and actions. To answer your question, yes, I do believe this 'thing' is gone now and as per your order, I'll endeavor to find out from each department if there's not any more of them."

He returned to his station and began checking in with all departments, his hope being that there would be no more incidents reported.

Minutes later Bonnie reported from the Engineering station she had been working at, "All decks report minimum power state and zero energy output. External sensors register a 9% energy reading at a distance of .5 AU. I'd say we are as silent as the background radiation of space will allow give or take a lava lamp or two, um, ma'am." She did some quick calculations and reported some more information, "Also, at this rate of speed, we should be beyond the creatures projected range in forty-five minutes and at an estimated warp factor of 4 we should reach Deep Space Nine in 2.45 days."

S'thenosis sighed internally knowing they had plenty of time before the trial, but the stress of being on this ship and being patient were at odds with one another. "Thank you, Lieutenant. Perhaps we may yet make it there in one piece." She returned with a forked tongue.


Savar looked at Wilson, "Thank you for clearing me Doctor. How is Aurora?" he asked before Kerr suddenly materialized on Sickbay, begging Wilson for a hypo before he was transported away to Deck eighteen. "Explanation Doctor?" He asked Wilson.

" Your guess is as good as mine Sir, Dr Korial was working on the hypo, I wasn't working with her on it though. Finchley must have known what it was for. " Sarah explained.

Sandra, who had been unconscious, had started to fight what was trying to maintain its hold on her mind. Even through the sedation, the fight raged on until the ship started moving away. As the ship moved farther from the nebula, the more control Sandra got of her mind. Soon she was semi-conscious and struggling to sit up. "Ok what....where....oh my head," she exclaimed.

Niali remained unconscious in serious condition the Korial symbiont helping to heal the insult to her brain when the entity entered her. The symbiont himself had suffered damage and Niali’s injury when stabbed by Aurora also had a deleterious effect on both of them.

Dr Wilson moved over to Sandra who was regaining consciousness, placing a firm but friendly hand on her shoulder to prevent the pilot from rising. " Easy there, take a few moments" She encouraged whilst keeping half an eye on Niali's vitals as the Trill recovered.

"Am I cleared to return to the bridge Doctor and leave Aurora Dr. Korial and Commander Risa in your expert care? In addition will you please inform me immediately of any change in their condition?"

"Of course" Dr Wilson replied with a soft smile. She couldn't wait until this shift was over and the Sunfire return back to DS9 for repair. She needed sleep - a day, no a week of it.



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