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In the Thick of It

Posted on Mon Dec 20th, 2021 @ 10:33pm by Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla'ren & Commander Finchley Kerr & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Commander Jennifer Baldric & Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell
Edited on on Tue Dec 21st, 2021 @ 7:49pm

Mission: Gamma Quadrant
Location: Gamma Quadrant - Ion Cloud
Timeline: Current

Stepping out of the turbolift and down to the shuttle bay, finally, since Finchley took over dealing with Tactical, it seemed.

Already in the hanger bay, Bonnie watched as Dean entered in a hurry, "Are we being fired upon?" She asked, unsure of why Dean had asked her to join him in the hanger.

"Yup, we sure are. Not that it's doing anything really." Moving over to one of the flyers, also under the assumption she'd join him. "We got a little job and excursion to do."

She moved over to the flyer next to him, her tool kit well in hand. "Alright, what's the job? And what sort of excursion? Fill me in a bit will ya?"

Dean stopped a moment, "Oh right. So we need to install a sensor package onto this flyer here so we can take it into the cloud and get better readings and see what we're dealing with."

She eyed Dean, then looked at the flyer, "Or... we could... just use a runabout that has a sensor pod already attached?" She looked around quickly before pointing, "Like that one over there." She giggled slightly as she had to admit he was cute when he didn't quite see the whole picture and missed the simple solutions.

There was a shake of his head. "At least you're cute when you giggle, and correct me. We don't have a damn Delta Flyer, and you're right. We could use that." Looking from it and then Dean looked back to her. "So the next thing is we'll... how good of a pilot are you?"

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she lightly blushed, "Well, I'm no Jenna Ramthorne, no wait, I'm not even close to Jenna, in fact, I would be the complete opposite, in fact." Realizing she was jabber-jawing to herself she looked at Dean and wiggled her hand from side to side. "Meh?." She replied.

"I was just curious in case we needed it, so I can take care of that part. The consoles are multi-function anyway." Dean gave her a light smile. "Why don't we get to work, since I have another idea we could work on also. It'll take some time to get out there, so we can do surgery on some of the micro-torpedos to act as EMP grenades."

They were already approaching the runabout when her feet studdered. She looked at him and shook her head, "EMP grenades? Oy, boys and their toys. One of these days you're going to modify the wrong weapon. Blow your hand off or something." She put her hand on her hip, "And why pray-tell do we need an EMP, um, grenade?" Her curiosity went beyond the torpedoes because she was thinking about the deflector and its ability to siphon energy, acting in effect like an EMP, or even like... "I thought that's kind of why you created Betty?"

They had to hurry, it would not be long before they would need to launch the craft.

"Well yes, but it then is made to explode with the force of everything as it bounces. We don't... I think, want to explode their things. Just gently show them we can take them out if we wanted to. However, we're not. Even though they attacked us first."

Amused, she could only comment, "You know, you sometimes speak in circles? It's endearing, annoying, but endearing." She smiled before climbing up and into the runabout, giving him a full view of her derriere. They set to work prepping the runabout for launch and the torpedoes for an EMP burst.

"My brain works in mysterious ways, my dear." Giving a light smirk while he took advantage of the view. Following her inside and grabbing tools they may need were brought up with him.


"Sir, it's just a hypothetical question, but if we were to give these people low key information on why we're here, do you think it would convince them we're no threat and that we're on a peaceful search?" Finchley asked Savar.

"Just what information do you propose we share Commander?" Savar asked, interested to hear what Kerr would suggest.

"We could tell them that we're on a search mission for one of our ships that we've lost contact with, but we knew had been in this vicinity and we're just checking to find out if we can find any trace of them" Finchley replied "After all, it's not a lie, we did lose track of the Patterson, and though it's not our primary reason for being here, as in, to look for them, we still want to know where they went. Hopefully, that would convince them enough to allow us to search this area for what's here" he finished.

Aurora looked doubtful. “I can’t see that working. These people are absolutely terrified of us being here! They’re willing to destroy us just so we don’t tell anyone else about them.” She paused. “Actually, turning psychology on its head just might work. We have to convince them that if they destroy us, more and more ships will come!”

"They may be terrified" Finchley said "but telling them the truth is surely better than trying to use reverse psychology on them that may push them over the edge. So far only they've fired, we haven't. Telling them we have no intention to return fire would hopefully show them that we mean them no harm. Surely diplomacy would be a way to convince them."

Aurora nodded. “Sir, I agree with Commander Finchley’s plan.”

Savar looked between Aurora and Kerr. " Your statements are both logical and factual. In fact, I concur with your assessments of the situation. " He glanced at Aurora, "Aurora, please continue your conversation with them. I have found most people are more accepting of what a female tells them than a male." Savar pointed out.

Jennifer's eyebrows rose at the comment " I urge caution Commander, this is a first contact situation. Perhaps if we use the runabout with the sensor pod and get some further intelligence as to their shielding capabilities, and potentially shut down the defense platform - we could engage them on a neutral playing field."

Savar looked at Jennifer with approval. "Agreed Commander. Though I emphasize caution. Mr. House and Ms. Durnell are already in the shuttle bay, are they not?"

"Captain, how can we assure them of our peaceful intention if we go in there and just shut down their defense platform?" Finchley asked Savar, "that's us being aggressive towards them and it's a sure way for them to absolutely mistrust us completely. From a First Contact situation point of view, what Commander Baldric is suggesting is wrong, that's not First Contact, that's being dictatorial. Sir, I grew up as the son of a Chief Cultural diplomat, I've been around my fair share of First Contact situation and not one of them had the Federation being aggressors. True, they had to try and calmly work through aggression towards the Federation, but in the end, diplomacy and talking won through, not aggressive moves on our part."

" It levels the playing field and removes the advantage" Jennifer replied simply, but understood his position. She was known for her brash ideas and bold moves. Most had worked in her favor in the past, some however hadn't. It would remain with Savar to make the final decision. " We need more information about their weapons and defensive capabilities" She finished.

Savar listened to Kerr and baldric, they both made valid points in their respective arguments. "You both make compelling arguments." Savar stated, "However as this is essentially a First Contact mission, Commander Baldric and I will meet with the aliens. We will take the runabout with the sensor pod and record and send back to you any and all data we collect. This is not open for discussion. I represent the ship and in turn the Federation. Commander Baldric as mission advisor offers and brings a different perspective to this encounter so she will accompany me."

Jennifer looked from Savar to Finchley and back again " Yes Sir" She said simply as she rose. Finchley would be the officer in charge of the Sunfire whilst she and Savar attempted to head to the surface. They had completely different command styles which would be interesting to play out. "Perhaps Lt House and Lt Durnell should accompany us as pilot and engineer/technical genius?"

"That is agreeable Commander," Savar replied stoically.

“Commander” Aurora looked towards Savar. “With all due respect, with Captain Kaylen off-ship you are Commanding Officer of the Sunfire, it would be inappropriate for you to leave the ship.” She hated to say it but it had to be said.

Jennifer regarded Aurora with a critical gaze, her respect for the woman rising another notch.

"Sir, I volunteer to take Lt's House and Durnell" She turned her attention to the ship's commanding officer.

"I'm happy to volunteer to go on the shuttle in your place Captain" Finchley spoke up. He didn't think Jennifer had any kind of negotiating skill, she was far to gung ho and up for dictating rather having any kind of parley with this unknown assailant, someone had to be there to try and keep things on a calm level.

"Both of you volunteering is noted however my decision has been made. Commander Baldric, Lieutenants House and Durnell and myself are boarding the shuttle for this away mission." Savar replied in tone that indicated there would be no further discussion on the topic.

Another barrage of weapons fire assaulted the Sunfire, rocking the ship as its senior officers decided on the next course of action.

"Mr. Kerr, fire phasers at 30 percent power and open hailing frequencies." Savar instructed. "Let us see if they are willing to listen."

" Chancellor they are hailing again, our scans detect their shields are weakening" The communications crewman announced in a moment of almost pure panic.

" Open a channel, let us see if they will yield" He replied strongly, turning to face the large screen.

" Sunfire, your shields are weakening, you will not be permitted to leave. Prepare for your destruction" He announced, his voice brimming with confidence.

"Sir, you are in error. We have held our fire because we wish to show our good intentions however our patience has ended. Here is a taste of what we are capable of." Savar nodded to Kerr, "Mr. Kerr if you please as we have discussed."

"But if you leave, more will come. I can't let that happen. We survived many wars by hiding. No-one knows about this planet and that is how it will stay!" The Chancellor replied, his tone lifting a little.

"Aye Captain" Finchley replied. He targeted two of the firing platforms and fired the Sunfire's phasers. Two direct hits registered as true and the platforms ceased firing. They weren't destroyed, but were out of action.

"Firing completed Sir, the platforms as disabled" Finchley reported to Savar.

Back on the planet Phobe, all hell was breaking loose..never before had their weapons platform been disabled. The Grand Chancellor called for calm, but he was unsure just to what effect his words would have on his xenophobic population.

"Thank you Mr. Kerr." Savar replied calmly as he returned his attention to the Grand Chancellor. "Sir, now may we talk without any further use of violence. We mean you no harm and no one else will come."

"You can't promise that no-one else will come" the Chancellor retorted, he know they were at an impasse though. With one weapon platform inoperable, there was a weakness in defense. It seemed obvious this ship was going nowhere.

"Sir, you are being illogical in your thoughts. Let us meet and we can come to a solution that will be beneficial to both parties." Savar replied patiently to the Grand Chancellor.

" Don't talk logic to me until you have survived numerous wars using what you have just destroyed!" The Grand Chancellor's voice boomed through the speakers on the bridge " Our weapons platforms and shielding keep this planet safe. How will we be safe now?"

"Because we have engineers who can rebuild and upgrade them..." Finchley said under his breath.

"Precisely Mr. Kerr." Savar whispered back before returning his attention to the Grand Chancellor. "Sir your platform is disabled not destroyed. That should prove our good intentions. Let us meet to discuss the political situation further."

The Grand Chancellor seemed unconvinced. "No other beings have set foot on this planet for thousands of years. Not one! " He seemed to be grasping at straws in order to conceal his utmost terror at hosting these other beings.

"Then perhaps it's time they broadened their group of friends" Finchley added quietly.

" I will meet you on the defence platform, away from others" The Chancellor came up with an idea to protect his people from these outsiders.

"Very good Grand Chancellor. There will be four in our party, please bring as many as you feel you need. When would you like this meeting to take place?" Savar inquired.

The Grand Chancellor looked around at the terrified faces around him. "In 1/4 of a rotation" he stammered, already petrified of the situation he was about to face. They had been hiding for so long no-one had even spoken to an off worlder in centuries.

"As you wish Grand Chancellor, we will see you and your party on the defense platform then. I look forward to meeting you and discussing our current situation to our mutual benefit." Savar answered.

The Grand Chancellor closed the channel and tried to compose himself. His people had no dignitaries or ambassadors, they had no use for them. He would have do do this himself. Sighing he opened a channel to the Great Queen and informed her of the situation.



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